Avengers (1)

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Backstory: Scenarios living with the Avengers.  You can control the elements, pyrokinesis, telekinesis, and you have skilled in fighting. Changed a bit of the scenes for the case of scenarios and also all relationships in the imagine are platonic. 

Mornings with them:

Your POV

Imagine your own outfits in all of this imagine

Being an Avenger is amazing, but mornings with them is something else. I have to go to school right now and I just need to get some breakfast before I meet with y/fn (your friend's name). As I enter the kitchen I see Nat, Clint, Steve, Wanda, and Sam in the kitchen. "Morning y/n" Clint says. "Morning" I say while getting the coffee out for my iced coffee. "Creamers right here" Nat says handing me the creamer and I nod in thanks. "Don't you think you're too young for caffeine?" Steve asks. Your local grandpa over here. "Nah Sam throw me an apple please" I say and he throws it and I catch it. "Why is it bad, she's 15" Wanda asks Steve as I look for my backpack. "Caffeine is bad for children" He says and she nods. "Where's my backpack?" I whisper to myself. "You left it in the lab" Tony says walking in. "kk" I say running to the lab. "Y/n where's the creamer?" Tony yells. "It's right there on the counter" I yell back. "You're the influence here Stark, she shouldn't be having caffeine-" Steve starts and I cut him off "someone tell captain crunch to shut up it's too early for this shit" I say heading down the stairs so I could to school. "LANGUAGE!" He yells. "yeah yeah, bye y'all. Put the old man to nap before the early bird special" I say jokingly. They all laugh except for Steve. "Bye y/n!" Wanda and Nat yell while laughing. 

First day of high school:

your POV

Today's my first day of high school. I'm attending Midtown High as Tony insisted because Peter's there. I don't mind me and Peter are friends so that's fun. Peter's a sophomore and I'm a freshman. They literally, and I'm not joking I wish I was, rented a van so they can all drive me and Peter to school. "LET'S GO WE'RE GONNA BE LATE" Clint yells. Most of us were in the living room waiting for them. "Remember we're still picking up Peter." Tony says. "you guys are enjoying this more too much." I say jokingly. I think it's sweet they care so much. "Okay Okay I got the camera ready." Bucky says and then Thor says "I have the Lady y/n's lunch" he says handing it to me and I thank him. "We're still going out for breakfast after?" Banner asks and the rest of them scold him. "Really? You're going out to breakfast without me and Peter. " I say. "It's okay we're going on a girls date later." Nat says and I smile. "WE NEED TO GO. LET'S GO" Steve says. We go pick up Peter and Aunt May takes a picture of us. We get in the van and start going to school, and Thor's vlogging the whole time, Tony's lecturing us. "Remember you can't tell anyone about classified information, in fact just try not to bring up the Avengers at all." WE nod. "As you can all see we have Lady yn and Sir Peter here on our way to their first day of school-" "Thor shut up" Same tells him. "No" he says and continues to vlog. "Y'know we look like a church group right now." Peter says and I nod. "Huh look at that we're here" Wanda says. We get out of the car and start to say or goodbyes. "Do you have everything? Pencils, pens, lunch, period kit, first aid kit, a jacket, your lunch, your water bottle-" Steve says going all mom mode. "Yes I have EVERYTHING." They laugh. "This is so sad, our little girl is starting high school." Nat says. "Just yesterday it was like we saw you running after Steve." Clint says. They all start tearing up sadly and sarcastically. "It's too early for you to start crying" Bucky says. "Let's take a picture." Thor says and they all start taking pictures of me and Peter. "POSE FOR THE PICTURE" "Is the flash on?" "Which one is the camera?" "It's time for class." Peter says. "thanks for this. I'll see yall later." I say and Peter says"Bye everyone". we start to walk towards the doors. "Ugh are we that old?" 

 your first date:

No one's POV

"Guys I don't know about this." Steve says. "Oh cmon she's 17. We've haven't even met the guy, we can't judge." Nat says. "I don't know Nat, maybe he just using her." Clint says. "The Lady yn deserves respect." Thor says. "Guys stop except that she's growing up. Plus they're going out for ice cream and pizza." Bucky says. "Thank you" Nat says. "I've know the guy, he's really nice and cool." Peter says. "Peter tell us more about the guy." Wanda says. "We don't have to we can do a background check on him and his ENTIRE family-" Tony starts and then gets cut by Nat and Wanda "NO". "Anyways his name is William. British exchange student. He's active, doesn't play any sport though. Tall, brunette, blue eyes, smart, he's not popular but he's kind to everyone. Also a women's rights activist. Over great guy." Peter continues (I'm using William Franklyn Miller as reference sorry if he ain't your type, but he was the only guy that came up to mind.) "See he sounds great." Wanda says. "Hey everyone William's here" The secretary down stairs says on the inter com. "He's here be nice. Send him up Katrina please." Nat says the last part in the inter com. "I'll go get yn." Wanda says and William comes up with two bouquets of flowers. "Hello good evening, I'm William."he says kind of nervous. "Hello son well I suppose you know who we are already." Steve says standing up to shake his hand. He nods and shakes his hand. "So you're the famous William" Tony says. The guys start to ask him many questions. "I'm so sorry for them, they're really over protective." Nat says going up to the poor boy. "It's fine ah these for you and Ms. Maximoff ma'am."He says handing her a bouquet of flowers. "Oh my gosh thank you so much." She says to him and he smiles. As she said that you walked out. He stared in awe. "Hey William sorry for taking so long." You said. As he snaps out of his awe "it's fine ah these are for you." Handing you a bouquet of your favorite flowers. "Oh my god thank you, we should probably get going, bye guys I'll be back soon." She says and then he says "See you later it was wonderful meeting you all". "Bye" They all said and the two left the building. "I like him" Steve said.

(Something different than what I usually do.Enjoy yall. Love yall)


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