Pt. 9 In My Head

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A/n: Hey so this chapter is going to focus mainly on Alex and what's going on in his head :)) Also, I'm trying to improve my writing skills so the story should start to get better and go into more depth. I feel like this might be cringey to write, but it's cute. 

Alex's P.o.v 

I feel so blessed to have y/n as a friend, she's always there for me when I'm down or even when I'm simply just bored, she'd just stay on call with me till late hours of the night. We'd talk for hours upon hours about the most random things, every single second I spent with her and every single word she said meant so much to me. I really couldn't imagine life without her. And I know we've only known each other for like what, a month? yet it feels as if I've known her all my life, she's constantly on my mind 24/7. I love everything about her: her affectionate smile that lights up every room; the way she sheepishly tucks her hair behind her ear every time I compliment her; her mesmerising e/c eyes that stare deeply into mine making my stomach fill with butterflies and they way she bops her head to the beat of a song. I could go on about her for hours on end. She genuinely makes my heart skip a beat, I'm deeply falling- 

And I should probably tell her how I feel. I should probably confess my deep feelings and come clean. Who knows? She might like me back, but I just have this gut feeling that she doesn't want what I long for. All of my past relationships sucked, they mostly lasted a few months or weeks and I've been cheated on multiple times, it hurts. After my last failed relationship, I promised that the next would be the one, I want to fully commit to a relationship that would last.

 There was this thing I saw once, it said that soulmates can feel one another pain, not just the type of pain when someone falls over but the mental pain they feel. When y/n tells me she hasn't slept or eaten it truly hurts, to know that she isn't eating properly makes my heart ache. I never really though much of it until now. Now that she's here with me, since the first moment of her running into my arms, feeling her touch, I knew. She's my soulmate. 

After hours and hours of pondering on whether to confess to her or not, I thought of the perfect idea, whether I had the balls to pull it off or not was another question. It was an amazing idea though, and even if she didn't like me back, it would still be a beautiful memory... 

That's it, I'm going to do it. I'm actually going to tell her. 

God I'm so fucking scared.  

A/N: I enjoyed writing this so much ahhh, it's a little cringey but could you imagine someone thinking about you like this... omg it would be so cute. I wish haha. Anyway, I'm going to be keeping the way Alex confesses as its a really cute idea, I can't wait to write it!!

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