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"POTTER!" Vernon screamed from downstairs.

Harry, who was up in his room, mourning for his recent loss, jumped in surprise. He looked up from the photo album in his hands and up at his door, his eyes widening. He fluttered his lips, gently setting the album on his bed and walked out of his room. He quietly marched down the stairs and into the family room, where he was met with his uncle, aunt, and cousin.

"Finish breakfast, would you?"

Petunia huffed, walking out of the kitchen to join her husband, who was reading a letter.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia." Harry replied, walking over to the stove and looking at the contents in the pan.

Sighing, he reached for the spatula and began to flip the bacon that sizzled in its own grease.

"You're always causing problems for us, boy." Vernon barked. Setting the plastic spatula down, Harry looked away from the thin pieces of meat and over at his uncle.

Harry raised an eyebrow and fiddled with his fingers, nervousness flooding his heart. "What did I do this time?" Harry inquired, keeping perfect eye contact so he wouldn't seem rude.

"You and your freakishness has given me enough issues! Now this?! I'm disgusted." Vernon snorted, giving Petunia the letter to read.

"Sir, I still don't know what i've done." Harry admitted, looking over at the bacon. He noticed the bacon beginning to brown and turned the gas off. "

Really? I figure you would have already known!" Vernon snarled.

"Uncle Vernon, no one writes to me anymore. I wouldn't know anything." Harry pulled plates out of the cupboard, pilling the already cooked eggs and the bacon onto three plates.

"Fine then, I'll tell you myself." Vernon stood, walking over to the table and sitting down. Harry placed the food in front of his hungry family and walked to the sink to do the dishes. "One of your freakish friends is staying the summer. It has something to do with a war." His uncle snarled.

Harry's heart skipped a beat, both fear and excitement flooding his body. Maybe they would be able to rescue him from this place. But, at the same time, maybe they would leave Harry, calling him foolish for not being able to stand up against his own family.

"When are they coming?" Harry asked, not looking away from the dishes.

"In a week, and you better keep him quiet. Am I understood?" Vernon demanded. Harry sighed, frustratedly scrubbing the pan in his hands.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon." Harry sighed, finally putting the pan in the dish rack.

"Good." Vernon barked, shoving eggs into his mouth. "Now, go up to your room. I have little desire to see you today." Harry drained the dishwater nodded, walking back up towards his bedroom, hiding away for the rest of the day.

Five Hours Earlier


A loud ringing met Draco's ears in the early hours of the morning. He jolted awake, startled by the sudden noise. An anger rose inside of him as he looked at his bedroom door from the comfort of his bed.

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