8. Kendall: Shall We Dance?

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"Ouch!" Kendall cried out as the wooden ruler rapped her knuckles. She pulled back her hand, kissing the joints where Miss Lumley had gotten her.

"Stop playing around," the old woman told her.

"I was just trying something different."

"You don't break the rules before learning them. Did you ever practice the piano after I stopped teaching you?"

She showed a sheepish smile in answer.

Miss Lumley sighed, facing forward where they sat on the piano bench together. "Miss Moore, I am doing this as a favor to you. Please take these lessons seriously."

"I am. I mean, I would. It's just that this is not what I had in mind."

"What did you have in mind?"

"I want to learn to be ladylike. You know, standing up straight, making conversation - that sort of thing. Poise and grace."

"Where is this sudden interest in poise and grace coming from?"

"I told you, I realized I was wrong and I want to ... mend my ways, so to speak."

Miss Lumley cocked her head, her glare scrutinizing. "Kendall Moore, is all this to gain the attention of a man?"

She started to refuse, then thought about her real reason, which was much worse. Reluctantly, she answered in a slow stretch, "Perrrrhaps?"

"Who is he?"

"Um, I'd rather not say. I'm a little shy about it."

"There must be something you can tell me about him."

Logan came into her mind, and she found herself grinning stupidly. "Yes, well, he's worldly and sophisticated and charming and - "

"Is he a good man?" she interrupted.

Kendall blinked. "Oh yes. Without a doubt."

"That's really the only thing that matters. And while I think it's admirable that you want to improve yourself, he should accept you as you are."

"Well ... there's no harm in helping things along, is there?"

"Do your parents know about this?"

"No. Not yet."

"Just be careful, Kendall. Men are deceitful creatures, especially when enamored."

"Uh huh." She checked the grandfather clock at the end of the room. "I have to go. The Harper dance is in two hours."

"I'll see you again tomorrow at the same time then."

Kendall crossed the room, pulling on her coat. "Will you be at the dance?"


"You weren't invited?"

"I was invited. They just don't interest me."


She gestured around the room. "Here, I have my music, my books, my cats. What more could I ask for?"

Kendall took another look around. There was only the sound of the clock's ticking and purring from a ginger furball on the rug. The quiet unnerved her, but she supposed some people found solace in it. "Alright," she said, with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you for your time."

She made her way out, beginning to race home then stopping herself. A lady didn't run down the street. A lady walked and strolled everywhere, no matter how late she was. She sighed, clutching her skirts and moving along at an ambling pace. Being a lady was a pain. Sometimes, she wished she had been born a man.

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