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present !

⸺"I SURVIVED ON SCRAPS. CANNED FOOD, cockroaches, anything I could find." Five and Vanya were in the kitchen talking while Maria was just sitting on the couch thinking. She couldn't figure out how she got Diego's knife to stop in mid air. She knew that the shape that came out of her hand was what it looked liked when she walked on air. She could make herself so light that she could literally walk on air. She kept thinking that maybe she made the air around the knife so light that there wasn't any gravity and the knife just started floating. She was knocked out of her thoughts by Five and Vanya's conversation. "You know that rumor that Twinkies have an endless shelf life? Well, it's total bullshit."

"I can't even imagine." Vanya empathized.

"You do whatever it takes to survive or you die. So we adapted. Whatever the world threw at us we found a way to overcome it."

"We?" Vanya questioned.

"You think I'm crazy." Five spoke with disbelief.

"No...it's just a lot to take in." Maria then stood up interjecting. "Hey Five, lay off her, okay? You just said probably the craziest thing she's ever heard and she lived with Klaus for most of her life."

Five just ignored her. "Exactly what don't you understand?"

"Why didn't you just time travel back?" Vanya questioned.

"Gee, wish I'd thought of that." Five replied sarcastically. Maria just sighed and walked back over to the couch and sat down. She let Five and Vanya talk while she let her thoughts take over. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Her visions were starting to come back to her and it was making her head hurt insanely. She didn't want anyone to know about these visions and so she figured they wouldn't even notice she was gone so she just got up and left. She was right too. They didn't notice she was gone.

She decided to walk all the way back to the house which took her about an hour but once she got there, she went to bed. She was drifting off to sleep when suddenly something unexpected popped into her head. Diego.

In the morning she came downstairs to see Klaus in a rainbow, tiger print speedo and he was mumbling to himself. She could although hear this voice in her head which was odd because it sounded a lot like...No it couldn't be...Could it?

"You know you talk in your sleep?"

"Oh...oh" Klaus started going through all of his stuff desperately. "There's no point, you're out of drugs."

"Shut your pie hole, Ben! Said with love." He then blew a kiss towards nothing. Maria walked into the room and startled Klaus. "Why did you say Ben?"

"Oh my god! Jesus flower, don't scare me like that!" Klaus spoke as he jumped slightly.

"Why did you say Ben?" Maria asked again.

"Oh, just talking to the voices...in my head." Klaus came up with an excuse.

"Hmm..." Maria said, clearly not believing him.

"I've got crazy idea, why not try starting your day with some orange juice or some eggs?" A sudden voice spoke.

"You can't smoke eggs." Klaus replied.

"What the hell? Who said that?" Klaus looked at her with confusion, but then he realized something. "Flower, can you hear the person who just told me to have eggs and orange juice instead of my lovely drugs?"

Light As A Feather..Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now