Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 2

Start from the beginning

Obi Wan: ...We should team up

Satine: Hmm, tell me, how do you look in mandalorian armor?

Obi Wan: Like a boss

Satine: An alliance it is then

Plo Koon: Little 'Soka, I propose we make a truce

Ahsoka: I'm listening!

Plo Koon: Aaura Sing and Boba Fett are guarding the easter stair rail. If we work together and take them out, then maybe we'll have a chance

Ahsoka: ....what do you say Rex, Jesse?

Rex: I'm in

Jesse: Game. We gotta catch up

Ahsoka: It's a deal

Wolffe: Good to have some allies

Plo Koon: Well, we were with Shaak Ti, but she didn't make it very far

Shaak Ti: I still don't understand the part where I'm dead! Look at me, I'm still alive, aren't I?

Ahsoka: Okay, here's what I was planning. Jesse was going to sneak into the cleaning closet and turn on Mace Windu's vacuum as a distraction while we sneak past

Plo Koon: Sounds like a plan to me!

Adi Gallia: I thought you said you knew what you were doing???

Hondo: I do. Everyone is just not doing what I want them to be doing!

Adi Gallia: Well that's helpful. Urg! Aayla and Kit just snuck past the first level!

Aayla: Wahoo!!! Take that loosers!

Kit: Don't draw attention to ourselves!

Hondo: I think it is a time we chose an ally fish Jedi!

Adi Gallia: I'm not a- okay, I choose Kenobi, he and Satine are slaying it in bada$$ Mandalorian armor

Hondo: Kenobi! It is I, you're friend Hondo!!!

Obi Wan: We are not friends

Adi Gallia: Look, can we just team up-

Satine: What is that?

-An angry Savage charges straight for them

Adi Galla: When did he get here??

Obi Wan: Who cares! He's-

-Savage shoots Adi and gets her out of the game

Hondo: Noo!!!! My one ally! Eh, who cares. Now I have Kenobi

Maul: Kenobi....did you really think you could run away from me?

Obi Wan: Seriously? Can I not even have a break from you on May the 4th?

Maul: No

Obi Wan: Maul, you don't have to do this. I know what you've been through- I know what it feels like to loose your shoes-

Maul: Silence!

Hondo: ....Ima head out. I think I willa take my chances with Aaura Sing

Plo Koon: Now!

-Plo Koon and Ahsoka shoot Aaura Sing and Boba Fett while they're distracted by the vacuum

Aaura: This game was lame anyway

Boba Fett: Next time, I make my own team

Rex: Clear! Clear!

Jesse: Onto the next level!

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