Last One - Act 3, Scene 1

Depuis le début

Maths Teacher: NOW!

Jesse: Okay okay.

Lacey: Jeez.

Jesse and Lacey leave


Scene starts at Joe's house. Joe walks upstairs to find his dad, Aaron, in his room.

Joe: Dad? Why're you in my room?

Aaron: Explain to me why I found a lighter and cigarettes in here.

Joe: I-

Aaron: You've been smoking haven't you? And why's there a massive hole in the wall?

Joe stands there speechless, unable to answer his dad

Aaron: Don't even think about lying to me! Have you been smoking!?

Joe: ...Yeah. I meant to punch the boxing bag but missed and hit the wall, that's why there's a hole there.

Aaron: Let me see your hands right now.

Joe: No? Why?

Aaron: Come here!

Aaron grabs Joe's hand and pulls it towards him to inspect it

Aaron: You fucking punched that wall didn't you!

Joe: Once maybe yeah. I didn't mean to I swear!

Aaron: You're gonna fucking pay for that. I'm cutting your allowance off.

Aaron picks up the lighter and cigarettes that's on Joe's bedside table

Aaron: I'm taking these too.

Aaron puts the pack of cigarettes and lighter in his pocket

Joe: But Dad I-

Aaron: Just get out. Go stay at your mother's.

Joe: What?

Aaron: You heard me! Pack your fucking bag and go.

Joe grabs some clothes and shoves them in a bag

Joe: I'm going round my mates.

Aaron: No you're not, go to your mothers.

Joe rushes down the stairs, Aaron follows

Joe: No! Not now. And don't expect me to come back here later either!

Aaron: You're not welcome back here! 

Joe walks out the door and slams it behind him


The rest of the group were round Adele's house for dinner and sleep over.

Adele: I was thinking about ordering a couple pizza's for dinner? Everyone okay with that? Is everyone here now or are we missing people?

Ethan: Joe's on his way but said order it without him, he'll be a bit late.

Kayla: He's been hanging out with us a lot lately hasn't he.

Adele: Yeah, I think he's finally realised that we not everyone hates him. Even though he distanced himself after Demi had the seizure, he's not an awful person, he really cares about us I think.

Ethan: He just doesn't know how to show it really.

Beau: So are we just accepting him into our group now then?

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