Pt.28 The Party 🚊🏃‍♀️(pt 2)

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Btw I didn't proof read ✌️

Y/n's P.o.v
"Y/n, have you seen Natalia anywhere?"
"I haven't seen her for the past 10 minutes. I'm worried." Wilbur said.
My mind immediately started thinking of the worst possible outcomes, and because I was drunk, my emotions were heightened.
"Wilbur" my voice broke. It was a mixture of anger and sadness. I'm 99% Sure that wherever we'd find Natalia, we'd find Alex too.
"Lets check the bathroom?" I asked, hesitantly.
We went to the bathroom, the doors were closed. "Wilbur If what I thinks gonna happen will happen, I am so sorry." I held my breath as he reached for the handle. I'm not the best at dealing with emotions. I either get really upset or really angry. Right now it could go either way, and considering I had consumed a large amount of alcohol this evening I was sure to become even more emotional. As he opened the door I could make out the figures of two people, close to each other. My heart shattered. The lights were off, so Wilbur turned them on.
They they were, kissing. Surprisingly, I showed no emotions. I felt numb, empty. I stood there, for about 5 seconds, as the bitch herself pushed Alex off of her, saying
"Alex! Get off of me" after that she stormed out, nudging me as she went past. I didn't react whatsoever, I just stood there. Alex looked up at me, with tears appearing in his eyes as he realised that I had seen them together.
"Y/n- I.." he struggled to get his words out. I snapped back into reality, the recent event drowning out all of my drunken thoughts. But still, there were no tears. Instead of staying to listen to the poor excuse Alex would try to give, I left the room and stormed out of the apartment. Everyone stared at me as I left, I presume they all discussed what had happened after i ran away. Wilbur stayed, he was in bits, of course I will talk to him later, but not right now. What a dick, how could I be so naive, I thought to myself.

Alex's P.o.v
(Just wasn't to clarify that they were in the dark. Alex was very drunk so he never thought that it wasn't y/n)
Y/n moved closer to me and began to kiss me. I kissed back. Damn I love her.
"I love you" I said between kisses. She didn't reply. She just kept kissing me.
Suddenly the lights were turned on, and there were two people standing at the door.
I was immediately pushed by the person who had been kissing me, Natalia.
"Alex! Get off of me" she ran out of the room. It wasn't y/n, why am I so fucking dumb. How did I not know my own girlfriend. I looked at the people standing at the door.
It was Wilbur and y/n. Y/n stood there staring at me. My heart was crushed. It looks like I was the one kissing Natalia which I guess is true but it was because I thought it was y/n. Hopefully she'll understand that right?
"Y/n, I-.." I struggled to get my words out. I honestly didn't know what to say to her. Sorry isn't enough. After about 5 seconds of standing there with a blank expression she snapped back into reality and ran off. No tears though. I heard the front door to her apartment slam shut. It must of been her.
"Fuck. I'm such a dick" I groaned, tears rolling down my face.
"What the fuck is wrong with you." Oh no. It's Wilbur.
"Wilbur it's not what it looks like." He got closer to me as though he wanted to hurt me.
"You were with MY girlfriend, cheating on MY best friend" he was right, it's makes me sound like a complete dick.
"You better have a good fucking reason as to what you were doing you prick" his voice became louder and it put me under pressure. At this point, mostly everyone was outside the bathroom listening.
"I-.." Wilbur swung his fist at me, punching me in the nose. It began to bleed almost immediately. Dream and Sapnap came in to stop Wilbur from hurting me even more. Philza, Tommy and Tubbo went with Wilbur to calm him down, whilst George and Karl came with me.
We went into y/n's bedroom. I began to cry, this could be my last time in her room. She is probably going to end things with us. She won't be able to trust me. Karl took me into a hug. It felt comforting but not as warm and full of love as y/n's. After I calmed down, we sat on her bed. George went and got me some water and pills to get rid of my headache. Whilst Karl got and Ice pack for my nose. It's great to have such supportive friends, even when I'm such a dick.
"What did you do?" Karl asked me.
"I know I look like such a dick."
"Well I mean your not wrong" George replied. Karl lightly punched on the arm as if to say "shut up".
"I was taken into the bathroom by Someone. The lights were of, it was a girl so I presumed it was y/n, It's sounds crazy that I couldn't tell that it wasn't my own girlfriend. And I feel like shit for that."
"So you kissed her anyway." Karl said.
"Well Yh. But she kissed me first."
"Oh shit." the British boy said.
"So she cheated on Wilbur?" He said again.
"Fuck, I feel bad for Wilbur. He really liked her. But I mean red flags from the start after she lied to y/n about you being a cheater" Karl added.
"How do you know about that?" I asked Karl. I hadn't told him.
"Y/n. She tells me a lot actually, it's nice that she can trust me".
"Oh what and she can't trust me. So she comes to you instead." I began to get jealous.
"No no not at all. We're just good friends that's all." I was about to argue with him but George interrupted with,
"Alex you should be more worried about where she is. She ran off. It's 2 am god knows what could happen to her." He's right. Fuck. Now I'm worried something will happen to her. Especially as she is drunk.
"I have to go find her."
"I doubt she'll want to see you." George reminded me.
"I'll go, I'll find her and talk to her. I won't tell her everything. I think I'll leave that to you Alex." Karl said.
"Okay. Please make sure she is okay."
"I promise." And off he went. Shit. Now I have to talk to Wilbur. And god knows where Natalia's gone. Fucking bitch.

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