Chapter 55 - News

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POV | Yeji
"A-alright your test results came back.. and we found that it wasn't just your atopy.." My heart started to pound, I looked at Ryujin. "W-what do you mean?!" The guy looked at Lia, "I'm sorry but you have to leave the room.." Lia widened her eyes, "Why?! Yeji is like one of my best friends.. I have to be here.." He looked down, "Partners and family is only allowed.." I started to panic. "W-what?! What's wrong with me?!!" I asked. "She needs to leave the room." He said. "No she can stay! I don't care just tell me what's going on!" I yelled. Ryujin held my hand and stayed quiet. "Fine.. Yeji it wasn't your atopy that had a reaction. It was your baby." My mouth opened, my eyes were wide, my whole body felt numb. Ryujin was shocked, "That has to be a mistake! Take more blood!" The guy looked, "Our results are correct. If you really want to know than we can do an ultrasound." I couldn't even explain what I was feeling. "I-I'm pregnant?! I'm pregnant??!" Lia was covering her face. "Yes you are." The guy said. "With my baby?!" Ryujin asked. "We can do a dna test if you'd like." I was shocked, "B-but.. we're not ready.." Ryujin looked at me. "There's classes you can take.. and it's really hard for two women to get pregnant and there's a low chance of it happening it again. Personally I would hold onto it but it is your decision. Abortion is possible." I blinked, "I-is this a dream?" The guy shook his head, "No.. I'm sorry if you guys were disappointed or something.. I'm just doing my job.." Ryujin took her hand away and walked around in circles. She only does that when she's panicking. "How?! How is she pregnant?! That's not right! Yeji did you take off the pill?!" I gulped, "Ryujin.. I thought we were actually go-" She interrupted, "Oh my god.. oh my god... I need to go.. oh Jesus Christ.." She ran out of the room. Lia stood up, "I-I'll go find her.." I was still in shock. I looked down at my stomach. "H-how long?" I asked the guy. "2 weeks." I bit my lip, "That's why I threw up that one day.. it was just because I was pregnant not hungry.. Jesus.." The guy looked at me, "I won't tell anyone how you feel about it or want you wanna do but I'd like to hear your opinion.." I looked down, "I-I don't know.. I don't think I'm ready.." He tried comforting me. "Well like I said there's classes and stuff.. and I know you're in Itzy and it is still possible to be in Itzy and have a baby. Now dancing needs to be under control.. but the rest should be fine.." I looked up at the ceiling, "I'm just worried about Ryu. I want to have this baby and I've been going crazy in my mind.. but Ryujin isn't ready to have a kid.." The guy sighed, "I understand. So you don't have decide yet.. but are you leaning towards abortion?" I looked down, "B-but.. that's killing a life that we started.. we might never be able to start the life again.."

POV | Ryujin
I felt like I was choking. Lia grabbed my arm, "Ryujin?!" I held my head and thought about this. "What's wrong?!" Yuna and Chaeryeong ran over. "Y-Yeji's pregnant." I stuttered and continued to have a panic attack. "What?!" Yuna yelled. "Quit.." Lia said, "Just be a good sister right now.. she's still in shock.." I covered my eyes. If we were to get an abortion.. that's killing a life that we started and might not be able to start again. I need to be with Yeji right now. I got up, "I-I need to talk to her.." They all looked at me. I went back in the hospital room. "Alright.. well I'll let you two talk.." He got up and left. I closed the door, and sat by her. Our eyes met. "I'm sorry Ryujin.. I'll just-" I interrupted her, "No.. we can't do that.." Yeji held my hand, "D-do you wanna do this?" I bit my lip, "Do you?" Yeji's eyes softened. "This might not be able to happen again." I hugged her, "T-then let's pull the trigger.." Yeji nuzzled her head into my neck, "We did it. We did it Ryujin." I felt tears fall down. I kissed Yeji, "We did it.. we're gonna be parents.." She wrapped her arms around my neck, "And I'll still be able to be in Itzy.. also your mom will finally get what she wants.. but I'll get what I want.. because I actually want this baby Ryu.. I just couldn't tell you because I was afraid of your reaction.." I got in the bed, putting a hand on her stomach. "Honey. You can tell me anything. I will always be by your side.." Yeji laid her head on my chest. "We're gonna have to tell JYP PD but maybe later.." I played with her hair. "Okay.. d-do you wanna call my parents?" Yeji asked. I kissed her cheek, "S-sure.." I gave her my phone. Yeji called them, "Ma.. I need you to get to the hospital now-" Her mom interrupted, "I'm already here." I gulped, and looked at her mom open the door. Yeji hung up, and looked at her mom. "You're pregnant?" Her mom sounded angry. I licked my lips, looking down. "Yes.." Her mom sighed, "May I talk with Yeji in private?" I stood up, kissing Yeji's lips. "I'm s-sorry.." I whispered, and walked out of the room. "What are you doing?" Chaeryeong asked. "We're keeping it.." I wiped my tears and looked at them all. "But Itzy.." Yuna was mad. "We'll still be able to be in Itzy.. but our little one will join the way.." Lia wiped her tears, "Wow.. that's sweet.." I bit my lip, "I thought you didn't want us to have a baby.." Lia looked at me, "I know what you guys have went through and giving up now just doesn't seem right. You guys deserve something that will make you happy.. now sure I don't think you guys are ready but that could change.. you could took classes and understand what it's like to have a baby.. but one of my questions is.. how are you guys gonna say that Yeji is having a baby?" I blinked, "Haven't thought of it yet.. but we'll figure it out.. Yuna can we talk?" Yuna looked down, "Depends on what we're talking about." I pulled her to side. "Look I'm sorry that I haven't been honest with you.. but I'm sure Lia told you whats been going on.." Yuna looked at me, "Who forced you?" I gulped, seeing my mother in the distance. "Well Yeji was playing monopoly with me and she forced me to go call you and-" Yuna raised her eyebrows. My mother broke the silence. "Hello.." Yuna flinched, holding onto me. "W-what are you doing here?!" My mom looked at me, "Well your dear sister is having a baby and decided not to tell me.." How did she find out? "S-sorry.. I was just talking with Yeji and we decided to hold onto the baby.." Her mom nodded, "Good. I'll have a grandchild. Congratulations." She walked off. I was nervous. "Ryujin?! You let her back in your life?!" I flinched, "Y-Yuna I didn't have a choice.. I thought I could get out of this and we did.. and then Yeji of course has to be pregnant.." Yuna sighed, "Just do what you wanna do.." She walked off too. I leaned against the wall, "J.. I need your help.." His voice said, "Ryujin.. be there for Yeji. Don't worry about anyone else but Yeji." I nodded, going back to the hospital room. I watched through the window. "Yeji! She got you pregnant! Are you fucking kidding me?! She's only used you! I've never trusted her!" Yeji was crying, "Mom.. she hasn't used me.. we love each other.." She got up, "Bullshit. You're getting an abortion." I flinched, moving away from the window to act like I was doing something else. Her mom came out, "Stay away from my daughter!" I looked down, "I-it wasn't my fault.." Her mom flipped me off and then walked off. Everyone was leaving. I quickly went in the hospital room. She was crying harshly. "Baby.." I got in the bed with her, holding her head to my chest. "Shh.. it's gonna be alright.." Yeji said, "S-she wants me to have an abortion.." I held her tight, "Your mom can't make your decisions. I've let my mom fuck up my whole life. There's no way I'm gonna let yours do that to you." Yeji sniffled, "I love you.." I pouted because I hated seeing her like this. "I-I love you too baby.." We hugged and I was gentle with her. She was carrying a little tiny baby so I had to be. "I'm gonna have JYP PD delay our debut.. atleast until you're feeling better and able to get up.." Yeji nodded, "Let's go to bed.." I put my hands on her waist, and whispered in her ear, "I wanna know know know what is love?" She giggled and wrapped my arms around her more. "Night.." I kissed her cheek, "Goodnight babygirl.. and our future babygirl or baby boy.." I rubbed her stomach. Yeji kissed me, and her eyes shut. Man that was a stressful day. It went from being on a miserable date to being yelled at by mom and Lia.. then to finding the way out then to Yeji wanting to get to back in.. then to getting in the hospital.. and lastly to finding out Yeji and I are having a baby. Like holy shit. I pulled the blanket over us and kissed her neck. Finally my eyes shut.

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