chapter nine: interrogation

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Newt pulled the bag off Teresas' head and walked back over to his seat beside Y/n. "G-gally?" Teresa said, "Here's how this is gonna go," he said while setting his chair down. Teresa looked over to Thomas, "Why are you looking at him? Don't look at him, look at me. He's not gonna help you." Teresa looked back to him, "Where's Minho." Y/n said from her seat. Teresa turned her head to look at the other girl, "He's in holding with the others." "How many others?" Newt said. "Twenty eight." Teresa replied. "I can deal with that." Brenda said setting down her cards. "No, you guys don't understand. The whole level is restricted, and even if you did manage to get in there the scanners would-" Thomas stood up, "We know. We're tagged. You're gonna help us with that too." he said handing her a small knife.

"Bet she loved that didn't she." Gally said, holding his neck. Him, Newt and Frypan had already had theirs done, "Here, try these on." Newt said, throwing the pair some pieces of wicked uniform. Y/n went over to get her chip out, "Teresa." she said plainly as she sat down. "Hello, Y/n. Oh my god.. your ar-" Teresa said before getting interrupted, "Yeah I know, let's just get this over with." she said as she flicked her hair over the front of her shoulder. Teresa sighed and then began getting out the tag. "I know we never got along very well, but I'm sorry this happened to you. And Newt I'm presuming, he looks slightly off." She said concentrating. "Yeah. It's not our faults that wckd got our hopes up." she said standing up.

Thomas was getting his chip out, Brenda and Jorge were saying goodbye to eachother. Y/n walked over to Newt, "That only stung a little bit." she said sarcastically holding a piece of cloth to the back of her neck. Newt laughed, "Yeah, just a wee bit. Here, I think this might fit you." he said handing her a uniform. "Thanks Blondie." she said smirking as she slipped the clothing over her leggings and white top. The plan was, they were going to break into wckd by using Teresa. She could get them all in and Gally would transfer all of wckd's files and cameras over to Lawrence, who would monitor them as they went. They would get all of the immunes including Minho and the serum from holding and get their asses out of there.

"This suit is really uncomfortable." Y/n said, whilst zipping up her black suit. Thomas and Gally wore the same as her and Newt had the same with red arms. "You're not wrong." Thomas said putting on his gloves. Y/n let out a small cough and all eyes turned to her, "You okay?" Thomas said walking towards her. She looked up, "Fine?" she said with a slight laugh, "Trust me, if I go all cranky you'll all be the first to know." Newt rolled his eyes jokingly and picked up his launcher, "We ready to go?" he said picking up his mask. Thomas gave a firm nod and everyone slid on their helmets, he grabbed Teresas' arm and walked outside.

"Do you think we can pull this off?" Newt said quietly to Y/n. "Of course we can, we've done more difficult things before." she said walking. "Like?" Newt said with a laugh, there was a long pause. "Maybe not, but you get what I'm trying to say." Y/n said laughing. "All we have to do is find Minho, if Janson appears act normal. Got it?" he said, turning his head. "That's my main concern, that guy is everywhere. Well, speak of the devil." she said looking up. Janson was climbing up a flight of stairs. They quickly made their way inside making sure he didn't see them.

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