Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a hospital room. On my left there was a woman talking to the doctor. It was Nat.

I didn't want to interrupt the conversation so I waited. I realised that all the pain was gone. Well almost. I must've been on some strong medication.

When doc left Nat went back to sit on the chair. She noticed I was awake.

"Well well well look who decided to come back to life..." she said smiling. But there was something wrong. I could see it in her eyes.

"What happened? I mean ... I know that you got attacked by fake police but I know you managed to get away from them. What happened then?" asked Nat, she seemed like she was in a hurry.

I had to think for a moment. And it suddenly all hit me. James. It was James. Or whoever he actually is. He was trying to kill us.

"We got away and then ... there was a man in front of us. He kinda stopped the car ... well I don't know ... I think I passed out for a little... anyway when I woke up the car was upside-down and Fury...that selfish idiot...left me there." I said as I was trying to remember if I missed anything.

"Emily. Fury is dead." said Nat. Her voice cracked but she tried to cover it.

"Wait what? No he got away. He made this hole in the ground and ..."

"A lot of things happened while you were asleep." said Nat and took a deep breath.
"Who was the guy that you saw? Can you describe him? And most importantly... why did he let you live?" asked Nat a bit more quietly.

"He was wearing a mask." I looked down. "However he said something."

"What did he say?" asked Nat.

"This is going to sound completely... well ... okay. When I was working at the diner.." I started but Nat interrupted me.

"Emily I'm kinda in a hurry and-..." she turned towards the door.

Steve was waiting there and he obviously wanted to talk to Nat.

"I really have to go now. Please-..." she started.

"No way. You are not leaving me here." I said and sat up.

"You don't understand. Things are much more complicated than you realise." said Nat as she threw something that looked like an USB at Rogers.

"Then fill me in. I am not staying here." I pulled out an IV from my arm.
" the movies they make it feel like it doesn't hurt." I mumbled and stood up.

Nat sighed. "Fine but we have to get out of here. Fast. Change your clothes and meet us outside. Don't talk to anyone." Then they left.

I did as she said. When I got outside I couldn't see them. However at that moment my phone rang. Wow it was still alive. The screen was broken but it worked completely fine. It was Nat calling.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Tech shop down the street." was all that she said.

I sighed and ran down the street. Luckily the meds were still working so the pain was almost unnoticeable. I walked in the first tech store that I saw.

"Looking for a honeymoon destination." ... was that Nat's voice?

I looked around and I saw them by one of the computers.

"Yeah cause we're getting married." said Steve.

I almost choked by my inner laughter and walked towards them when the assistant man left.

"Congratulations." I said and tried to stay completely serious.

"For what?" asked Nat who was doing something on the computer.

"Wedding. I mean I'm not really surprised. Since the first time I saw you two together there was something-..."

"Can you please hurry up?" said Steve to Nat, obviously to interrupt me.

"New Jersey." whispered Nat and looked at Steve. "Looks familiar?" she asked.

"Yes .. let's go we are getting occupied." said Steve and slightly nodded towards a few man.

"Follow me." said Nat.

We walked through the store, actually I realised it was a shopping centre.

We walked towards the escalator. I stood behind Steve so I had quite a hard time seeing in front of me. He was h u g e.

"Romanoff on the left." whispered Steve.

I tried to see what he thought by that but couldn't really.

"Emily look right and stay behind Rogers. And you Rogers kiss me." said Nat.

I snorted. "Can't this wait?" I tried not to laugh and looked right.

"Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable."

"Yes." said Steve but as the men were getting closer he did as Nat said.

"After this is over I'm so writing a book." I laughed as we hurried towards the exit.

"I think in another hour you will have enough material to write a sequel." said Nat as we stopped by a random car.

Cap opened it and we sat in.

"Seat belts. Don't forget the seat belts." I said when I saw Cap was already ready to drive.

"Don't mind her. She's still a bit high on medication." said Nat before we drove away.

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