chapter twenty: the letter

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There were three pieces of paper stuffed inside the necklace, Newt didn't want to read it. He didn't to see what the girl he loved wrote knowing that she would probably die, he waited a moment took a deep breath and looked down at the paper.

Dear, Newt.

Hey there Blondie, if you're reading this.. obviously things have gone just a little bit wrong. I wrote this just in case everything took a turn for the worse, and for you.
Just so you can have one last little reminder of me before the rest of your life unfolds. I'm not scared, I'm not scared of death. I know, it might sound pathetic but I've accepted it.
And I want you to as well, I know it may be hard to accept. But you know you have to. I'm writing this right after I found out about you know, you. I don't remember what we were like before the maze, but even if we did hate eachother according to Gally just know that now.. you mean everything to me. You always will. I knew that from the first time I came up in the box, the first time I talked to you. You took my feelings into account, you knew I'd be scared and you didn't judge me for that. That's what I love about you Newt, you care about everyone no matter what. I remember when I woke up that first time I passed out, the look of excitement and happiness in your eyes. That is when I realised that I was completely and utterly in love with you.

I remember that one time, when I tried to sneak into the maze. I made it to about ten metres away from the doors before you swung me over your shoulder and carried me all the way back to the Homestead. Then you gave me an entire bloody lecture on why the maze is dangerous, and yes I know, that's your curse word. But suck it up. I'm kidding, but still.. Newt I obviously don't know what's going to happen saving Minho. I don't know if we will get the serum or if you will but believe me, even if one of us doesn't well.. I don't, I want you to take that opportunity of life. Go and be free, be happy. Don't mope around or cry, not that you definetly will but just making sure. I remember everything you said to me, when I was lying in that damn Med-Hut bed. I was probably in there more than anyone, but that's me. Always getting myself into trouble, but this time, it might not have gone as well.

Even if I am gone, I will be free. I'll be away from all of the horrors of this world, I'll be with Chuck and Alby and Winston. Everyone that we've lost to these trials, I want you to live a happy life too. Have fun with Tommy or Minho, learn to cook with Frypan. Just be spontanious, do crazy things. Just don't die in the making please, I don't want to see you here for atleast another.. sixty years, do you hear me? Don't worry about me, forget about me. Well, don't forget about me but you get what I'm trying to say. I remember the first time Thomas came up in the box, there was some odd connection between the three of us. We became best friends even before we knew about me and Thomas, make sure he's okay. He's probably putting on a brave face to please everyone else, let him open up to you. Don't let him keep it all bottled up, I know I didn't let you that first time we sat in our spot at the Glade.

And you, you have to take care of yourself. Keep being that ICONIC blonde idiot you are, keep everyone safe as you always do. And just don't let me being gone ruin you, you know I wouldn't want that. If you do I will haunt you for the rest of eternity. Believe me I will. I love you Blondie, never forget that.

Goodbye Newt..

Newt closed the letter and let out a small laugh, multiple tears falling from his eyes. "Don't haunt me. Please." he said with a laugh. He looked back to the group, Minho made eye contact and gave him a slight smile. He turned back and rerolled the pieces of paper and put it back in the tube. He closed the cylinder, tied it around his neck and slid it underneath his jacket. It was the brown jacket that Y/n had always loved, he promised himself he would wear it as much as he could. He walked over to the rest of the group and sat down, they were all sitting by a campfire and they all listened to Vinces' speech.

enemies to lovers (y/n and newt) book three.Where stories live. Discover now