Chapter 45

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I slowly stood up and tried to walk but with every step I took, the pain got stronger and my vision got blurry. I had to sit down again. After a few failed attempts I finally reached my desk chair. I literally collapsed on it as a few tears streamed down my face.

I reached for my phone to send a text to Nat, telling her that I'm not coming, when I got an idea.

Since the pain wasn't that intense when I was sitting I decided that I will use the benefits of the chair. The chair had small wheels so I decided to use it as some kind of a wheel chair.

Every once in a while I had to push the chair with my feet but luckily the wheels slided down the hall smoothly.

Luckily there was also an elevator so I didn't have to use the stairs. I managed to arrive to the room where everyone was waiting. Probably for me.

Before I opened the door I took a few seconds to catch my breath. I didn't even walk, why the hell was I tired?!

When I ... drove in the room everyone looked at me. Most of them looked confused, probably because of the chair.

"You know that we've got other chairs around the building not just yours, right?" said Sam who found my entrance way more entertaining than it actually was.

I glared at him and pushed myself towards the table.

The room got filled with uncomfortable silence as they all kept staring at me.

At first I tried to ignore it and took a candy from the small bowl that was placed in the middle of the table.

Still no talking or anything.

I rolled my eyes as I swallowed down a gummy bear. "I'm having some troubles with ... walking, okay?! And since apparently you needed me here sooo desperately I had to improvise." I said annoyed to explain the chair situation.

"Now, I assume you didn't call me here just to stare at me since there are people around here way more pleasing to the eye than myself, so please, start with whatever we are here for." I added and took a deep breath since my monologue caused me to run out of air.

The deep breath caused some severe pain in the injured area which made me close my eyes. "And someone get me some damn painkillers." I mumbled.

A random person that I haven't seen before volunteered to get me a glass of water and painkillers.

After that, the unknown old man sighed and spoke up. "Five years ago I had a heart attack and dropped right in the middle of a backswing."

I raised my eyebrows. No offense but did they really made me come just to listen to a life story of an unknown man?

"Turned out it was the best round of my life because after the 13 hours of surgery and a triple bypass ... I found something 40 years in the Army had never thought me. Perspective. " he continued as I tried to figure out the point of this.

"That's amazing sir but did I seriously came down here just for some trying-to-be motivational speech?" I asked and rested my head on the table since I wasn't feeling my best.

"Miss Stark I know that it's in your blood to think that you're better than anyone else but please, just for once, keep your comments to yourself." he said without even looking at me.

"Sir it wasn't a comment. It was a question. You should've learned the difference in kindergarten." I said politely and smiled at him way too nicely with intention to annoy him.

Tony put his hand on my shoulder which made me turn around and look at him. He shook his head which basically meant shut up.

I rolled my eyes but stayed quiet this time. At that moment I noticed Sam nodding at me with a little smile just as if he applauded my attitude towards the man that I still didn't know the name of.

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