Pt. 8 Natalia

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T.W. slight mention of abuse and alcohol. 

Alex's P.o.v 

"Alex! Is that really you?" Natalia was one of my closest friends when I was in school, we would do everything together. Until she moved away to Canada, we sort of lost contact after a while. I guess she had made new friends and had forgotten about me.

"Natalia! OMG it's been such a long time. How are you?!" I was really excited to see her, I haven't seen her in years.

"I'm great thanks, I'm here to visit my grandparents since I haven't seen them in so many years" She seemed so happy now. The reason she had moved to Canada was because of her father, he used to abuse her, he was an alcoholic. She had managed to escape one night and come to my house. My parents rang social services for her and the next thing, she was on a plane to Canada to live with her new parents. I'm so happy that everything worked out for her. 

Natalia's P.o.v 

When I saw Alex, I was ecstatic. We used to hang out everyday, it was an escape from my dad. Alex was always so supportive, he would tell me that everything would turn out alright, I never believed him but thanks to his parents it did.  

When I walked over, I noticed he was with a girl. They looked so happy together and very much in love. There was no way that they weren't together. I'm happy that he finally managed to get a girlfriend. 

"So, is this your girlfriend?" Immediately, both of their faces became bright red. 

"oh... um no. This is y/n. y/n this is Natalia, we were best friends when we were younger" I've known Alex for so long, I could tell that he definitely liked her and it seemed like she liked him too. 

"Well its nice to meet you y/n." We talked for a little bit longer, I got to know y/n. She seemed really nice and she made Alex happy. They were a perfect match. We exchanged numbers, and I left them to continue their cute little picnic. 

Y/n's P.o.v

Natalia was really nice, and super pretty. When Alex told me that they were best friends when they were younger, I felt a burn in my stomach. Jealousy? no, I don't think so. Even so, that's wrong how could I feel jealous over this, she was just an old friend. I kind of wish I knew Alex on that level. or maybe more.. 

I was going to confess my feelings to Alex before we were interrupted but now I don't think I can, she was beautiful and way prettier than me. Alex would never like someone like me. 

"y/n, what were you going to say earlier?" Alex asked as we were driving home. 

"oh- um I can't remember, mustn't've been important" I lied. I hated lying to him but this was for the best. I don't think I could handle rejection right now. 

"Oh ok then.." he replied. We continued to drive home. I just kept thinking about what could've happened if we weren't interrupted. Thank god she did otherwise this car journey would've been so much more awkward. I've experienced rejection before, it hurts.   

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