25. Lilith: Yearning

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Linens and loaves.

Lilith hadn't expected to hear that phrase again so soon after her last meeting with Brandon. "Which one is it?" she put to Ella. "The old linens and loaves or the new ones?"

"New," she answered with a grin.

"You're sure?"

"No mistaking him, Miss Lilith."

"Alright, alright." She went on her way, wondering if this was going to be a common occurrence from now on. Was Brandon so naive as to think that because the engagement had been called off, everything was going to fall into place? There was still the matter of her father, who she knew was no more fond of Brandon Moore than he was of Logan.

She snuck out, finding her way to the hole in the fence and squeezing through. She made her way to the grove, her heart pounding uncontrollably by the time she reached it.

Brandon was there, leaning against a tree, dark hair falling into one eye. Despite herself, a rush of desire washed over her and she did her best to resist it.

Brandon looked up, flicking the wayward lock from his forehead. The moment he caught sight of her, a smile of pleasure swept across his lips.

"Brandon, don't you think ... ?" she trailed off as he moved slowly and purposefully towards her.

"What?" he asked, his voice a whisper. He cupped her face with two hands, giving her a soft, breathy kiss on the lips. Every time she thought Brandon Moore could no longer surprise her, he proved her wrong. Words stuck in her throat as he pulled back to gaze at her.

"Brandon, we can't do this," she finally conjured.

"Why? Haven't you heard about Tyler?"

"Of course I have."

He drew back a little more. "Then what's the problem?"

"It's not that simple."

"It is simple. You're the one complicating things."

"You're beginning to sound a lot like Logan used to," she said, knowing he would not like that.

Sure enough, he squinted pointedly at her. But he surprised her by saying, "Well, perhaps even Logan was right about some things."

"Like what?"

"Like your irrational fear of your father."

"I respect my father."

"And fear him."

"I do not," she argued, the words coming out high-pitched. "I'm being realistic. I know my father well enough to know what he will say. He will not agree to the match."

"Your father's judgment is questionable at best. He was ready to marry you off to that worthless excuse of a man, Tyler Black. And you're no better. You were just going to go along with it."

Lilith wasn't too proud of that, but what could she have done? What could either she or Tyler have done when both their parents had been so set in their decision? "Maybe you Moores can do whatever you like, but it's different for me. I have responsibilities, obligations."

"First and foremost to yourself. Have you learned nothing after what happened with Logan?"

"I do not want to talk about this anymore. I need to go now. Coming out here was a mistake. I don't want to see you here again, Brandon. No more 'linens and loaves', do you hear me?"

"I hear you," he muttered.

She left in a huff, but the truth of the matter was her insides were crying out in anguish. To never see Brandon again - that was not what she wanted, really. But she couldn't think about what she wanted. She needed to remember her duty as a Harper, and that was to marry the man her father chose. She was just glad it was not going to be Tyler Black anymore. That was as good as she could hope for.

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