chapter thirty one: trapped

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Y/n woke up in a small room, her head was pounding. She looked around and couldn't see very much, just grey walls and a mattress with a blanket in the right corner of the room. "Where the hell am I.. where's Kate?" she asked herself, taking in her small surroundings. She saw a metal door, with some sort of window and a hatch. She stood up and looked through the dirty window and saw a corridor. With some other doors with labels, like Med-Lab or Testing. She began searching around the room for a way out but it was impossible, the room was made entirely of concrete and the very small window at the back would not be large enough for her to fit through. She stood up to look out of the window again and saw three men, one in a lab coat and two in heavy armour.

The armour looked exactly like the ones they wore when they infiltrated wicked, they couldn't be the same. She got a closer look as they continued walking towards her, she saw a small label on the right arm of one of the guards shoulder. 'WCKD'. "No.. no, no, no." she said walking backwards from the door. The heavy door opened and the scientist looking men knelt down beside the now sitting girl. "Hello, Y/n." he said, "My name is Dr. Stanley, but you can call me Stan. You will have to come with us." he continued, standing up and straightening his lab coat. "I'm not going anywhere with you." she said firmly, pushing the hair off her face. "I'm sorry dear, but you don't really have a choice." The moustached man said, with a small smirk. Then the two guards walked forwards and picked the girl up.

She struggled against the guards, one of them with their hand over her mouth. She tried to scream but it was no use, she wriggled and writhed in the guards grip. She passed different rooms, seeing different people looking out of small windows just like hers. She saw lab rooms and more scientists, more guards holding guns. The place looked exactly the same to where she had originally worked before, the long corridors stretching down. All looking exactly the same. She now realised that she was going to be like her friends, this time she was the subject. Not them. Another scientist passed them, he was holding a clipboard. He turned around and smiled at the girl who was being pulled down the corridor. Almost as if he enjoyed seeing it. She knew she wouldn't have to go through this for much longer, considering in around two weeks she'd turn into a Crank.

They reached a room labelled 'A0', that was her subject name. They already had it engraved into a metal plate, almost as if this had been planned for weeks. Could it have been? Was the whole being brought back to life thing set up by wicked? Could they have been following her the whole time? No. No. They couldn't have been. Surely she would've seen them. Her white long sleeved tank top was covered in dirt and a little bit of blood, what'd you expect? Her dark skinny jeans and brown boots were covered in sand, it felt as if the grittiness on her legs would never end. The guards set her down in a chair and strapped both of her hands into it. The chair was screwed to the ground so she couldn't move at all.

There was about four people in the room asides from her, one guard and three scientists. Two men, one woman. "What the hell is this? I'm not immune why would you want me?" Y/n said, struggling against the binds on the chair. "We just have to run a few tests, your brothers' blood is the cure. As you know by now. You and your brother share the same blood, so you might have something to do with it too." the man said, sitting beside her. He picked up an injection looking thing and put it in her arm and drew some blood. It wasn't that painful but it hurt alot. She wriggled around in the chair trying to get out but it was no use, her (your hair colour) hair had fallen over her face. Stan, as he likes to be called, moved the hair out of her face and smiled. "Now, now dear. Just calm down. You know we're all on the same side here." he said, looking into her eyes.

He reminded her of Janson, who she hoped was dead. She thought he was such a prick. "You worked for another one of our installations, correct?" the man said, looking back down to his samples. The girl said nothing and didn't move a muscle. Stan looked back at her and frowned, "You can talk to me. I'm just trying to help." he continued. She shook her head, "No. No you're the ones making everything worse. You're torturing innocent kids!" she shouted in the mans face. "How do you expect me to talk if you've done nothing good for me! You're the reason that so many of our friends are dead! All of you! You can't just continue doing thi-" she was interrupted by a sharp pain in her arm. She looked beside her and saw the doctor had injected something into her wrist. Her eyes started to feel tired and her whole body couldn't move, the last thing she remembered seeing was the mans' smiling face before her eyes closed.

enemies to lovers (y/n and newt) book three.Where stories live. Discover now