chapter nineteen: the safe haven

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The sun had just peeked out from across the horizon, a ray of sunshine shone through a window onto Newts' face. Sunshine he thought, it always reminded him of her. Back in the Glade they had made nicknames for eachother, Blondie and Sunshine. Newts' was self explainatory but Y/n was called Sunshine because of how much she loved the sun. He remembered that one time when it was boiling when they were working in the Glade, she just lay down right in the middle and stayed there. Didn't move for a solid twenty minutes, Alby had to come over and get her on her feet because she had to get back to work. It was great.

"Right guys we're landing!" Vince shouted back to them, they looked out the windows and could see a large island. With little fires and little huts, it reminded them all of the Glade. They landed in a large grass area, surrounded by flowers and trees, the large hatch opened at the back. Everyone stepped outside and there was a light ocean breeze "This way.." Vince said, walking away from the group towards the beach. They made their way down a large hill, revealing the beautiful beach filled with people and little bonfires. "It's beautiful.." Brenda said, watching her step.

Everyone reached the beach, Jorge and Minho were carrying Thomas down. They brought him over to a different hut where his wound was treated, Minho came outside and reunited with the group. "It's not that bad I suppose.." he said looking at everyone. Everyone was admiring their surroundings, they all looked to their right and saw a small boy, with brown curly hair. "Oh my god.." Frypan said, "Chuck?" he said even louder. The boy turned around and his face lit up, Frypan was right. It was Chuck. "Newt? Minho?" he said, running towards the group. "Chuck! How the hell are you alive?" Minho said, pulling the kid into a hug. "Well, the gunshot didn't kill me. I passed out then I woke up here. Apparently some guys resusitated me or something but I'm not sure." Gally knelt down beside him, "Sorry?" he said quickly. The boy smiled and pulled him into a hug.

Chuck looked around, "Is Thomas okay?" he asked looking at Newt, "Yeah, Tommy's fine." he said with a small smile. "That's good.." he looked around again in confusion, "Where's Y/n?" he asked quickly. Everyone looked down at the ground, Newt slowly turned around and walked towards the sea. "She didn't make it Chuck.." Minho said. The boy had tears in his eyes, "No.. how? How did she.. die?" he asked quickly. Everyone looked at eachother, "She wasn't immune, Newt's not taking it too well so try not to ask him about it too much." Minho said to the boy. He nodded and put a small smile on his face, "I bet right now she's watching over us.. she wouldn't want us to be sad right?" Chuck said.

Everyone let out a small chuckle and departed. Newt sat down on the sand bank and looked out the the ocean, it was calm. Not much noise except for the waves and the occasional bird. He looked down at his hands which were still covered in the dry, black substance, his blonde hair moved in the wind. The grass moving slightly around him, the calm waves were creating small splashes along the sand. Newt heard footsteps, he turned his head. It was Thomas.

"Hey Newt.." he said sitting down. "Are you even allowed out of bed?" Newt said with a slight laugh, "I don't even know." Thomas replied with a small smile. They sat in silence for another minute or so, "Have you seen Chuck yet?" Newt then said, breaking the silence. "Yeah.. man I don't even know how he's alive.. He's a fighter." Thomas said again. "Did you take it?" Thomas asked, the blonde boy nodded. The other vial was still in the boys' hand. "I can't even remember her as my sister but god do I miss her." Newt looked at him, "We all do Tommy.. we all do.." he said with a sigh, another tear fell from his eye. Thomas couldn't see, but it was there. "She'd be proud of you.. you know that Newt?" Thomas continued, "I know she would.." there was a small pause, "I'm gonna go talk to.. Minho for a bit. See you later.." Thomas said standing up and walking away.

Newt sat on the bank alone again, he put the vial in his pocket and felt something else. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at it. It was the necklace. It was a small metal cylinder with some black rings and a brown strap. Newt examined the necklace, he looked on the bottom. On it was a small engraved sun. He smiled and looked at the necklace more. He looked back out to the sea, holding the necklace and fiddling with it. Then the top popped open, he looked inside to see a small roll of paper. He pulled it out and looked at it for a minute before unfolding the pieces.

enemies to lovers (y/n and newt) book three.Where stories live. Discover now