Part 23~O.W.L.s

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Harry sighed as the school gathered in the great hall. Professor McGonagall stood in front of the staff table. "Today behind your O.W.L exams. A number of Ministry instructors are here to give them. Exams will take place for the next two weeks. Exams will be split into two parts, theory and practical application."

McGonagall paused to let the information sink in. "I must warn you that the most stringent anti-cheating spells have been added to your exam papers. No student has successfully cheated on an O.W.L in a century, though every year someone tries it. Naturally, cheating will not be suffered and anyone caught will be expelled from Hogwarts."

After that, the exams started. Harry rubbed his eyes as he stood on top of the astronomy tower, peering through the telescope into the night sky. To his side, Ron did the same. On the other side, Draco and Elijah tried to do their own exam. Neville stood with Hermione, sending worried looks to Elijah. Elijah still wasn't talking to him. Neville was pulled out his thoughts when the great hall doors groaned open.

Elijah glanced over, watching golden light spill into the night. Six shadows moved forward into the darkness as he and Draco watched.

"That's Umbridge down there," Draco pointed out as several other students began to watch the proceedings taking place below.

Elijah looked panicked as he watched. "They're heading for Hagrid's!" Harry and Draco exchanged nervous glances as Professor Trofty got in the way.

"Eyes back on the sky, please." The students ignored Tofty. The six shadows approached the hut, silhouetted against the windows of it. They opened the door and closed it behind them. "Twenty minutes left of your exam, students."

The shadows pace past the windows to Hagrid's hut. The raised voices echoed into the night, reaching the students. The student jumped from the sharp bang and blinding light from within the cabin. The door burst open, Hagrid stumbled out, clutching at his waist. The other six followed, firing stun spells at Hagrid.

Elijah's eyes widened. "No!"

Red coloured spells hit Hagrid's chest, simply bouncing off the half-giant. Hagrid yelled, his words incomprehensible.

Fang leapt out from the door, attacking Hawlish. Fang tackled Hawlish to the ground before bouncing over to Hagrid and leaping in front of him. Fang took the hex to the chest, falling to the ground with a whine.

Roaring in rage, Hagrid seized the one foul who dared hurt his dog and hurled him ten feet through the air. The man landed harshly against the ground, not moving after.

Professor McGonagall stormed through the doors of the great hall and out into the night. Her face was covered in fury as she stormed to the attackers.

Ron pointed over the edge of the railing. "Look!" Elijah smiled at the sight of McGonagall. If anyone was going to scare off the attackers, it was McGonagall. "McGonagall'll sort this out!"

McGonagall marched towards the attackers, her face illuminated every few moments by the red spells. "How dare you! How dare you!" McGonagall broke into a run, getting angrier and angrier the longer she watched. "Stop this immediately!" The firing continued despite her order. "Enough!" In one swift moment, she drew her wand. Instantly, four of the attackers turned to her and fire their spells. She didn't even get a chance to react when the spells slammed into her.

She is thrown from the ground, the spells illuminating her in blood-red light. As she landed, she didn't move.

Students screamed in terror as Harry watched. Professor Tofty covered her mouth. "Not even a warning!"

The student turned around, bursting through the doors leading back to the entry hall. Harry gulped as he grabbed onto Elijah stopping the Slytherin from following. He covered Elijah's mouth before dragging him into the shadows and pulling him into the classroom he had claimed. He shushed Elijah before pointing out the window. This was a surprisingly good place to watch everything go down.

"Cowards!" Hagrid leapt at the nearest attacker, hitting them across the jaw and breaking the attacker's bone with a crunch. The attacker fell to the ground as Hagrid moved onto the next, and then the next.

"Get him, get him!" Umbridge screeched as she pointed at Hagrid but Hagrid wasn't going down that easily. He dodged the stunning spells, hoisting Fang onto his shoulders and fleeing into the forest.

Students and teachers spilt from the entry hall and out into the night, running to help McGonagall. They surrounded her, several teachers leaning over her.

"Get her to the hospital wing right away," Professor Sprout ordered as Professor Flitwick stepped forward and levitated McGonagall into the air. He floated her up and stepped into the school. The teachers left dozens of muttering students behind as Snape tried to get them back inside.

Harry sighed as he slumped against the cold walls. "Well, that was exciting."

Elijah pulled away, giving a weird look to his friend. "Yeah... Where are we?"

"Old classroom."

Elijah looked around, spotting the bags in the back. "You're staying here?"

"Yeah. I wasn't allowed in the other dorm."

"Because you helped me."

Harry shook his head, pushing himself up as he hit Elijah around the back of his head. "Don't look so guilty! I made my choice and because I did, other Gryffindors will know that they can do it too."

Elijah couldn't help but smile at that. Harry may be a Gryffindor with no subtlety whatsoever, but at least he was loyal.

"You should forgive Neville. Something tells me this wasn't his fault."

Elijah frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. "He betrayed us all! I can't exactly forgive him!"

Harry sighed, shaking his head. "He's a Hufflepuff. Do you really think he'll betray you willingly?" Elijah lowered his head, not having anything to answer Harry's question. "Well, with that to think on, get out, I want to go to sleep."

Elijah looked up, humming. He jumped up with a 'good idea.' "Why don't you come and stay in the Slytherin common room. It must be better than up here and I'm sure dad won't mind."

Harry was about to give his reasons as to why that wasn't going to happen when Elijah grabbed his collar and dragged him down the corridor, floating his bags behind him. "Gather around snakes, we're adopting a lion!"

Elijah walked beside Harry as they made their ways to the great hall.

"Elijah!" Elijah froze as Neville ran up. Harry smirked, nudging Elijah encouragingly before leaving him behind. "Listen, I know you're still mad but please, I'm sorry. If you give me the chance to explain, I promise you, it will make sense."


"Please Eli, I didn't- wait, 'okay?'"

"Yeah. I'm not mad at you. I would still like an explanation. But I'm not mad."

Neville's eyes shimmered as he furiously brushed away the tears. Elijah gasped, tackling Neville into a hug.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry! How about you explain after the exams are over." Neville nodded as he linked fingers with Elijah, walking into the hall together.

Harry let out a pleased sigh as he watched Neville and Elijah together again. They had to separate to sit at their desks but they weren't fighting anymore. The tables had been moved aside to make ways for the hundreds of desks that now the students sat at.

"Before we begin, I have an update on Professor McGonagall. She will be alright, and is resting in the hospital wing," Professor Marchbanks announced, encouraging the students. "You may now turn your papers over and begin."

Harry turned open his paper, writing down the answers he remembered.

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