Pt 29. karl..?

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Ngl I've kinda fallen for Karl too now. I still love Quackity as well tho.
This is kinda short but I might update again later

T.w. Sexual harassment
Y/n's P.o.v
My immediate thought was to go to the skate park. I didn't have my board with me but it could still just sit there and clear my mind. I let my feet dangle from the half-pipe. It was early in the morning so no one was about except for the local drunks and homeless people. But I didn't feel uneasy about them being around as I usually would. Right now, I couldn't give a fuck.
"Shit.." I mumbled to myself as the tears finally came through. For some reason my reaction was delayed, perhaps my body couldn't comprehend all the overwhelming emotions so i just froze and became numb. I could tell by the speed of the tears that my mascara had smudged and was smeared across my cheeks. I could taste the saltiness of the tears as I did all those months ago, when I was with Alex in Mexico. I must of sat there for 40 minutes just crying, until an unrecognisable man walked towards me, he was quite clearly drunk too.
"Y'alright darling. What's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?" As my brain had been taken over by alcohol, I didn't panic or feel in danger.
"My boyfriend cheated on me" I said between sobs.
"What a dick, you know I would treat you so much better." He got closer to me, eventually placing a hand on my thigh, then moving it to my inner thigh, tightly squeezing it.
"please don't"
"I'm just trying to treat you they way you deserve" his actions increased as I tried to pull away, but was held by his strong hand.
"Please stop. Get off" I began to panic.
"You aren't going anywhere"
"get the fuck off of her" i recognised the voice of the boy who had given me a glass of water and pills not too long ago. Karl.
The guy stopped what he was doing, keeping a firm grasp on my waist and turned to Karl.
"And you think you can stop me" he bitterly spoke. Karl moves closer to the guy and swings at him, punching him in the nose.
"What the fuck dude" the guy pinched his nose to stop the blood from pouring. He walked away, swaying due to the amount alcohol he had probably consumed.
"Y/n are you ok?" He came and sat next to me as I cried even more. He comforted me for a while I calmed down and comprehended everything that had happened tonight.
"I- I just can't believe it, I thought he liked me"
"He does. Trust me. And I'm sure there's been a misunderstanding. Of course that doesn't make what he did right, but you should at least hear him out."
"I don't know" the tears had slowed down now.
"And if you still don't feel comfortable or if you feel as though you've lost trust in the relationship, just take a break from it and revisit it all in a few months."
"I guess". I looked up at Karl

Karl's P.o.v
She looked up at me with her beautiful y/e/c eyes, they were glassy from crying and she seemed to be on the verge of tears again. A single tear escaped from her eye, I moved my thumb closer and wiped it away but kept my thumb on her cheekbone. She looked so pretty. I wanted to kiss her. I leant in to kiss her, but before I could connect our lips she pulled away.
"Karl. I can't. I want to, but I can't"
"I really like you y/n"
"I-. But I'm with Alex."
"I know and it's shit. I want to be with you"
"I don't know what to say to you."
"You don't need to say anything. Just think about it."
"Hm. We should head back"
"Okay" things should've felt awkward, but they didn't. Nothing felt awkward or uncomfortable with her. I saw her shiver, she was only in a dress and had nothing covering her arms.
"Here, take my jacket." I took off my jacket and handed it to her to put on.
"Thanks" it was oversized on her, it looked cute.
"You look cute in that".

Hermosa// Quackity x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora