Last One - Act 2, Scene 6

Start from the beginning

Adele: Thanks for coming to check. You're a good friend.

Isaac: Thanks. Right then, if everything's alright, I better get back. I was helping set up the set for the musical.

Demi: B-bye.

Isaac waves and leaves

Adele: Are you alright?

Demi: I d-don't even kn-know a-a-any-m-more. I f-f-forget e-everything.

Adele: That's okay though. It's completely normal with your injury.

Demi: I h-hate it. (starts tearing up/crying) I c-c-can't even f-f-fuck-king speak.

Adele hugs Demi

Adele: Hey come on. You've been through a lot these past few months Dem. I know it's hard, but you're the strongest person I know. It's gonna take time but you'll get there.

Demi: I l-love y-you.

Adele: I love you too Dem. You wanna come back inside now and listen to Beau sing?

Demi: F-f-fine.

Meanwhile at sports practice...

Scene starts in the school field and see Joe and Ethan talking whilst running laps.

Ethan: So, what's new? Haven't heard from you in a while.

Joe: Yeah, sorry, I've been pretty occupied.

Ethan: Occupied? You know Demi was in a coma right.

Joe: Yeah I know. I just- (sighs) She's got everyone else to worry for her now so she doesn't need me.

Ethan: You know she asked where you were.

Joe: Wait, she woke up?

Ethan: Yeah about a month ago. I tried to message you but no answer so I gave up. She came into school today too.

Joe: I err, kinda broke my phone. 'Boxing' again.

Ethan: Huh.

Joe: So what's been happening with you?

Ethan: Well Demi woke up, it was Adele's birthday a few weeks ago. Beau and Dem are close again. Kayla got into pottery. That's about it.

Joe: They're close again?

Ethan: Yeah. I don't think Dem doesn't remember much of what you and her were before the seizure.

Joe: What'd you mean? How bad's her amnesia?

Ethan: I mean she doesn't remember the accident.

Joe: At all? Shit.

Ethan: Her memory comes and goes, ya know. Her mum did explain everything but I don't know if she remembers properly.

Joe: Shit.

Both silent for a minute

Joe: Oh also, I've been meaning to tell you. I err, I've been seeing someone.

Ethan: What? Who?

Joe: ...Kira.

Ethan: KIRA!?

Joe: Mhm. Not like me and Dem were dating anyways.

Ethan: But you also haven't told her? Even if you weren't dating she deserves to know.

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