Pt. 17 day one

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Y/n's P.o.v
I woke up wrapped in Alex's arms, he was snoring slightly I looked up at him, admiring his peaceful face. I traced the edges of his face working my way up to his hair. I began playing with his scruffy hair, he seemed to like it because a smile grew on is face and he let out a hum. As I stopped, he slowly opened his eyes and saw me looking up at him he gave a small pout.
"Why did you stop?" He asked, his voice was croaky and a lot deeper, his sleepy voice is just so cute. I continued to rub my fingers through his soft black hair. As I did so he kissed my forehead, closed his eyes again and drifted of to sleep. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and slowly fell asleep thinking about how lucky I am to have him.

A few hours later we woke up around 11am, still cuddled in his arms.
"Good morning hermosa"
"Good morning duck boyy" i replied
"Heyyy you know I don't like people calling me that," he whined, still with his sleepy voice.
"Yh but you like it when I say it though." I teased.
"Hmmm your right, i like anything that comes out of your mouth. Hearing your voice is a blessing."
"What a simp." I joked
"Your my simp tho" at this he blushed, causing me to blush too.
After a few minutes of enjoying each other's presence, we got out of bed and made some breakfast. I decided I would make us pancakes. Whilst Alex was in the shower, I got out all of the ingredients and started to cook. I put the plate in front of Alex, a puzzled look came over his face.
"These aren't pancakes."
"Yh they are"
"Their crepes, you know the french things" he giggled
"Well they're what we call pancakes in England, the ones your used to are aMeRiCaN pancakes. Now eat up loser." I laughed and started to eat.
After clearing up and getting changed we sat on the sofa. I placed my head on his lap and began to play with my hair. I stared up at his inviting brown eyes which were already looking into mine. That's when i knew, he's the one. He's my soulmate.
"So what do you want to do today duck boy?"
"Hmm i don't know." He replied
"Well how about we go for a walk, I know I good place we can go to?"
"Sounds great hermosa" I sat up and smiled at him. I leant closer to him and gave him a short kiss on the cheek.
"How about we go now?"
We got up and got ready to leave. As it was winter it was freezing in London, so I grabbed my big coat and gloves. We left my apartment and just got out of the front doors. The cold air hit me like a brick and I immediately started shivering. My ears turned a pinky red Colour and they began to sting.
"Wait can I go back to get something real quick?" Alex asked me, I handed him the Keys and waited in the main area for him. After about 5 minutes, Alex came down the stairs with something in his hand. It was his LAFD beanie, as he was already wearing his puma one I was confused and he could see that I was.
"For you, hermosa" he put the beanie on my head, covering my ears. He then intertwined his fingers with mine as I led the way.

Hermosa// Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now