Chapter 40 - Liar

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POV | Ryujin
Shouldn't I be able to know what love is by now? Probably. I did know what is love though. It's just my love is falling apart. She wouldn't let me in. So it meant, sleep on the couch or the spare room. I could see why she was mad at me. I would be mad if she lied to me. So I just let it happen. "Do what you think is right.." What I think is right... is giving her space. If she doesn't want talk to me, I won't force her to. If she doesn't want to look at me, I won't force her to. My mother was the exact opposite. Well.. simply because it was my mother. I laid down on the couch, using the blanket I got her because it was available. I didn't know what to do. It was 3 pm. I felt like going to bed. But I couldn't. I simply couldn't. I watched the TV, hoping that would make me tired. No. It simply could not. I heard my phone ding, I looked at my phone. I read who it was from. "Sis 💞" I then read the text, "Hey.. how are you doing?" I then looked at the time. Already 6? It was literally just 3. I sighed, texting, "She won't let me in." Yuna texted, "Omw." I put my phone down, watching Yuna come in. She went over to the couch, sitting down at the edge. Yuna played with the tag of the blanket. "So.. wanna talk about it?" I shook my head, "I'd rather not.." Yuna nodded, continuing to play with the tag. I changed the channel. The weather. Raining. That's awesome. I looked down. "Y-you gonna go to school?" Yuna asked me. "Yes.. it will get things off my mind.." She nodded again, looking at the bedroom door. Don't know why. "You want me to talk to her?" I shook my head again, "That'll make things worse. Don't." My sister looked at me before laying next to me. I looked at her. She gave me a hug. I never realized how much I needed that hug. I leaned my head on her shoulder. This simple hug made everything better. I never knew that Yuna could be so comforting at times. I used to find her annoying, childish, curious, and whiny but now I find her comforting, warm, cozy, easy to talk to, and kindhearted. That improved a lot. I think she really is happy that she has a sister. I know how much she wanted one. But what made this different than acting like sisters is that we're actually sisters. Sure, we're just half sisters but we're still sisters. Now that I think about it, we share a lot in common. A lot. Our personalities are similar. I just realized that she always used to fight with me and call me a freak. But hah. This freak is your sister. So I guess we kinda are sisters. To me, sisters are clingy, there for each other, have fights a lot, supportive, and more. And that was kind of our relationship now. It meant a lot to me to find out that my sister is living, healthy, and one of my closet friends. I feel like my heart is complete now, if that makes sense. Being with Yeji.. helped me a lot and made me feel me great but when Yuna came in, it made me feel even more great. But what sucks.. is that Yeji is mad at me right now. I feel like part of me is missing and then there's this new part that came in. I need both of the parts but I only have one. So really the only people you can light up my heart is Yeji and Yuna. I need Yuna and I need Yeji. The whole reason why I haven't felt the same since the incident happened is because my heart still wasn't complete. But now is it complete? Since Yeji is mad at me right now.. it doesn't feel complete. I think I just solved the problem. I need both of them. I thought I only needed Yeji but I need Yuna too. But now Yeji is backing out and I need her. "Ryujin.. can you hear me?" She shook me. I finally snapped back into it. I just zoned out, big time. "S-sorry.. I was just thinking.." Yuna was suspicious. She played with my hair, "Are you feeling okay?" To be honest, I really didn't know. I sorta forgot that I had this disease. I hadn't had any symptoms or anything for like a couple weeks. I always used to zone out and I was doing to again. Was it coming back? "Hello??" I looked at Yuna, "I-I need the medicine.." Yuna got up. The bathroom was in our bedroom so it would impossible to get it. I started to feel weak. Yuna knocked on the door, "Yeji.. can you let me in? She needs the medicine.. she's zoning out.." I started to zone out again. What if Yeji thought this was a trick and wouldn't open up? Oh no.. shit. I needed the medicine. I started to have a panic attack. "Ryujin! Are you okay?!" I started to breathe heavily, patting the couch, "I need the medicine!" Yuna banged on the door, "I'm not messing around Yeji! Open the door! She's panicking!" Nope. She didn't open it. "Yeji!" I yelled.

Ryeji - What is love? Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα