chapter thirty two: i thought you were dead

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Y/n woke up once again, she was still inside the chair. This time only Stan was sitting in the room, still in the same seat next to her. She felt tired still, like she was drained. She up the her left and saw a red tube, a dark red substance flowing through it. She was still confused and couldn't focus, she couldn't pay attention to anything couldn't put her mind on anything. It took her some time then she realised that the substance was her blood being drained, she shook her arm attempting to get the needle out but it was no use. "Stay still, it will be less painful if you just stay still." Stan said, looking at the girl. "Why.. why do you want my blood..? I'm not immune." Y/n asked him, her voice slightly slurred because she was still very tired. She forced her eyes to stay open, it was a struggle but she managed to succeed.

"You see, Y/n. You have a different type of blood. You have the serum in your viens along with the Flare. We have tested others, but you, you're different. We don't know why, but that is what we are going to find out." Stan told her, not lifting his head from his paperwork. He laughed when the girl tried to get out of the chair, "You're not going to be able to. Not even someone three times stronger than you could get out of those binds." he said, looking at the girl. She continued to struggle but as he said, it was no use. Then she heard the worst thing possible, the worst voice she could ever hear. That nasty tone and that horrible scratchy voice. "Ah, Dr. Stanley. Y/n." the person said. She heard the voice from behind her and immediately recognised it. The one voice she never wanted to hear again in her lifetime. It was Janson. It was the horrible Ratman.

"I thought you were dead.." Y/n said shakily, Janson laughed. "I could've said the same for you, Y/n. Unfortunately, within the next few days.. you will be." he said, pouting slightly. "How much longer will this take." he said, looking at Stan. "Well within the past ten hours we've drained about a fifth, so around two more days." The girl was going to die either way, she was too far away from the Safe Haven and Kate was probably dead. Her friends wouldn't find her and even if she did escape she couldn't get back to them before turning into a Crank. The older man kneeled down infront of the girl in the chair, "I'm sorry, but you're the most useful asset we've got. You know I don't want to kill you." Janson said, the girl let out a small laugh. "You'd kill anyone to get what you want.. you care about nothing but this stupid cure." she told him.

"But that's the thing. I've got my cure, I just have to find him." he replied with a small smirk. He put a hand on the side of the girls' face, "Hang tight." he said, tapping her head twice before turning and walking away. He walked out the door with a smirk and slammed it shut. "He was slightly harsh." Stan said, looking at the girl. One small tear dripped from her eye, she didn't have the energy to speak anymore. She let out one last breath before her eyes slipped closed again.

She woke up this time on a bed, still unable to move. She felt tired and drowsy, she looked around and saw Stan sitting at a desk with a computer. He was typing and looked up when he saw the girl, "Ah, you're awake. I'm going to give you a break soon, we don't want you dying on us now do we?" he said with a laugh. "You're killing me anyway." she said croakily, "Im going to die eventually." she continued. "Calm yourself down, Y/n. What did you expect was gonna happen?" the horrible man said, with a laugh. "You wouldn't sacrifice your life for the rest of the world? How selfish of you, Y/n." he said in a manipulative tone. He stood up and walked over to the girl, put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry Y/n." he said quickly. Then he clicked his fingers and guards came in. They undid the things holding her down and lifted her up. They pulled her back to her room, she couldn't move, couldn't resist, couldn't struggle.

enemies to lovers (y/n and newt) book three.Where stories live. Discover now