Chapter 3 - Care

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POV | Ryujin
I woke up to Yeji staring at me, I jumped and gulped, "W-what?! Why are staring at me?" She came over and held my arm, "You're just adorable when you sleep.." I looked down and blushed, "Alright alright.. but don't do that again.. you look like a stalker.." I got up and went into my closet. While I changed clothes, I heard her sing... she sounded amazing.. I bit my lip, coming out of the closet. I looked at her before going into the bathroom and taking my medicine. She walked in, backhugging me. I looked down at her, "I still don't get why your being nice to me.." I shook my head and brushed my teeth. She just held onto me tighter and didn't say a word. I spit out the toothpaste, I scoffed, "Okay.." I then mumbled, "Clingy.."

POV | Yeji
"I am not clingy!" I looked down at me hugging her, "W-well not always!" I huffed and walked over to the other sink, doing my morning routine. After we had gotten ready.. and were about to leave, I grabbed her hand, "Listen to me.. who is this Beomgyu guy?" She froze and broke from my grip, walking out. "Ryuddaeng!" I yelled, thinking of a creative nickname for her. She stopped and turned around, "What did you just call me?" I gulped, "Ryuddaeng.. I thought it sounded cute.." I looked at her. "Just leave me alone already.." She walked off.. probably pissed at me.. it made me wonder even more about this Beomgyu, from her reaction. I followed her, "Ryuddaeng.. I'm not leaving you alone.. if you don't want to talk about him then that's okay.. I just need to be here for you.."

POV | Ryujin
"Why the fuck do you even care?!" I yelled at her and walked to the school, "Watch your language!" She yelled at me and I flipped her off, "I say what I fucking want.." She grabbed my finger and stopped me, I flinched and looked back at her, "Not with me.." She said, giving me a weird look. "Whatever cat eyes.." I bit my lip and walked off, "What did you just call me?!" She caught up to me and grabbed my hand. "Cat eyes!" I took my hand away. "I don't have cat eyes!" She yelled at me, "You do.. now just leave me alone! I don't know how many times to say it!" I speed-walked into the building. She didn't obey me.. it made me pissed off. She didn't say anything though.. she just followed me.. it was creepy. Maybe she was a stalker.. maybe she wanted to kill me! Oh god.. why is this happening?

POV | Yeji
I followed her around.. all day. When it got to lunch, I sat right next to her, I stared at her but not realizing I was staring until she said, "Get your eyes off of me stalker.." I gulped, "Stalker? I'm not a stalker! I'm just trying to take care of you. Here.. do you need any help?" I scooted over and tried to help her with getting her lunch out of her bag, she grabbed my hand, "I swear if you don't leave the me the fuck alone.. I will explode!" I looked down, I whispered in her ear, "Calm down Ryuddaeng.. I'm just trying to help you.." She then gave me the dirtiest look in history. I bit my lip, looking at a girl taking a photo of us.. shit. I got up, "Hey!" She started to run away, I ran after the girl. I finally caught up to her, I grabbed the camera, taking it and finding the photo.

POV | Yuna
Shit.. "Give it back!" I whined and tried grabbing my camera. "Who are you? And why do you want photos of me and my friend.." She looked at me.. I hesitated, "I-I.. I'm Yuna.. I'm a freshman-" She interrupted me, "Explains a lot." I crossed my arms, "I am the head of the school gossip site! Now give me back the camera." I reached out for my camera. "No way! I'm not letting you gossip about us.. we're just friends.. hell.. she wouldn't even consider me a friend.." The girl sighed, "You're gonna have to make a deal with me, if you don't want that photo on the site.." I huffed. "Fine.. I'll.. make it up to you somehow.. but right now I don't have enough money.. my mom and dad are paying for this school because they want me to be 'successful'." I bit my lip, "Well you're gonna have to somehow.. I'll be seeing you around aye?" The girl nodded, "Yep.. I'm Yeji by the way.. I'm new here.." I scoffed, "I could tell.. l'll see you around Yeji.." I grabbed my camera, walking off.

POV | Ryujin
I waited so long for Yeji to come back.. did it really matter if a picture of us got onto the gossip page? Wow.. wait.. shit.. everybody would come for Yeji because she's hanging out with the freak.. otherwise known as me.. Freak Shin Ryujin.. I sighed and laid my head on the table, covering my head. I flinched when someone touched me.. it was the fucking shithole Choi Beomgyu, "Aye freak!" He pushed and I gulped, I knew if I didn't react.. things would be easier. "Aww freak is too scared to say something back.. how cute.." He said in a very annoying voice. His friends came over, hyping him up. Taehyun and Yeonjun. His sidekicks. I bit my lip. Soobin his other friend came over, "Guys.. quit.." Beomgyu punched Soobin, "Don't tell me what to do!" He then grabbed my lunch, "Whats this?! Dog shit for the freak-" I looked up in tears but trying to keep it together, that's when Yeji came over.

POV | Yeji
I saw four guys bothering Ryujin, I ran over, "Hey! Stop it! She has feelings, you know?! She's an innocent kind girl who has this horrible disability that she can't control! So shut the fuck up and get your asses out of here!" I yelled, not afraid of the guys. A tall dark-haired boy yelled at me, "Or what?!" I smirked, "I'll hurt you!" He scoffed, "You can't hurt me, you're a girl!" His friends clinched their fists. I looked at him, "Really? I'm just a 'girl'" I held a quotation gesture with my hands, while saying girl. People started to stare at us... but I didn't give a fuck. I'm just trying to protect Ryujin. "Is this Beomgyu?" I pointed to the dark-haired male and looked at Ryujin, she nodded. I smacked the male, "You ever hurt Ryujin again and I'll fucking kill you! Stay away from her!" Beomgyu hissed in pain, grabbing his face. "Have a hell of hand, girl.. You're new, huh?" He stood up. "Yeah I am!" I crossed my arms, "So what?" Beomgyu chuckled, "You don't know what happens to people who mess with me.. so know you'll know!" He lunged at me and Ryujin got up, pulling me away, saving me from him. "Stay the hell away from her!" I gulped, she took me away and as soon as we got out of the cafeteria, she pinned me against the wall, "Are you fucking insane?!" I grabbed her waist, "Hey.. I was just trying to protect you.." I looked at her.

POV | Ryujin
"Just trying to protect me? Hell Yeji! You just about fucking killed yourself! I could've handled it on my own! I had to protect you! Don't you ever scare me like that or stick up for me! I don't like it!" I yelled and looked at her. She gave me a hug, whispering in my ear, "I was just trying to help.. because I care about you.." I widened my eyes, she's cares about me? What does this mean?! Ugh! My stupid thoughts, I pulled away, "Okay.. let's just go and get something from a fast food place.." I bit my lip.

POV | Yeji
I didn't let her go, I held her waist, looking into her innocent dark blueish-brownish eyes. I thought of what she said, "I could've handed it on my own! Don't you ever scare me like that or stick up for me!" So.. she admitted that she got scared from it. I tilted my head. "What?" She said as she held my hands on her waist, fidgeting with my fingers.. I found it cute. "Y-you were scared Ryuddaeng?" I asked her, she buried her head into my chest, "Don't make me say it again.." I smiled and patted her back. I sighed, "Oh Ryuddaeng.." She pulled away and looked at me, "What?" I looked straight at her, "I-I was just touched that you felt scared for me.. it means a lot for me to know that someone cares.. I grew up.. where.. my own parents didn't care for me.. they didn't care if I was scared, hurting, or anything.. never cared.. so I was put into foster care after teachers found bruises and contacted the police and took my parents away.." I paused for a moment and felt a lump in my throat, She put her hands on my shoulders, "It's okay Yeddeong.." I bit my lip when she called Yeddeong.. I liked it. "Well after spending about two years in foster.. my now known parents adopted me.. they weren't very rich but able to give me the life that I deserved.. but unfortunately at 8, everything changed.." I looked down, she got closer to me and asked, "W-what happened?" I sighed, "I had a normal cold.. like a strep throat or something.. and it hospitalized me.. I was in the hospital for a year.. I had pneumonia, atopy, and osteomyelitis.." I paused, Ryujin gave me the biggest hug, "I'm so sorry Yeddeong.." It felt nice to have this time with Ryujin, it made me feel better. "Thanks.. anyways they became very poor from spending money on me in the hospital.. and sacrificed everything for me.. my older sister, Jihyo even tried helping.. so they sent me to this school to try to have a good future. I barely have enough money for rent.. so they pay it for me.. I'm so glad, I have you.." I hugged her back.

POV | Ryujin
I never knew.. I hugged her tighter, "I'm so sorry Yeji.. I make everything about myself.. I never knew that you had such a troubling background.. I shouldn't have pushed you away.. I'm really sorry.. and I know what it feels like to be alone.. it sucks.. so yeah.. at least we have each other.." I pulled away, still holding her shoulders.

POV | Yeji
I nodded, "That means a lot to me.. now.." I shook my face fast, "Let's go get some food.." I took my hands off her waist but she stills held my shoulders, I was confused, I looked down at her hands and then at her. She stood still, examining my body. "Ryujin..?" I said her name. She hums, blinking fast, "Huh?" She looked at her hands and put them down, "Let's go get some food.." I smiled and grabbed her hand, taking her outside, "Ryuddaeng.." I looked at her while walking,. "Yes, yeddeong?" She smiled. "You're the best friend I could have right now.." I squeezed her hand. I saw her blush and I chuckled, "Your welcome.." She bit her lip.

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