Isa was silent for a while before she gasped, "I know what you should do!"


"Get a pet!" she basically shouted into the phone.

"Isa pets are expensive and require a lot of effort."

Isa didn't waste any time countering, "They also give you a friend you can rely on. Someone who's waiting for you when you get home!"

I sighed, "Which is a problem, I'm at work all day and I have a busy social life, how in the world am I supposed to take care of a puppy or something? I don't have the time!"

"Come on girl! You make time. I know you spend a lot of time in the teacher's lounge just hoping people will talk to you. You could go home instead and spend time with your pet! And you don't have to get a puppy or kitten. You can get a low maintenance animal. Like a hamster! Or just get an older dog. The shelter has plenty of dogs who are used to being home alone and they are trained!" Isa spoke.

I paused, she did have a point. I looked around the empty apartment. Maybe a pet would spruce things up a bit. "You know what? I'll think about it for a while. You do make good arguments."

Isa squealed, "Oh I'm so visiting to meet your pet once you have it!"

I chuckled, "I said I'll think about it. Nothing is set in stone."

"Sure sure. Just make sure to keep me updated." Isa responded and I could hear the smirk on her face.

"I will," I looked at the clock and noticed it was already 10. My alarm was set at 6 tomorrow morning, "Hey, I have to go to bed. Early day tomorrow."

"Ok! We should call again soon alright?" Isa spoke.

I smiled, "Of course! Goodnight sis!"

"Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the..."

"Squirrels bite." I finished with a chuckle.

I was a weird kid. Most people were afraid of monsters under the bed. But I once saw a squirrel attack a guy in the park and after that I became terrified of them. I was so scared they would attack me at night, my sister would have to sleep next to me for months before I calmed down.

After Isa hung up I got ready for bed, the idea of getting a pet still on my mind. I guess I'd have to do some research later this week. I looked around the room just before I turned off my lights. Imagining a dog or cat on my bed cuddling up next to me before I fell asleep. It was a nice thought. With it, I turned off my lights and laid down in bed. Sleep came soon afterwards.


Not a week later I stood in front of a pet shop. It was Tuesday, my day off, and I had decided today was the day I would adopt a pet. I thought about it all week and did plenty of research. My friends were going wild when I asked them for my opinion. Robin came from a farm where they had plenty of animals so she was super excited. Fred had a cat herself and told me it helped her with loneliness too, even though she was more introvert and could handle being alone more often.

I even asked my students for their opinion, and they went wild with ideas and names. One kid told me to get a pet spider, which I quickly turned down. Spiders weren't my thing, if one showed up in my apartment I usually called Robin over to kill it for me, while I hid somewhere until she would arrive.

I had decided to get a dog. I was more of a dog person than a cat person, and I felt like a dog could really become a friend. Hamsters and those kind of animals felt less like a friend than a dog would be. I stood in front of an animal shelter that sold mostly older dogs they rescued. I didn't want a puppy, as cute as they were. And figured I could give a rescued dog a new life.

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