chapter twenty three: ally

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The girl sat on the curb for about ten minutes, she had been walking for hours. She had no idea where she was going or what she was doing, but she had to keep going. She only had a few months or weeks after all, the serum was different for everyone. "Hey, you!" she heard someone shout, she looked up. "Yeah, you." it was a woman, she had long brown hair and brown eyes. "Uh.. yeah?" Y/n said, looking at the woman. "Where you off to?" she asked, kneeling down beside the girl on the curb. What should she say? Oh yeah, I'm going to the Safe Haven. I'm looking for my friends. I'm making one last journey to find my friends before I die. "Well?" the woman said. "Uh, looking for my friends."

The woman nodded, "Ah, where are your friends then?" She couldn't say could she? Would the woman think she was a maniac? Just say it. It's fine, she'll laugh at you even if you don't tell her. "The Safe Haven." the girl said quickly. The woman smiled, "I can help with that." she said sitting down beside the girl. "Y-you can?" Y/n asked. "Yes, you see.. my parents are there. But I couldn't stay, I have the Flare. I'll be all Cranky in a week or so." Y/n looked at her, "Who are your parents?" she asked quickly. "Their names are Mary and Vince."

"I know them.." Y/n replied, "You do?" the other girl said happily. "Yeah, and if you can help me.. I can help you." Y/n told her. "How so?" the other girl replied. "They found a cure. And they have it at the Safe Haven, my brothers blood." Y/n said. The girls' face lit up, "Well we better get going then, we have a long journey ahead of us." The girl swung the backpack on her back and stood up, "I'm Y/n." Y/n informed her. "Oh, nice. I'm Kate." Kate replied. Y/n nodded as the other girl stood up, "I have to say goodbye to my carer, I won't be a minute. You can come with me." Kate said, walking towards a shack.

Y/n followed her through the door, "Hello? This is Y/n. I'm going to help her get to the Safe Haven.. they have found a cure Mama.." the girl said kneeling down beside an elderly woman. "I won't be able to come with you." the woman croaked, she looked about 80 years old maybe older. "I love you Kaitlyn.." the woman said. Kate leaned in and hugged the woman, "Be careful okay?" she said. The woman nodded and let out a small smile before she leaned back and closed her eyes. She was going asleep, don't worry. Y/n had came across a problem, she had told Kate that she knew both of her parents. Only one of them remained, she couldn't be the one to tell her.

"Let's get going Y/n." Kate said, walking through the doorway. Y/n followed quickly, "So, you immune?" Kate said, walking through a dusty street. Y/n shook her head, "I turned and then tried to kill myself so I wouldn't hurt my brother and my boyfriend, that didn't work because some Doctor resuscitated me and gave me some serum." The girl looked at her shocked, "Wow, I'm sorry? I don't even know what to say to anyone at this point. If you're not insane, you're definetly on the verge of it." Kate said, reaching an alleyway. "So, we have about 200 miles to walk. Then get a boat to the island, there's no wind in that section. We don't even know why, your friends will be there."

200 miles was a long, long way. "Wait.. how long is 200 miles in a car? How long would it take?" The girl looked at her, "A few hours if you were travelling on a straight road. Here in the Scorch it would take weeks, would be much faster than on foot. Even if you were lucky enough to get a car it would probably give up on you soon enough." Kate replied. "The nearest place where cars would be sold is about six miles, I mean we can try it. It might've been overrun by Cranks already." Kate informed. Y/n nodded and continued following the girl.

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