chapter eighteen: the cure

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Newt sat with his head in his hands in the back of the Berg. Minho, Gally, Frypan and Brenda were looking out the windows looking for Thomas, Newt cared about Thomas alot but he just couldn't concentrate. He had lost the person who cared about him and who he cared about most in this world and there was nothing he could do about it. "Guys! I think I got him!" Jorge shouted, they ran over to the front window. "That's him.. everyone get ready!" Vince said clipping himself in. Teresa and Thomas were ontop of a burning building, and Thomas was definetly injured.

The hatch at the back opened, the wind was crazy and the heat was immense. "Thomas! Grab his hand!" Minho shouted out to the injured boy. Newt looked over, he still hadn't moved from his seat but he still wanted to make sure Tommy was okay. "Thomas you can do it!" Gally said, "You've gotta get closer Jorge!" he continued. The Berg got slightly closer, Teresa helped Thomas grab onto Vinces' hand. He pulled him up and pulled him away from the hatch slightly. Newt got up and went over to him, "You're okay Tommy.. you're safe." he said, voice cracking slightly. Thomas looked over to Teresa.

"Newt.. take this." Thomas said struggling slightly. He handed him two vials of what looked like serum, it was the cure. Thomas looked back to Teresa, suddenly a huge building crashed onto the structure the girl was standing on. The whole building shook and some of it started caving in, Teresa looked up at Thomas with tears in her eyes, "C'mon Teresa!" Minho shouted, holding out his hand as far as he could. Then she fell. The building caved in below her feet, "No!" Thomas screamed loudly. The girl fell into the burning abyss and Jorge started flying away. Thomas looked out of the back window in shock, not saying anything.

Everyone looked at Thomas and saw a gunshot wound on his stomach, "Shit!" Brenda shouted loudly. Blood was seeping everywhere and Thomas started losing consciousness, "Tommy! Tommy can you hear me?" Newt said, shaking the boys' shoulder. "Thomas c'mon man!" Minho said to the boy. Brenda and Vince started treating his wound while the rest of the group sat back in their seats. "What's that?" Frypan asked, seeing the two small vials Newt was holding. "Tommy gave them to me. I'm guessing it's the cure to this thing." the blonde boy replied.

"Well, take it then. We don't wanna lose you too." Minho said, with a small smile. Newt unscrewed the top and injected it into his arm, "How'd ya feel?" Frypan asked him. Newt looked up at him, "No different to when I got the serum." he replied, barely showing any emotion. "Listen man, I'm sorry about Y/n. I know she didn't deserve this." Frypan told him, "But I know she wouldn't want you sitting here moping over her, she would want you to get out there and be the best person you can." Newt looked at him again, "I know.. but how am I supposed to? If it weren't for her I wouldn't even be here as it is nevermind having to live without her." he said, picking the black blood out from underneath his nails.

"Hey guys? We will be there in about 45 minutes, I reckon y'all should get some rest. It's been a tough day." Vince said, stepping away from Thomas. "I'm not even tired." Minho said with a slight laugh. The rest of the group agreed, "Well, just be ready for when we get there." Vince was bringing them to the Safe Haven, that place where no Cranks could ever reach them, or wicked. A place where they would be safe from the virus and they could live out the rest of their days, Newt couldn't help but think about how Y/n could be going there with them. How she could be living the dream there too, but no. She cared about him so much that she sacrificed herself for him, that is true love.

enemies to lovers (y/n and newt) book three.Where stories live. Discover now