Pt. 27 The party 🚊🏃‍♀️(pt. 1)

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This is in two parts as I couldn't finish it in one and I wanted you guys to see it

Alex's P.o.v
The first person to arrive was Karl. Karl is probably the person I'm closest to, I feel like I can tell him everything, I trust him with my life. I'm so glad him and y/n have been getting to know each other, I'm sure they'd be great friends. However sometimes I do get jealous when she gets super close with any of my friends. I'm super excited for the party, we're gonna get so drunk and it's gonna be so fun. I wonder if bbh will drink?

After about 30 minutes, everyone had arrived. Wilbur and Natalia seem happy together, I'm glad for her that she finally found someone and the same for Wilbur.
We started off by playing this game like never have I ever where you drink a shot every time you've done the thing. Surprisingly bbh played along, but as he's an "innocent" person, he drunk the least. We played like 4 more games and by the time we'd reached the third, y/n was already pretty drunk. I guess she can't take alcohol that well. Her becoming drunk make me feel quite anxious, I was worried that she'd do something stupid and hurt herself. So I tried to stay with her for the rest of the night.
About 2 hours into the night y/n had gotten quite drunk, I was trying to stop her from drinking much more.
"Alexxx you need to lighten uppp. Cmon have a drinkkk, get drunk with mee" she spoke out, slurring her words slightly
"Y/n you're flat out drunk I think it's time we stop with the drinks."
"Cmonnnn, Pwease." She lolled up at me with puppy eyes. Maybe a few more won't hurt.
"Hmm ok."
"Yayyyy. I love youuu"
"Mhm Yh I love you too" i replied.
"Ewww guysss Alex is a simp for meee" y/n shouted.
I had quite a few more drinks, which made me calm down. The anxious thoughts slowly disappeared as I became more drunk.
"Schlatt you broke my hearttt" i cried out as a joke.
"I'm sorry mamacita, I found better people."
"Karl, im so heart brokenn" i lent on Karl for a hug. At this point I wasn't sure where y/n was. Probably off dancing with Wilbur. Then I felt a tug at my shoulder and was dragged into the bathroom. The bathroom lights where turned of, so I couldn't make out who it was. Until I felt their hair. It was y/n. Or so I thought.

Y/n's P.o.v
I was dancing with Will for quite a while. I danced and sung along to the words until my throat dried up.
"I'm gonna go get a drink, I'll be back in a bit." I shouted into wills ear so he could hear me.
"Okay" .
I walked into the kitchen and poured another alcoholic beverage into my cup.
"Don't you think you've have quite a lot tonight." It wasn't Alex, so I turned around to see Karl.
"I don't know. Alcohol just makes me forget all the bad things you know."
"Yh I get that. But you'll regret it tomorrow. Here have some water and take these pills. You'll thank me later"
"Ughhh ok." I took the pills and drunk the water.
"So.. you and Alex huh?"
"Yup, for about four months now."
"You're cute together"
"Thank youu"
"How about you. You got a special someone?"
"No not really."
"What about Niki?"
"Nah. Not my type."
"So what is your type then?"
"Can I be honest with you?"
"Uh sure"
"You're pretty much my type down to a t"
" o-oh. Um thank.. you?" It felt kinda awkward but my drunk state covered up the fact that I felt awkward. I mean Yh Karl is cute, but I'm with Alex, and he's the one for me.
"I'm gonna go find Alex. See ya"
I left as quick as I could and searched the apartment for my boyfriend. But he was nowhere to be seen. I must of asked everyone, but they didn't know where he had gone either. I presumed he went to the toilet.
"Y/n, have you seen Natalia anywhere?" Wilbur asked me.


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