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Not a lot of people know that Rouge Cheney has a little sister named Rochelle Cheney why do you think Rouge was raised by a dragon in the first place, well this is the story of Rochelle Cheney  "Big brother look at the new dress mommy made for me" shouted a cute little four-year-old  "that looks amazing, Rochelle" says a five-year-old Rouge  The Cheney family was known in a small town named Sun Petal  Mrs.Cheney was known for making the fluffiest bread and bake goods while Mr.Cheney is known for having the best Kendo studio in the town everything was peaceful and wonderful but happy endings don't stay too long.

"Wait, Big Brother, Diane, and Alex where are you guys going dinner almost done," asked Rochelle "Don't worry we're just going over to Diane's house for dinner tonight" explained Rouge "yeah see ya later kiddo! said, Alexander messing up Rochelle's hair  "beautiful dress Rochelle, " said Diane going down to Rochelle's level to hug her "see you soon! all of the three said oh boy were they wrong.

Later at dinner "how was your day" Rochelle's father asked  "It was good I picked flowers with Ms.Evelyn then play tag with Alex, Diane, and Big Brother, Also helped mommy make Dinner" Shouts Rochelle  "good to hear you had a good day" said Mr. Cheney with a small smile "how was your day Coco? Rochelle asked her baby sister who smiled and started talking all babyish making Rochelle laugh  the house start to shake making the three go under the kitchen table until a man with a hood appeared going through the roof but transformed into a  dragon cutting the table in half with Its claws everyone screamed except Mr.Cheney who grabbed his katana from the side of the room taking it out of its case ready yo strike Mr.Cheney tried a certain technique but the dragon claws went through his lower half making him bleed out making Rochelle scream even louder  Mrs.Cheney takes off her Red jewel necklace and placed it around Rochelle's neck "run as far away as you can and go find Rouge and the others okay we love you deeply never forget that"

"m-mommy" Rochelle whimpered then Ran as fast as she could to Diane's house the house was destroyed and two figures were near the house Diane and Rouge "Big Brother, Diane," said Rochelle making it to them Daine was laying there so was Rouge  "Big Brother please wake up" Rochelle started Crying only to find Alex body was under the rubble and started to cry even more Diane and Rouge Finally woke up "Rochelle," Diane and Rouge asked getting up only for the same dragon to appear ready to attack Rochelle but Diane stood in Its way making the dragon claws go through Diane's chest and Flying her into the nearest wall "Diane! Shouted Rouge and Rochelle  The dragon grabbed Rouge squeezing him making him scream

"STOP! shouted Rochelle on her knees crying  "you need to r-run" shouted Rouge before another painful scream  Rochelle started crying whispering stop until black mist flowed Its way over to Rouge and the dragon making the dragon drop an unconscious Rouge and Pick up Rochelle "you're a powerful wizard indeed I will train you to be my apprentice" The Dragon said taking off with Rochelle.

A year later when Rochelle was five years old sat in a birdcage until a girl controlled by guilt broke the birdcage like a prison cell helped Rochelle escape. Rochelle ran and ran until she bumped into something her legs finally gave out the world was spinning until the last minute she saw two figures until it went black.

those two figures picked her up and brought her to their home well known as Fairy Tail. the older man stays with the girl as good friends of his finished healing her injuries the little girl secured from whatever happened later in the mid-evening a young teenager came in to check on the little girl with the older man.

both sat there for hours until the girls red eyes opened she gets straight up and backs away to the top of the bed frame with wide eyes looking around the area the older man got up from the chair "Hello dear my name is Makarov you're at Fairy Tail you passed out from hunger and some minor injuries, what your name? Asked Makarov  "Hello I'm Rochelle Cheney" Rochelle whispered tears filling her eyes as her hand goes to her necklace  The teenage boy finally stood up "Hello Rochelle I'm Laxus," says Laxus with a smirk "Hello" whispered Rochelle.

"can you tell us what happened, "asked Makarov as Rochelle calms down "I ran away, from the dragon," said Rochelle louder than before taking both by surprise "My mommy, Daddy, and Big Brother everyone was killed leaving me with the dragon" explained Rochelle not looking at Makarov and Laxus.

That was the day Rochelle Cheney became a member of the number one guild in Fiore.

Rochelle woke up and went to the guildhall like any other day sitting at her usual stool Mira gives Rochelle her morning beverage and breakfast "thanks Mira" said, Rochelle "taking a job today? asked Mira "yup with Rouge and Sting  I think a few days trip" response Rochelle drinking her beverage "I glad you and your brother doing  It together" said Mira "see you in a few days" added Mira walking away.

Rochelle walked into Sabertooth waiting for  Sting and Rouge  "haven't seen you in ages" giggled Yukino "same here, I'm going on a few days job with the boys today" explained Rochelle  "good luck then" replied Yukino walking by "READY! shouted Sting "yup" Rochelle and Rouge said unison  "creepy" whispered Lector while Frosch was somehow sleeping on Rochelle's head.

Halfway on traveling to the destination a bunch of fog came making them alert under Rochelle a type of space hole Rochelle tried to run but something grabbed her ankle making her scream in alarm "Rochelle" we're herd in the distance.

Rochelle went through the space hole hearing the whooshing of wind falling from the sky Rochelle was close to falling to the ground when a car ran into her before she could hit the ground.

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