chapter thirty eight: going to be just fine

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The girl changed into a jumper, a pair of jeans and some boots. She brushed out her now quite long hair and throwed it into a ponytail then walked outside. She saw her friends sitting down around a small campfire, she made her way over to them. Newt saw her and moved over to make a space in between him and Thomas, everyone still had huge smiles on their faces including Y/n. "I can't believe you're here.. I can't believe you're alive.." Thomas said, slightly red obviously from crying. "Neither could I, Tommy." the girl replied with a sad smile looking back down to the blowing fire. "So.. what actually happened? What did you do?" Chuck asked quietly, Y/n looked up at him slowly and thought for a moment.

"Well, woke up in an odd room. Only things in it were a bag and a letter. Someone had found me who used to work for wicked, got me some serum and told me to find this place. It seemed impossible until I found Kate, she knew where to go. We walked for probably around 60 miles until we found a town. It was completely deserted, had nobody in it. We found this.. boy. He said that people had came and taken everyone, I knew that it had to be wicked." the girl said, everyones' eyes were on her including some other random people from the Safe Haven. "I ran outside and the last thing I could remember was shouting at Kate before I felt a pain in the back of my head. Then I woke up in this room, only had a mattress in the corner. I got up to try and look around and just saw dozens of the same doors down a long corridor."

"Then I saw people walking towards my room, they burst the door open and just grabbed me. There was like three of them so there wasn't much point. Couldn't scream for help as there was a disgusting hand over my face." She said with a laugh, "I just saw different people looking out of their rooms with terrified eyes. They all looked horrible, tired, sick. But they weren't infected it was just something. They brought me in for testing in this room, not the one you found me in.. but another one. I was strapped into a chair and they ran all sorts of tests, they said they wanted to because you.. Thomas.. are immune. As you know. So they said I was different, a longer lasting serum. So they wanted to extract all my blood, they realised that I was turning when the tube started turning black."

Newt was paying close attention to her story, he wanted to know what she'd been doing while he was just sitting there. "Then I heard that disgusting voice, one I never wanted to hear again. That's when I knew Ratman was alive, I could've sworn he had died. He should've. He's a wimp anyway." This made Chuck laugh even though he'd never actually met Janson, "He sounds mean." the little boy said, still smiling. "Believe me he was. If you guys hadn't have found me I'd already be dead. So, I'm thankful." the girl said with a smile. "Anyway, where's Teresa? I wanna say hi." Y/n asked. Thomas's face dropped slightly and that's when she looked over at the rock. "Oh.. oh I'm sorry. I.. didn't know."

"It's fine." Thomas replied. Minho then talked, "I'm sure Newt's glad to have you back." the boy said, sitting beside Thomas. "He was a wreck when you were-" Saying this recieved him an elbow to the ribs by Thomas. "Ow.. sorry.." Minho said, shooting Thomas an angry look. He smirked and looked back to his sister, "We're all glad to have you back. We could barely cope without you." he said to her. She smiled, "Believe me," the girl said looking over to Newt, "I was a wreck when I was without you guys too." Newt smiled down at the girl who was slightly shorter than him. "I think we're all going to be just fine.." the blonde boy said, looking away from the girls' gaze. "Yes it will." she said.

enemies to lovers (y/n and newt) book three.Where stories live. Discover now