chapter fifteen: final fight

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~*Y/n's Pov*~
The girl slowly turned around, eyes darker than the night sky. "Y/n.." Newt said quietly, the two boys shared a concerned glance before looking back at the girl. "I'm sorry.." the girl said slowly, "Y/n, it's me. It's your brother." Thomas said standing back slightly, her head tilted slightly. She looked confused, she couldn't hear very much. It was all quite muffled, there were some things she couldn't control. Some movements that she wasn't trying to make, "Y/n.. you're okay. Look it's us.. you're okay love." Newt said walking backwards slowly. The disgusting black blood was dripping out of the girls' mouth, it was thick and it was soaking into her clothing. She could feel it down her neck and on her white top she was wearing underneath the black wckd suit. "I can't control it.." she said, looking into the blonde boys' eyes. The boy started walking towards her slowly, Thomas grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "I'm sorry.." the girl said once more before she jumped towards her brother.

Thomas dodged the girl and pushed her behind him, she fell onto the ground and scrambled up again before running at Newt. "Y/n stop!" Newt shouted at the girl grabbing on to her arm and pulling her to the ground. She struggled against the boy before kicking him in the side causing him to release his grip on her, she was on her hands and knees, "Tommy.. kill me please. I don't want to hurt you.." she said panting. "No Y/n, they'll be here soon. You'll be fine!" Thomas replied quickly. "No!" Y/n shouted before getting up again. She ran at Thomas and he hit her in the stomach with his fist, she let out a painful shriek before getting back up again. "Y/n! You can fight this! This isn't you and you know it!" Newt shouted to her.

"I can't Newt.. it's.. it's too hard.." the sick girl replied. The boy made his way over to her and knelt down beside her, "It's me.. It's Newt.." he continued. Thomas pulled him up, then after the girl kicked Thomas around the shin causing him to fall and hit his head slightly. His head was bleeding when the girl jumped ontop of the blonde boy, he grabbed onto her arms that she flailed about. She struggled against Newt who was much stronger than her, about ten seconds later she came back to herself. "I'm sorry.. I.. I'm sorry Blondie.." she said with tears falling from her eyes. "It's okay.. it's okay." he said with a slight smile. "I can't stop! It's not letting me!" she said. Then without warning she grabbed Newts' gun from his holder and held it to her head.

"No!" Newt said quickly, hitting the gun out of her hand to beside Thomas. She looked back at him angrily, "I'm sorry Y/n." he said before kicking her in the stomach causing her to fall backwards. She got on her hands and knees again, "Please.. Blondie. I don't want to hurt either of you, for God's sake just kill me!" she shouted at the two boys. "No." Thomas said. Then she pulled out a knife from a pocket in the uniform and stood up, she looked at it then at the boys. "Y/n.. no." Newt said starting to walk over to her slowly. She looked at Thomas then ran at him, she pushed Newt out of the way and jumped ontop of Thomas. She brought her hands up in the air then pulled them down, attempting to stab the boy. "Y/n... stop!" Thomas said before the knife plunged into his left shoulder.

He let out a painful scream before the girl was pushed off him by Newt, he helped him up. "You okay Tommy?" he said out of breath. He nodded and they both looked back at the girl. "I'm sorry.. I.. I'm so sorry." the girl said with tears falling down her face. She coughed and more black blood came falling out of her mouth, "Y/n just hold on a little longer, they're almost here okay!" Newt said, running his hand through his hair. Y/n saw this, she knew he only did this when he was worried or stressed and she felt extremely bad for everything she had done already. Thomas' head was bleeding alot, Newt had several gashes across his face and hands. Y/n knew she had done this. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." she said. She looked to her right and saw the knife again, "Y/n. No.." Newt said quickly. She gave the blonde boy one last look before picking up the knife and plunging it into her stomach.

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