chapter seventeen: alone

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The girls' hand went limp in the blonde boys' grasp, "No.. no Y/n.." he said shaking her hand. "No you're okay.. I promised you.. you're okay." he said with tears falling down his face. He clung to the girls' body, while Thomas stood up. He put his hand over his mouth and took a few steps back. "Wake up.. please Sunshine wake up.." Newt said stroking the girls' hair. One last tear dripped down the girls' beautiful cheek as the blonde boy looked down at her. "No, this wasn't supposed to happen.. you were supposed to live.." he said, cradling the girls' limp body in his arms.

Thomas couldn't take it all in, she was gone and she wasn't coming back. Fire and bombs were spreading all over the city, Thomas knew he had to go back. If he couldn't save his sister at least he could save his bestfriend. "I'm sorry.. i'm sorry y/n.." Thomas said sadly before picking up his gun and walked away. Newt remained on the ground holding the girls' body, "Please come back.. please.." he said quietly, "I need you.. I can't lose you again.." he continued. There were shots going off all around him but he didn't care.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do without you.." he said, rocking the girl back and forth. Then Brenda, Minho and Gally came around the corner, "Newt we got i-" Brenda said before stopping in her tracks. The trio saw the blonde boy on the ground holding the girl in his arms, "Oh my god.." she said, tears forming in her eyes. Minho, Gally and now Frypan who had joined them earlier, walked slowly over to the pair. They fell to their knees as Newt took his eyes off the girl, tears dripping from his eyes. "How...?" Minho said quietly.

Newt slowly turned his head, "She didn't want to hurt us anymore than she already had.." he said, his voice cracking in the process. "It should've been me.." he continued. Gally then spoke up, "I'm so sorry Newt.." he told him calmly. Tears formed in everyones' eyes, Brenda stood holding the vial of the serum, her short brown hair flying everywhere in the wind. "I know she meant alot to you all.." she then said, kneeling down beside the boys. Newts' hands were covered in black blood from the girls' body, he looked back down at her, she looked so calm.

"She's free." he said quietly, "She said she was free now. She's away from the horrors of wckd." he looked up sadly, "I know that's what she wanted." he said with a tear falling down his face. "Newt.." Minho said, the blonde boy looked at him, "We have to go.. this whole place is gonna fall in on itself soon enough." he looked back at the girl, "I don't want to leave her here Minho.." Newt told him, "She doesn't deserve to be left here.." Gally looked at the boy solemnly, "She would've wanted you to live.. so you have to get out of here.. now."

Newt looked up at them and gave them a small nod, he leant forward and gave the girl one last kiss on her forehead before standing up. Minho put his arm around the blonde boy and walked towards the door, Newt took one last look at the girl with one last tear falling before turning around the corner. They ran to the Berg with buildings crashing all around them, men screaming, people running. When they reached the Berg, Jorge asked, "Where's Y/n? Or Thomas?" Newt looked at him and walked past the man and sat down. Brenda just shook her head, "We have to try find Thomas though, he went back to the main building." she said. Jorge nodded and quickly walked to the pilots' seat beside Vince.

enemies to lovers (y/n and newt) book three.Where stories live. Discover now