Chapter 53 - The real truth

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POV | Yeji
Why was she acting like this? "M-mommy..." I whispered. Ryujin took her tongue off me and looked at me. "Tell me-" She put her tongue on me again. She was just trying to distract me. But damn did it work. I stomped, "Ryujin!" She held my waist tight and entered her tongue in me. I gulped, feeling her tongue swirl around. Ryujin was trying so hard for me not to know why she had to have a talk with Hyunjin in private. It drove me insane. She knew how to take advantage of me. The tongue. That drove me insane too. "Mmmm... so good.." Ryujin was even trying harder. I bit my lip, her moans were like music to my ear. The water was making this worse too. It made everything heat up even more. My blood felt like it was boiling and ready to burn off my skin. "Alright kitten cum for me.." Ryujin slapped my waist. I hated this. "Kitten..." She slapped harder, and continued to use her tongue on me. It gave me chills. Ryujin was the only one that could make me freeze. That stupid fucking tongue. I bit down on my lip, trying my best to hold it in. That just made her try harder. I finally came and pulled away once I did. Ryujin hands were still on me and her mouth was full of my thick milky cum. How did she know about the tongue thing? Well one day she decided to play around with me and she found my Achille's heel. I huffed, and crossed my arms. "Good girl.." Ryujin said while standing up. I stared at my cum that all over her face. I wiped it off with my thumb, holding it out so she could suck it. She did and looked me straight in the eyes. I put my thumb down, finally deciding to drop whatever stupid conversation they had in private. "You look mad.." Ryujin mumbled while putting shampoo in her hair. "No kidding.." I looked at her like she was dumb, and put some of the shampoo in my hair. "No need to be a smart ass.." I bent down. "Well I'm smart and have a big ass so..." Ryujin slapped me, "Quit it." I sighed, and rinsed my hair under the water. "You liked it." Ryujin mumbled. I stepped out of the water so I could hear her a little better. "What? I did not like it.." She chuckled, "You did. Don't pretend you didn't like it." I didn't like it. Like what the fuck? She interrupted me and made me vulnerable.. I huffed, and walked over to the door. "You didn't shave." Ryujin said. "So I have to shave?" I looked at her up and down. She didn't shave ether. "Shave." I was so annoyed. "Why?" Ryujin handed me the razor. "Because." I grumbled, and started to shave. "Why don't you shave then?" Ryujin picked up her razor. "I will." Why was she wanting me to shave? She knows I hate it-that's why. She wants to make me suffer and keep pushing me to limit. She wants to distract me so I wouldn't ask about Hyunjin. That made me pissed.

POV | Ryujin
Was my plan working? I really really really wanted to keep her busy so she wouldn't ask. About 15 minutes later, we got out of the shower. I dried her with a towel, and massaged her soft skin. Yeji looked at me, "Clothes." I shook my head, "No clothes." Yeji huffed. I picked her up, taking her into the bedroom. "Why're you doing this?" She asked. "I'm not doing anything.." Yeji whined and pulled away. "You're doing something." I placed my hands on her shoulders, "Well yeah I'm gonna fuck you.." She stared at me, "Now?" I nodded, "Hell yeah.." Yeji shook her head, "Ryujin we've had sex like 2 times today... that's enough.." I chuckled, "I thought you said you liked having sex 5 times a day.." Yeji gulped, "That was a long time ago." I pouted, "Do you just not like me?" Yeji covered her breasts a bit. "I just don't like to have sex with you that many times.. that's all." I blinked, "Are you still scared of me?" Yeji simply just looked. "I'm scared of you, yes." I bit down on my lip, "How come?" She pulled away again, "You're sweet and all but I'm just scared of you.. I-I never know what you're gonna do.." She felt this way? I looked down, "You just don't like me, do you? I mean that's fine.. I-I guess I'll just move rooms.." Yeji lifted my chin, "It's not like that. You just... become angry and sometimes it's scary when you are.." I got up, "Here's your clothes.." I threw them to her. It ended up on her head. I sighed, walking out of the room. "Ryujin... Ryujin come back.." She had the same guilt in her voice as this morning. I put on my robe and went to the spare room. A few moments later Yeji came crawling in with lingerie on. "Mommy.. I want you to fuck me.." I flipped through my magazine. "No you don't.. you're just saying that because you feel guilty.." In the corner of my eye, I could see her jumping. I'm assuming she wanted me to see her boobs but I just paid attention to my magazine. "What are you looking at?" Yeji hovered her head over the magazine. I panicked, and dropped it. "N-nothing!" Yeji smacked my face. I was looking at naked girls. "You-" I got on my knees and begged for forgiveness. "B-baby I'm sorry.. honey I love you.. I love your body.. that was just a single page in the magazine.. I love you-" Yeji huffed, "You'd rather look at naked girls than my body-" I ripped her bra off. "N-no! I love your body honey!" Yeji pulled away, "You like skinny girls.. that's fine with me.." I grabbed her waist, "But you are skinny.." Yeji backed off even more. "I'm not skinny! You just don't like me at all! Just because I told you that I don't like having sex, you went off to look at naked girls and probably wanted to-" I smacked her ass, and ripped the lace panties off. "No! I just flipped a damn page!" Yeji covered herself, "Where did you even get that stupid magazine?!" She wasn't gonna like this. "Uhm.." Yeji smacked me in the face again. Then again, I thought of when Beomgyu said, "Have a hell of hand girl." I bit my lip, "Stop with the smacking!" She smacked me once again, "Hwang Yeji!" I yelled, holding my face. "You're disgusting! Who the fuck gave it to you?!" I was still in pain. "Heejin! Heejin! Okay?!" Another smack. "And you trusted her enough to look through it?!" I backed away, "It was a gift! I didn't know!" Jesus Christ here we go again. Smack. "I told you to stay away from her!" I hissed in pain, "Yeji she gave it through the mail!" And again. Smack. "Bullshit!" I whimpered, covering my face because I was afraid she would smack me again. "P-please don't smack me.." I could sense her hand getting closer. I flinched, moving away. "P-please..." Yeji held my arm, "Then tell the fucking truth.." I looked up at her, "If you won't smack me I will.." Yeji took her hand off, and backed off. I slowly stood up, still holding my face. "Heejin sent me some magazines and I decided to check them out and... I didn't expect it to be-" Yeji crossed her arms and interrupted, "Porn." I bit my lip, "Y-yeah..." Yeji grabbed the magazines, "Then why in the hell did you continue to look at them?!" I gulped, and mumbled, "I-I guess I just liked it.." Yeji smacked me. I winced, and felt the same way when I was abused. "I'm sorry!! I'm sorry.. mom I'm sorry!! Don't do this! Don't do it!!!!" I remember myself screaming when the guys took me. I felt my breathing pick up. "I told you not to go out with anyone! This girl found you! You're going to Seoul!" My mom had found out about Yeji and I's getaway and she was extremely upset. That's why I ended up in Seoul. Tears fell while I thought about it. "You're never ever gonna meet up with this girl again!" Then my mother smacked me. That's what reminded me of this. Yeji smacking me. "I'm sorry!! I'm sorry...." I held my knees close to my chest. "R-Ryujin?" I curled up, holding my head tight, and rocking myself. "I'm sorry!! P-please don't hurt me..." Yeji blinked fast, and got down by my side. I scooted away from her. "I-I'm not gonna hurt you.. I'm just mad you were looking at porn.." I put my head between my knees, trying to stop myself from crying. I had to be strong here. That's how I have to be. I had to be the strong girl here. I wiped my tears, "I-it's fine... it's fine.. I-I... I'm sorry.. I won't do it again.." I quickly ran out of there, getting clothes on, and went to the only spot I knew that I would have privacy in. The woods. Luckily no cameras spotted me. "Deep breaths Ryu.. deep breaths.." I mumbled. The truth was... is that my mother never left my life. She never did. I haven't even told J about this. She kept on a mask. She tortured me. All this time I was abused by my mother and she hired the people to do it. Yeji changed my life completely. I had to go to school so I could get good dancing skills for stripping. Yeah I know.. so weird. But I was forced. When Yeji had to move in... it terrified me. I was afraid she would get hurt. I didn't want my only friend in the world to be hurt. Yeji saved my life. Since she was with me all the time, I didn't have to do stripping or be abused.. I got time to live my life. Then I found out that it was her. She was the girl that helped me all those years ago. If I would tell her.. someone would find out. When mom visited in the hospital, I was so fucking afraid. But luckily my mom had changed a bit and decided to stop with the abusing. Thank the lord she did. Anyways when Yeji was smacking me all I could think of was my mom. That's why I started to cry. It was just porn but it felt so much more than that.

POV | Yeji
What did I do? I was mad that she was looking at porn and then she started to cry? I mean I think she zoned out or something-shit. I knew what it was now. She was abused when she was younger.. was I the one that reminded her of that? "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I yelled at myself and walked in circles. "I shouldn't have done that.. shit... shit shit!" I put on my clothes, and got my keys. Her car was still there but no sign of her. "Fuck..." I grumbled and looked everywhere. She was nowhere. "Ryujin! Ryujin!!" I yelled while walking around. I still couldn't believe she would look at porn just because I said no to sex. Like really? I huffed. She was mad about me acting like her baby and she didn't like to take care of me so that's why I decided to not ask for things and stuff like that but she didn't like that ether... what am I supposed to do? Then out of nowhere Ryujin showed up. I saw the bruises on her face. I did that. "R-Ryujin?! Where the hell have you been?!" She came closer to me, "I'm sorry." I blinked, "I should be the one that's sorry.. I really shouldn't have smacked you.. I was just mad that you went to look at porn because I denied sex." She shook her head, "D-don't worry about that.. I'm just sorry I... did it." She wasn't acting right. "Ryujin just tell me-" She placed her lips on mine. "I-I can never tell you.. unless you want to be hurt.." What? What the hell was she talking about? "No.. honey.. love is about telling the truths not-" Ryujin yanked on my hair and yelled, "Yeji! I can't tell you!" I could hear the pain in her voice. I was speechless. "W-what? Why? Why? Ryujin, you keep lying and it's destroying our relationship and I don't wanna go through that again.. there's no me in a relationship.. or I don't know.. you need to be honest with me.. I will help you.. I'll always be by your side.. I'll do anything for you.." Ryujin looked around, "I-I can't.. I really can't.. if I tell you... then you're gonna get hurt.." I gulped, "What do you mean?" She took my arm and rushed us into our dorm. Ryujin dead bolted the door and leaned up against it. She whispered, "There's a mic on your back. Destroy it." What? I flinched and saw a bug. I stepped on it, "We're being listened to?!" She nodded, and took me into the furthest room from the door. "I love you Yeji.." I held her waist, "I love you too.." Ryujin started to cry. "I'm supposed to be strong.. I'm supposed to act like everything's okay but it's not.." What in the hell was she talking about? I stayed quiet, listening to what she had to say. "Yeji.. I have been lying so much to you.. and it's not fair.. I've lied way too much to you and I think you've realized that by now but it's just in my blood and I have to protect you.. that's my job.." My mind was racing. "My mother never left. She stayed. She put on a mask and sent guys to abuse me. Beomgyu and Hyunjin were 2 of the 20. She would hire them to abuse me.." I bit down on my lip, "Does Hyunjin still work for your mom?" Ryujin shook her head, and looked down. "No.. he retired because he has a disease.." Wow. I didn't know this. "A-anyways.. baby you saved my life and freed me from my mom.. she said she will stop abusing me if I give her something in return.." Did she already agree to this? "W-what is it.." Ryujin cried so hard. "I don't wanna ruin your dream.." I held her closer, "W-what do you mean?!" She pushed my hair behind my ear. "We have to come out and give her, her grandchild.." I gasped, "W-what?" She bit her lip, "We have to come out right after debut and get you pregnant.." I shook my head, "Ryujin there's no way I'm gonna have a kid at 19... I'm not ready." Ryujin held my hands, "Trust me I don't want this ether but if we don't give her this then... she sorta threatened to kill me.." I was shocked, "N-no.. w-why?! Why does this have to happen?! Why?! I'm not ready! I still wanna have a life with you and.. ugh! We can't come out! We can't do it! We could just get killed by that!" Ryujin hugged me, "I'm sorry baby.." I cried in her arms, "B-but we can't... we can't.. can't we wait? Say I'm having complications or something?!" She picked me up, and rubbed my back. "We could try.. but Yeji.. we gotta be careful.. s-she will kill me if she finds out that I told you..." I pulled away from her shoulder, "How long have you known about this?" Ryujin sighed, "One day.. I thought I was going out to see Lia but instead it was my mother.. maybe a month ago or something.." I hated this so much. "O-okay.. oh Jesus.." I smacked myself in the face. Why did I even get involved with Ryujin? Why did we date? Why we fall in love?

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