Chapter 49 - One more chance

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POV | Ryujin
She cried and cried. I played with her hair, "Yeji.. I don't want you to cry.. I want to see you happy.." Yeji pulled away, "I-I need to go.." She ran out. I looked down, trying to decide if I should go talk to her. She probably needs space. I sighed, laying down on the bed. "I-I just want the best for her.." Then I heard ringing. I sighed, picking up the call. "Hello Ryujin, this is JYP. We're giving everyone a vacation for two weeks." I bit my lip, "Oh okay.." Then he said, "Hope you guys have a nice break.." He hung up. I put down my phone, "Great.." I mumbled and went into the bathroom. "I guess I was just born to be alone.." I felt hands around me, I turned around, I stroked her cheek. It was just my imagination. She faded away. I leaned against the wall, slipping down. Tears fell. "I have to let her go... I have to move on.." I eventually ended up laying down on the floor. I stared at the ceiling. All I could see was Yeji crying. I just want my girl to be happy. That's all. Ding dong. Just like our nicknames. Ddaengddeong. I sighed, getting up to go get the pizza. I opened the door to see my brother. Taehyun. I looked down, "What do you want?" He shut the door behind him and came in. "I heard what happened.." Taehyun sat down at the counter. "Really Ryujin? You couldn't hold onto the only thing successful in your life?" I sat across from him, "Nope.." Taehyun rubbed my shoulder, "I'm sorry Ryu..." I threw the shit in my kitchen everywhere. I screamed, "I'm done! I'm done! I am done!" I got down to the floor and held my head close to the ground. Almost like I was in a tornado position. Everything stopped. I couldn't hear anything but my harsh breathing. "Ryujin.." I couldn't respond. "Ryujin!" Loud ringing happened in my ear. I groaned, and then my eyes shut. "Ryujin!" What was going on? I tried opening. Didn't work. Oh god. Not again. Not again... I cried, seeing my brother. Jonghyun. "Ryujin.. I warned you.." I fell down, "NOOO.. NOOOO.." Then I felt smacks. "Mommy! Mommy?! Are you okay?!" Yeji was in my arms. I looked around, "W-wait.. w-what? M-mommy? Huh?" Yeji felt my head, "A-are you okay? Are you still sick?" I froze. "W-what?!" I pulled away, looking at my phone. "J-July 2nd?!" Yeji held my hand, "Are you okay mommy?" I covered my eyes and fell back to the wall, "I-it was all a dream?!" Yeji twirled my hair, "What are you talking about?!" I picked her up, nuzzling my head into her neck. "Oh god.. thank you.. Jesus.. my baby.."

POV | Yeji
What in the actual hell?! Was she okay? This medication is messing her up. I huffed, "M-mommy.. you're squeezing me.." Ryujin put me down, "S-sorry.. mommy's sorry.. oh Jesus.. my kitten.. I will never ever ever ever hurt you.." I looked at her, "Are you okay?" I touched her cheeks. They were hot. "I-I'm fine!" She said. "Y-you were just screaming.. a-are you sure you're okay?" Ryujin started to cry in my arms. "Oh I thought it was real.. I thought you left me and I hurt you.. I thought I died.. I thought-" I shushed her, "Ryujin. We need to get you help.." She pulled away, "W-we can't do this! We can't get into JYP.." I looked at her, "W-why?!" She broke down, "If we aren't careful then we will break.. we're gonna break up Yeji.." I blinked fast, "Huh?" Ryujin put her hands on my shoulders, "In my dream, we broke up and it was horrible.. we need to be careful!" I put her down on the bed, "Ryujin you're acting crazy.. we need to get you help.." Then Lia who was holding Yuna came in. "A-are you guys okay?! We heard screaming.." Ryujin held me tighter than she's ever held me before. "I love you Yeji.." I was so fucking confused. "I love you too.. but Ryujin we can't exit out of JYP.. I've worked so hard.." Lia looked at me, "What happened?" I looked at Ryujin. "She was tossing and rolling a lot in her sleep.. I even heard talk a couple of times but I thought it was just her adjusting to the antibiotics.. but she started screaming and that's when I woke her up.. now she's saying we broke up and ugh I don't even know.." Ryujin looked at them, "Hwasa said that I was a stripper and then Yeji got mad and got out of the car and then she said she was done with me for lying to her and she left me! Then we broke up and didn't talk to each other for months and then Jonghyun took me.. and I d-died.." I blinked fast. "Stripper? Please tell me you weren't a stripper..." Ryujin smirked, "Well only for you.." She stroked my hair. I grinned. "Hey.. we're still here.." Yuna said while nuzzling her head into Lia's neck. Ryujin stood up, "And you two.. you two broke up.." Lia held Yuna's thighs, "Ryujin... this all happened in a dream you had?" Ryujin nodded, "Yes.. I was so scared.. living without Yeji in my life... it was horrible.." I jumped on her back. She looked up at me. I kissed her forehead, "I'll never leave you mommy.." Ryujin started to cry again, I wiped her tears, "Mommy.. why are you crying?" She cried, "I-I'm just happy.. I-I finally have my baby back.." I hugged her.

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