chapter five: break in

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It took some pursuading to get Thomas to go with Gally but he eventually gave in. "We have to talk to a friend, let me do the talking. And.. try not to stare." Gally told them, "Why would we stare?" Y/n asked. There was a pause, "You'll see." They followed him and continued walking, they reached a large room with a garden at the back. There was a man standing, only his silhouette showing. "Who are they?" he asked. "They're my friends." Gally said. "Why are they here?" the strange man said walking out of the shadows. His face was completely deformed, his nose almost as if it had been pulled off. He had bumpy skin, with thick black veins.

"Gally said he could get us into the city." Thomas said stepping up. "Gally should know to not keep promises he can't keep." The man said. Everyone looked angrily at Gally, "No honestly. I think there is a way in. But it will only work with Thomas." he said to the man. Y/n's hand was still very painful, she was clutching onto it and several people were looking at her confused. She had her hoodie sleeve pulled down further than her leather jacket so they couldn't see it. People had been just killing anyone who had The Flare, just so they didn't infect anyone else. This scared the girl, so she tried to not make it obvious she had it.

"Three can go. That's my final offer." the weird man said. Thomas nodded, they were brought to a sewage hole. "Please don't tell me.." Y/n said looking down the hole. It had disgusting sewage water in the bottom and it smelt ransid. Gally stuck a ladder down it, Newt went and sat down, Y/n looked over and saw him tucking his trousers into his boots. Made sense, not as much water would get in. Then he started looking at his hand and moving it about, Y/n was quite confused. "You coming?" she said looking at Newt, he looked up and nodded. He climbed down into the sewage pipe and followed the trio infront of him.

"This is gross.." Newt said walking through the disgusting brown water. "I mean you're not wrong." Y/n replied with a slight laugh. "Who are the other two? The guy and the girl?" Gally asked. "They're Brenda and Jorge, we met them in the Scorch." Thomas replied. They reached a door. It required a fingerprint ID, "What? Why- why does it need ID?" Gally said pushing against the door. "Let me try.." Y/n said. She walked over and scanned her left finger. Didn't work. She then put up her infected hand, "Woah.. Y/n your hand?" Gally said looking down at her. The door opened, "Calm yourself down Gally." she said with a slight smirk and walked through the door.

They walked through large crowds, people with masks and briefcases. "Who the hell are these people? And why do they get special treatment?" Y/n asked looking around. "Well.. Y/n. Those are government officials from all across the country. They are being kept safe here." Gally replied. "How long has your hand been like that?" he asked. "Well, I caught it like a month ago. Had an interaction with a Crank. Only started getting angry at everyone about two days ago. Why do you ask?" she said. "Y/n, you only have about two days left. At most three." Gally replied. "W-what?" she said, stopping in her tracks along with Newt and Thomas.

"It's fine, we can get you that serum I promise." Gally said as he continued walking. The trio looked at eachother and kept walking.

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