Epilogue 2: Letters Between "Friends"

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Dear Kendall,

Today, I am finally getting around to writing all my letters. I've been putting off doing them because there's been so much to see and do these past few weeks. But at last, I stopped procrastinating and so here I am, sitting at the writing desk while I look out the window of a pretty little inn-room in Contin.

Brandon is out buying supplies. Later, we'll be going shopping for some new outfits for a town dance tomorrow night. I love these town dances - they're nothing like the ones we used to hold at the Harper manor. It's a lot more casual and relaxed. It took me a while to get used to them, but now, I always get excited when we have a chance to go to one. I feel like I've changed quite a bit these past few months. I suppose a lot of that's due to your brother.

What about you? I've no doubt that being engaged to Logan has changed you in certain ways. Or has it? Are you still the same silly, scatter-brained Kendall I like to remember you as? Well, if that's what Logan fancies, I am happy for him. He's a sweet man (I would know). But seriously, let me congratulate you both on your upcoming nuptials. Let us know once the date is fixed and Brandon and I will be back to attend. In the meantime, he sends the both of you his fondest wishes and asks you to give your parents his love.

Till my next letter!





Dear Lilith,

I am always honored when you find time in your busy, busy schedule to write to me. I imagine you must write my letter last, much like an afterthought (don't even pretend it's not true).

To your letter, I'm glad you seem so happy and I am REALLY glad that you are learning how to be less of a stick-in-the-mud. Well, if that's the kind of thing my brother fancies, I'm happy for him too!

Me? I don't know if I've changed any. Let me ask Logan ......

He says I've gotten prettier! You're right. He IS sweet.

Anyway, let's see. Logan is doing well. There's not much change with his father, but I think Logan (and even his mother) is glad that I am around to help. I'm glad that Logan's mother doesn't disapprove of me, which I thought she would because of that whole business with Tyler Black. I think that in some ways, I am considered a part of their family already.

I spend most of my days helping at Father's shop and planning for the wedding with my mother. It's still going to be a long way away though, so you and Brandon don't have to start galloping back yet. I miss having my brother around, and things are certainly dull without you around either. It's not so bad though. I have Sky, my parents, my friends Lindsay, Grace and Rae and you may be surprised - Olivia and the twins. These days, they often come to visit me. They miss you heaps, but I'm glad we seem to be becoming good friends.

Olivia tells me Tyler is still afraid to come back to Coser, even with Brandon out of town. I know my brother had something to do with him going away, but I can only imagine what he said. Or did.

I suppose I should thank him. Otherwise, I doubt I would be about to become Mrs. Logan Shaw. Arghhh, Mrs. Logan Shaw. I don't know if I'll ever get used to the sound of that.

Looking forward to your next lovely letter,

Your friend, Kendall

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