chapter fourteen: serum

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~*Minho and Gally's Pov*~
The pair departed from Newt, Thomas and Y/n. Making their way through fire, gunshots and more. They had to get the serum from Brenda at the Berg, "Hurry up Minho! C'mon!" Gally shouted to him, over the loud riots around them. They were quite far away from Brenda so they had to go as quick as possible, Minho and Gally cared about Y/n. Even though Gally and her never really got along very well, he still didn't want to lose her. At this point he was blaming himself, if he had brought more than one vial of serum then both of them would be fine and they could escape the city practically unscathed.

It wasn't his fault, he didn't know about Newt. That's what Minho told him but he didn't listen, they proceeded to run through the ruined city. Buildings falling all around them, shouts from injured men and women. They only had one goal, get to Brenda. Minho was still in shock, one second he had escaped from wckd the next he finds out both of his best friends are infected by The Flare. He thought that maybe it wasn't real, that it was a trial set by wckd. When he was captured by them they did all sorts of tests. These gave him visions, made him see things that weren't real. Put him in stressful situations for better results, but this. This was no trial. Y/n's life was on the line, so they weren't messing around anymore.

A huge bomb went off, shaking the whole city. It made the pair stop in their tracks, a huge building started falling over. "Run! Go!" Minho shouted to Gally. The building crashed down, creating another large shake. They weren't too far from Brenda anymore, she was at the Berg with the rest of the immunes and Frypan. As they were running they heard Teresa over the loudspeakers, they didn't stop running just looked at eachother in shock. The two were very fast runners, although Gally was never a Runner in the maze, he wasn't the slowest out of the lot. "Thomas is the cure?" Gally shouted to Minho, "How is that possible!" he continued. "That doesn't matter right now, we have to get the serum. I'm pretty sure he'd rather have his sister saved for now." Minho said, panting slightly. "Sister?" Gally shouted in confusion. He nodded and continued running.

They ran for another minute and they reached the Berg, "Brenda! We need the serum!" Minho shouted. "I'm coming with you." Brenda said, starting to run towards the pair. They turned around and started bolting back to the group, "How's she doing!?" Brenda shouted over the loud bangs and shouts. "Not good! We have to go!" Gally said, still running. Brenda didn't really know the group extremely well but she still didn't want them to lose Y/n. She knew how close they all were and how much her death would effect everyone. Especially Thomas and Newt, those two boys loved her more than anything. She cared about the boys too so she didn't want them to go through that pain.

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