Chapter 62 - Slut-shaming

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POV | Yeji
I was so fucking embarrassed. Atleast I had Ryujin's coat. "Woah.. she can't cook at all." Jeongyeon said. "You don't know her. She can cook.. just not under pressure." I stuck up for her. "She burnt her hand and-" Jihyo started to say but I interrupted, "Can you just leave us alone? She was trying to make me a nice breakfast-" Dahyun cut me off, "Oh yeah she did with a lot of milk." I sighed, closing my eyes. "That was my fault." Jihyo laughed, "Not surprised." I crossed my arms. Sana came over to me, "Leave her alone." I bit my lip, "Thanks.." Sana whispered, "Gotta help a fellow slut." I covered my eyes. "I still can't believe you're still with her.. after all she's done.." Jihyo said. "Like it or not, we're getting married and we sure as hell will not be-" Okay what is with it with interrupting people? "You're not getting married." Jihyo said, "And you need to get out of my house." Sana scoffed, "You're the worst sister in the world. Can't we just stay somewhere else?" Jihyo shook her head, "I'm not letting these two fuck anymore than they already have in my house." Sana said, "Oh really.. you've let Momo and I." I didn't need to know that. Momo stomped, "Sana shut up!" Sana went over to Momo, "Make me." Momo huffed, "You're such a slut." Sana then said, "Then why did you decide to fuck me last night and told me I was yours?" Their relationship reminded me of Ryujin and I's. Mina gasped, "You guys had sex in that tiny bed?" Momo grumbled, "We did not. She's lying." Sana showed a hickey, "Then whats this?" Mina widened her eyes, "Momo and Sana did it hahahaha." Momo got angry, "I'm fucking your ass when we get home you little slut." Sana smiled, "Good." Jihyo sighed, "SaMo, get a room." I leaned against the fridge, "You gonna let us stay?" Jeongyeon said, "Just let them stay and we'll find a hotel." Jihyo grumbled, "As long as I'm not in a room with these two then.. I guess.." She pointed to Sana and Momo. "And you! Don't you even dare think about trashing this place up! If I find anything then I will kill you! You're lucky I'm even letting you stay here! And by the way I hope Ryujin destroys you tonight because you don't deserve to be married before I am!" Tzuyu stood there in shock. Tzuyu was her ex. Ryujin came out, "Don't talk to my fiancée that way! You're just jealous that she found love and you didn't!" Jihyo came over to Ryujin, "No I'm not! She just doesn't deserve to be happy! She is a slut and..." She stopped for a second. A tear fell down. My sister never really cared about me. "So this is why I wanted to take my life! This is why. Everyone thinks I'm a slut and that I can't change. I'm not the person I was years ago! I met Ryujin and I changed. I changed my whole life but you'll always see me as the slut. That's all you guys think of me! Telling me I don't deserve to be happy in front of me?! Are you fucking kidding me?! After everything I've went through! I lost my damn baby because of the stupid choice I made! This is the reason why I didn't want to be here! No one cares about me expect from Ryujin and my kids! This is why I'm getting married! I finally found my love that I needed! I hope you never find love! You're rude and heartless! No one will ever find the sister I once had! The sister who would walk me home from school everyday! The sister who would share her dinner with me because mom and dad didn't have enough money! The sister who would help me if I fell! It's all gone! Where did you go? It's like someone ripped out your heart.. Now.. you're just a heartless backstabbing bitch who only cares about the money she makes. I hope you die in a hole!" I was now crying. Ryujin caressed my arm, I just pulled away, walking off. "Just.. fuck you!" I flipped her off, going into the bedroom. I didn't want Ryujin to calm me down right now, so I just locked the door. "Oh Yeji... honey open the door.." Ryujin tried twisting the doorknob. "No! Leave me alone!" I leaned against the wall. "H-honey.." Ryujin said. "Ryujin go away." "Yeji.. I love you.." I sighed, "I love you too.." Then I didn't hear anything else.

POV | Ryujin
I walked away, leaving her alone. "See what you just did! All I wanted was to have nice proposal and celebrate.. that's all I wanted.." Jihyo looked stunned. She just faced the truth. The girls came over touching her arm but she just moved away. "Why can't you just be happy for her? Why can't you trust me? Why? I love her Jihyo.. I love her.. I would never hurt her.. and we just want a start life together.. we want to pursue our dream and raise our kids.. why can't you accept that?" Jihyo was actually crying. Jihyo went past me going to the bedroom door. "She wants to be alone. Don't even try to mess her up." I said. Yeji opened the door. Are you fucking kidding me? Jihyo went in. I scoffed, rolling my eyes, and going into the kitchen. Dahyun looked at me, "You probably don't know what happened.." I raised my eyebrows, "What?" Dahyun looked at all the girls, "Do we tell her?" Tell me what? "Go ahead.." Jeongyeon said. "Well.. Yeji and Jihyo's father got into a car accident." I clenched my jaw. I had met her father only a couple times. "D-did he make it?" Dahyun sighed, "H-he did. But.. he got cancer.. and Jihyo's been taking care of him and she's been losing it. She didn't want to bother Yeji because she knows that you two as busy raising the kids and especially with the debut.. it just wasn't possible." I blinked, "So she just decided not to tell Yeji? That's my baby girl we're talking about.. she's sensitive to lying.." Nayeon said, "You're right. We tried to get her to tell you guys but she kept on seeing you two busy and never did it. She actually just brought us up here so we could help her with her father and she doesn't really own this house but decided to stop here because it was available and she didn't know that you two.. uhm already occupied it. Again, she thought you two were busy.." I nodded, "Well.. we got a small break.. and I had been waiting to propose for a long time and decided to take her here because this is actually the day we met." Sana raised her eyebrows, "But why here? And I thought your guy's anniversary was 2/18?" I nodded again, "It is. That's our anniversary. B-but we've met before that.." Momo gasped, "Wait.. are you the girl she would talk about?" I leaned back on the counter. "The girl she found at a strip club and took her home.. and flirted with her?" Sana looked at Momo. "I-is that you?" I looked down, "Yep. That was me." Tzuyu spoke up, "You were at a strip club?!" I opened my mouth but no words came out, "Let's not talk about this.. but the point is.. we met here in Jeonju and I wanted to take her here and propose." They were all shocked. "So.. is her father here?" I quickly changed the subject. "Y-yeah.. he's at the hospital.." Yeji and Jihyo came out. They both had tears in their eyes. I went over to Yeji, hugging her, "I love you honey.." She kissed me, "I love you too.." She was finally wearing clothes but still was stumbling. "I'm so sorry.." I said. Yeji nuzzled our heads together, "I-I have to go.." I assumed Jihyo told her. "A-alright.." Yeji cried in my chest, I held her head close, "Shh.. shh.. baby.. it's gonna be okay.. I'm here for you.." I didn't know that much about her dad but I knew that he cared for her and accepted us.. I also knew that he worked his best to try to support his family. "I can't lose him... he's not my real father but I can't lose him Ryu.." I played with her hair, "I don't know what to say.." Yeji pulled away, "He has to be at our wedding.. he has to been there when we get pregnant again.. he has to be there for the kids.. he has to be a grandpa.." I got teary. My poor baby. I lifted her chin, "You should go be with him honey.. I shouldn't have proposed so soon.. I didn't know this was gonna happen.. but I can't take the kids out of school.. they've already missed enough.. I'll come over to hospital in a bit, okay?"Yeji nodded, wiping her tears. "I love you so much.." We hugged for another minute. "Guys we gotta go.." Nayeon said. I kissed her, "I'm always gonna be here for you, call me.." Yeji nodded again. "Love you.." It was a small whisper. I whispered back, "Love you.." Yeji went off with Twice. Now I was just alone. I heard my stomach growl, "Fine.. I'll eat.. and then I'll go to the hospital with her..  mind as well try again.." I said as I poured out more batter on the pan.

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