Chapter 54 - Way out

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| Time Lapse | The day before debut

POV | Ryujin
We've been through hell. Luckily my mom is willing to wait for her fucking grandchild. Why did this have to happen? Why? I was out with Yeji on a date when Jihyo showed up. "So.. you guys want to get pregnant already?" We had to go with a lie to everyone and tell them we were trying. "Yeah.. I love her a lot.." I put on a fake smile and looked at Yeji. She looked into my eyes. This isn't what we wanted. I quickly looked down. "I'll support you two.." Then Jihyo walked off. "Yeji I'm so sorry.. I've crushed your dreams.." Yeji drank her coffee. "Love is about giving things up for each other." I opened my mouth but no words came out. We worked so hard for this debut and I want Yeji to live the life she wanted for just a little bit before my mom ruins it. There has to be a way to get out, right? Wrong. There was no way. I held Yeji's hand. "I love you.." It was a small whisper that had pain behind it. "I love you too.." She sighed, looking down at her coffee. I closed my eyes for a second. I will never ever be able to runaway from my past. I'm so sad that I got Yeji involved in it. But in a way, she still saved me.. somehow. I mean.. we mind as well look at the positive side of things. We could begin a family. I've always wanted to have a kid. I'm just afraid I'm not ready for it. I'm 18. You're fully developed when you're 25. That's 7 years away. Yeji's only 19 too. I really wonder what her mother is gonna say about this. "Ryujin.." Yeji said. I snapped out of it and looked up at her, "Yes?" She looked down, "I thought you were asleep.." I gave a small nod and looked at the waitress that always served us. "The usual?" Yeji shook her head, "I'm not having any.. t-trying to eat healthier.." She nodded, and looked at me. "Vanilla?" I nodded and watched her walk off. "I know I say this all the time but I'm so sorry.." Yeji got up, "I have to go. Bye." She walked out. I rested my hand on my chin. "There has to be a way I could get us out of this.. there has to be.." Tap. "Hello Ryujin." My mother. Great. "Hello.." She sat down across from me. "Are you working on it?" I nodded, "Mom she's having more complications.." My mom looked at me, "Then why don't we find you another girl-" I interrupted her, "She'll get pregnant. I promise." My mother stood up. "Good. Make it happen." I felt sick to my stomach once she left. Why was my life like this? I hate that Yeji had to do this. Now I understand why Jonghyun took his life. I know I've said that before but I understand. He couldn't take it. I picked up my phone when I heard it ring. "You're guys are gonna get pregnant?! Are you insane?! We're debuting tomorrow!" Lia yelled. I turned down my volume, "We want to start our life." Lia was being serious, "No. She's 19 and you're 18. You're not gonna get her pregnant.." I bit my lip, "It's our choice." Really it wasn't. It was my fucking moms choice. "You're no longer my friend." She hung up. Great. Another thing to lose. I've already lost Yuna, Chaeryeong, and Lia. Yeji is basically the only person I have left. "Hey.." The waitress set down the milkshake in front of me. "Oh hey.." I said. "You seem bothered.. shouldn't you be excited debut is tomorrow?" She asked. "Mixed emotions." I took a sip of the milkshake. I really didn't want it.. but I didn't want to do that in front of her. "Actually I'm gonna take this to go.. here.." I gave her some money. "Alright.. good luck.." That's really what I need right now. I walked out and went to my car. "I hate myself.." I said while putting the key in. "J why is it so hard?" I asked. "There's a way.." I heard his voice. I scoffed, "A way for what? I'm-" I looked ahead at a sign. "JYP is the new way for entertainers to get promoted.." Why did that stick out to me? "JYP is the way? That doesn't make sense." Then Jonghyun said, "Talk to JYP. You'll see." I blinked, "Tell him the truth?" No answer. He was gone. "Damnit.." I whispered and drove my way to JYP.

POV | Yeji
I went home to cry. I just needed a break. "Why did I meet Ryujin? Why did I have her destroy my life? Now I'm gonna have a baby that I don't even want.. this is all my fucking fault.. why was I even at that stupid strip club in the first place?! Why?!!!!!!" I screamed. Then a knock on the door startled me. "Why are you screaming?!" Chaeryeong came in. I sniffled, "I-I don't know!!" I ran out of the room, and looked around. Chaeryeong grabbed my arm, "Yeji.." I turned around, "Why does this have to be this way?! Why?!!!!!" Chaeryeong widened her eyes, "What are you even talking about?!" I took my purse, "I have to go.." I ran out, going to my car. "You're not leaving!" Chaeryeong ran after me. "I can't do it! I CAN'T DO IT." She looked at me, "What can't you do?!" I got in the car. "Just leave me alone..." I put up the window and took a minute to calm down. I hate love and I love love. But I just-ring. "H-hello?" I answered. "Yeji.. I found the way." Ryujin said. "W-what? What do you mean?" She then said, "I'll be there in a minute." Hung up. What the fuck? I sat back in my car seat. "W-why? Why? God why did you send me here? Why am I here with Ryujin? Why couldn't I be anywhere else? Why do I have to be the one with Ryujin? It's killing me.." Ryujin opened my door. "What's killing you?" I sighed, "Nothing.." Why was she excited? She picked me up, and wiped my tears. "Baby.. we're doing this.." I gulped, "What do you mean?" Ryujin wrapped her arms around me. "We don't have to have a child right now." I blinked, "When then?" She kissed me, "Whenever you're ready.. I found the way out. I found it.." I kissed her so hard. "Oh thank god.." I mean this was great but why was I even with Ryujin? Why was I here? I still couldn't understand.. like at all of people.. why me? "Because you have true love Yeji.. Ryujin has found the person she loves and you may not know it but you have too.." A voice in my head appeared. "You're the only one thats able to help Ryujin." I gulped. "But how?" I asked. "Well I just had a talk with JYP and.. yeah.." Ryujin said. I wasn't talking to her. "I can't give you all the answers but you and Ryujin are meant to be together for a reason. And she just gave you everything you've ever wanted. You're dream and soon to be happiness." The voice said. "Let's go inside and.. celebrate.." Ryujin said.

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