chapter thirty: kate

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It was about a week later, everyone was relaxing at the Safe Haven. They didn't do very much work during the day, only from time to time. Newt, Minho and Thomas sat down by the rocks, by the beach. Newt was getting better at talking and interacting with more people, they tried not to talk about anything that would involve Y/n. Newt was quite sensitive, and everyone knew that. So, they preferred to stay away from the subject. They often talked about memories from the Glade, obviously.. staying away from talking about Y/n. Quite often Minho would do it accidentally, apologise straight after of course.

Vince normally did most of the work around the place, he created the entire place. Well found it, people would appear at the Safe Haven by boat. If they were infected, they would be cured by Thomas. They had a doctor who knew how to create the serum needed for the cure, her name was Dr. Santiago. The three boys were talking as per usual, when Vince came over to them. "Hey, you three." the older man said, sitting down beside them. "Vince! Hi..?" Minho said, confused as to why the man was sitting with them. "You okay?" Thomas asked. "Yeah, just have to relax for a while. Been working non stop today and I know you lot are good with small talk." Vince said, closing his eyes. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Newt said, with a slight laugh.

"Neither." the man said. Everyone looked at eachother, quite confused. They all sat in silence for about two minutes when they heard the huge wail of the boat coming in, the smoke coming out of the top. The group looked at eachother before standing up and started fast walking down to the docks. Vince stood at the front, waiting for their new arrival. The huge door of the boat opened and Vince took a step back, "K..kate?" he said quickly. "Dad.." she said. "Dad?" Minho said, looking at the pair confused who had pulled eachother into a hug.

"We don't have time for this.." she said. "Are any of you guys called Thomas?" she said, looking at the trio. Thomas looked at her and put his hand up. "Right good.. I presume you two are Minho and Newt?" she continued. They both nodded. "Right.. we have to talk. Everyone, we need to go somewhere in private. I'm quite obviously infected, so I need your cure." she said panting. She did look bad, on the verge of turning. "How do you know about the cure?" Newt said, very confused. "I'll talk later.. just get me the cure or I won't be able to help." she said.

Vince nodded and grabbed the girls hand. About five minutes later, Kate had been cured and was in a room with Vince, Newt, Thomas and Minho. "Right lady, can you tell us what's going on?" Minho said, looking at the mysterious girl. "Right.. this will sound crazy. But she's alive." Kate told them, "Who? Who's alive?" Newt said quickly, standing up from leaning on the table. "I think you know." Kate said, looking into his eyes. "Wait.. Y/n? She's a.. alive?" Thomas said. Kate nodded, looking between the blonde boy and the dark haired boy. "And she needs your help, so no time to mope."

Newt was shocked, he couldn't talk. He just stood there, paying attention to the older girl. "She was taken, by wicked. They had other installations. I don't know why they took her. The man didn't tell me. But we need to help her, she's going to be turning within the next few weeks." She said, very quickly. "How did you find her? Meet her?" Thomas said. "She was sitting on the edge of a road in my town, alone, scared. She told me someone gave her serum and rescusitated her. She woke up in an abandoned building with some supplies beside her that was it. She was making her way here, luckily she found me. Otherwise she'd probably be dead by now." Kate said, leaving a small pause.

"She missed you lot. She talked about you all alot, but mainly you." she said, pointing at Newt. He smiled slightly, still worried about the girl. "But now she needs our help. We don't know what they could be doing to her down there, and if it's the last thing I do on this earth.. I will save that girl. I presume you lot would too." she said, looking at the three boys. Thomas went and told the rest of the group about the girl, and that she was alive. Newt was stressing out slightly so he was shouting a bit. Brenda, Jorge, Gally and Frypan were standing next to the Berg. Chuck was going to stay behind, it would be too dangerous for a kid to go to wicked. Especially an immune one. "Let's go get her." Jorge said with a smile, before opening the hatch and walked inside.

enemies to lovers (y/n and newt) book three.Where stories live. Discover now