chapter twenty nine: wicked

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"Kate.. this place seems a bit off.." Y/n said, as they walked through a town. It was far too silent , no noise at all besides their footsteps. Normally in towns, you hear other people. Shouting, wails of pain.. no matter what, there was noise. But not here. "I mean you're not wrong.." Kate replied quietly. "You think somethings off?" she continued. Y/n looked at the older girl then back to the road, "That's not what I'm saying.. it's just this doesn't seem right." she told her. Then they saw a small child peeking out from behind a building, they made eye contact with Y/n then ran down an alleyway.

Without warning, Y/n ran after the kid and darted down that same alleyway holding her backpack whilst doing so. "Y/n!" Kate shouted, and quickly ran to her. Y/n saw the boy run into an abandoned building. She quickly followed after, "Hey kid!" she shouted. The child was alone, sitting in the corner of the room. "Please don't take me away! I promise.. I'm not immune.. not like the others." the little boy said. "What?.." Y/n said, "Why would I take you?" she continued. The little boy stared up at her with terrified eyes as Kate walked in. "T.. they took all of us, everyone.. They wanted immunes. There was only a small amount of us here.. barely twenty. Then they took them all.. the immunes anyway." the boy told them.

"Who? Who took them?" Kate asked. The boy shrugged his shoulders shakily, "All I could see was a 'W' and a 'D' on their van, that's it." he said. Y/n looked up at Kate, who was standing behind her. "Wicked.." she said quietly. "Wicked.." she repeated. "Aren't they all dead?" Kate said quickly. Y/n didn't reply she looked at the ground and walked back outside. Kate said thank you to the boy and quickly followed her. "They're dead.. everyone died in the fire or inside the Last City." Y/n said, she was pacing back and forward. "Y/n.. they have more than one installation surely, or lab.." Kate told her, putting her hands on Y/n's shoulders keeping her still.

"If they're looking for more immunes then they could be looking for us.. I mean they would prefer at least one of their original subjects wouldn't they? They can't get me.. I can't go back there.. I can't.." she said pushing the girls' hands off her shoulders. "Y/n, you have to calm down.. calm do-" "No! How the hell am I supposed to calm down if I know that wicked is still up and running, huh? I can't calm do-" Y/n fell to the ground and there was a man standing behind her. "What the hell.." Kate said, the man then spoke up. "I'm going to be needing that, if you run now.. I won't take you too." The man was holding a large rock, and Y/n's head was bleeding slightly.

"What do you want with her.." Kate said, stepping back from the man. "We just need her.. she can help us." the man said, "Now run." he continued. Kate turned quickly and ran, looking back at the man who had now picked up the unconscious girl. She saw four letters on the back of his uniform, W C K D. Wicked. Tears formed in her eyes as she ran from the man, she had to save Y/n. She didn't have much time to get to the Safe Haven before they would both turn, but she had to get there. She had to tell the girls' friends that she was alive. She could get the cure and they could both be saved. If it was the last thing she would do on this planet, she would save that girl. No matter what the cost.

enemies to lovers (y/n and newt) book three.Where stories live. Discover now