Pt. 35 fin

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Yo- last chapter. Thank you guys so much for reading this book. I'm so glad you guys liked it. I love seeing all of your comments. With regards to streaming, I'm hoping to stream either tmrw or next week. Anyways thanks for the support and I hope you enjoy!!

Y/n's P.o.v
I pressed the call button taking a deep breath. After the stream it made me realise how much I really did miss him. Even just as a friend. I wanted to hear his voice again, see his smile, his laugh. I was so convinced he was my soulmate. Being without him was putting me in more pain than I was in before we got together. He has probably moved on, but being his friend again would stop a lot of my mental health issues that I've developed the past month. But here's goes nothing's.

"H-hey." I awkwardly started.
"Uh hey." He looked different. He had bags under his eyes as if he had gotten barely any sleep. And from what i could see he had lost weight. Not too much but a noticeable amount. Not a healthy amount at least. But there he was, but wasn't. Where was that person I fell in love with all those months ago?
"How's things been"
"Not the best but you know. That's life I guess"
"Mm Yh. Same for me."
"I heard you quit streaming. You planning on continuing to become an author?" He didn't sound the same either. His voice was lifeless and had lost its energy.
"Yeah. I thought it was the best thing for me."
"Y/n why did you want to call me? We haven't talked in weeks and all of a sudden you want to talk. You left me and, and now you think we can just automatically be friends and talk again?" He blurted out. With a bit more energy.
"I get it if you want to talk again. I just missed you." He looked up at his phone, with a slight look of relief.

Alex's P.o.v

"I just missed you." This caused me to look at her through the phone. She misses me? I thought she  had moved on. I thought she didn't want to be friends. I thought she never wanted to see me again. But she misses me?
"Really? I mean I miss you too. Every day I think about you. All the fucking time, I can't get you out of my head. And Karl must be fed up of the amount of times I would moan to him about how much I missed you. I mean damn I was convinced we were soulmates."
This seemed to take her by surprise. Had I said too much? Maybe she has moved on, she just wanted to catch up. 
"So did I. What If we are?"
"I mean sure there's platonic soulmates." I said as I was sure she meant as friends.
"No you dumbass. What if we're soulmates soulmates?"
"You really think so?" I asked her.
"Maybe. All I know is I'm still in love with you alex."

Y/n's P.o.v
"I'm still in love with you Alex." It felt good to get it out. I still love him. A lot. And I've been giving it some thinking. After quitting streaming being with Alex wouldn't be such a heavy stress on me anymore. The only reason I left him was because I wasn't in a good place, because of the online hate. Now I don't have to deal with that, nothing would damage my mental health of I was go get back with him. The question is, does he want me back? After telling him, he stayed quiet for a while.
"I- uh um." He doesn't?
"Its ok I understand." I went to go end the call but before I could, i get interrupted.
"I'm still in love with you too."  He does.


Epilogue ( 2 years later)~
Me and Alex didn't get back together.

I'm just kidding, we took time to slowly get back into a relationship and after about 6 months I asked him to move in. We have a dog named dumbo and he is so cute:

After talking openly to Alex about my mental health, he was really helpful

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After talking openly to Alex about my mental health, he was really helpful. I decided to get a therapist to help me and it seemed to be going well. As for me and Alex, everything is perfect, well not everything. He still acts like a child if he doesn't get what he wants, but I guess that's kinda cute. But can be a real pain in the ass sometimes when I'm trying to write and every thirty seconds he wants cuddles. My writing is going well. I'm writing a book at the moment, it's a romance. I've always loved romance books.
Today me and Alex were planning on going to that same restaurant, to celebrate our one year anniversary. Every day with Alex I learn something new and so does he. I teach him, he teaches me. We're learning to love again. But I'm way past learning. I've Already fallen deep.

I picked up my computer and took it over to our bed. I love being able to say our bed. I grabbed some carrot sticks and began to type away, coming to the end of my story. Alex came in five minutes later and sat on the bed next to me.
"I want attention" he huffed whilst playing with my hair.
"I'm busy."
"But- hermosaa please" he pouted.
"That nickname gets me every time. Give me 5 more minutes, I've nearly finished the book." His pout quickly turned into a wide smile.
"Lets gooo! What's the story about? I never asked"
"It's about two streamers who find each other through this thing called the dream SMP, don't know if you've heard of it. And some things get in the way and they lose each other. But they learn to love again"
"You know that story seems kind of familiar"
"Really?? Hmm isn't that weird." I replied.
"What's it called?"
"I'm not sure yet. Any ideas?"
"How about hermosa?"
"I like that one" I titled the story, saved it and turned of my computer. Immediately i was jumped onto but non other than Mr Alex Quackity and attacked with kisses.
"I love you Alex."
"I love you too hermosa"


Well I feel like that was a shit ending. But what a plot twist. Y/n has been writing this all along. That doesn't mean I'm y/n lmao although I wouldn't mind being her.. but it means whoever you put y/n as, wrote this. I hope it makes sense. But anyways thank you guys so much for reading this story. I really never expected this many people to read it. I am absolutely shocked at how many people did. But I love and appreciate you all. Thank you <3 also I will be taking a few weeks break before the new story comes out ✌️😎

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