Part 19~Hogsmead

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Harry groaned from the light. He slowly pushed himself off his bed as he locked eyes with Seamus. "You still mad?" Ever since that night, Harry hadn't really talked to any of his fellow Gryffindors. He had been more focused on understanding all the information Snape gave him and finding out what that meant for his world.

Seamus looked away as he walked away.

"Well, that least it's an improvement." Stretching out his arm, Harry clicked out the bone before getting up. Today was the Hogsmead trip and he was hoping to finally lose Elijah who had been following him for the last two months. Oh yeah, he had noticed. Elijah was surprisingly bad at being sneaky.

He didn't say anything to Crabbe and Goyle, he simply strolled down the main street of Hogsmead. He looked over his shoulder as he spotted Elijah. He was about to make a run for it when Neville took Elijah's attention.

"They're on a date," Draco announced causing Harry to jump. Elijah may be awful at being sneaky but Draco wasn't! "Finally huh?"


"Come on, before he starts following you again." Draco grabbed Harry, pulling him away.

Elijah looked around, worried as he spotted that Harry was out of his sight.

"Hey, this is our date. I want your focus on me." Neville flicked Elijah playfully as Elijah smiled softly.

"Alright, sorry. Come on, I know the best place!" Elijah intertwined his fingers with Neville as they ran down the road to Elijah's favourite shop.

Together they ran inside Madam Puddifoot's. The rain was beating heavily down against the pavement as they laughed, a few bags in their arms. Of course, it started raining.

"Why don't you get us a seat?" Neville passed the bags to Elijah as he walked to the counter. Elijah didn't complain as he sat down, taking off his soaked coat. The whole place was decorated in valentine's day decorations that hurt Elijah's eyes and the place was full of couples.

Neville returned, sitting down opposite Elijah as he pushed the hot chocolate across. "I remembered to ask for no cream and I got you a blueberry muffin. I remembered it was your favourite."

Neville picked at his own carrot cake as he spoke nervously. Elijah couldn't help but smile as he took Neville's hand, brushing his fingers over the back. "Hey, don't be nervous. You got it right."

For a minute, there wasn't anyone else in the room. It was just them and it was perfect. Then they became highly aware of everyone staring at them as they pulled away and started eating awkwardly.

The second they could, they got up and left. There were too many eyes in there. They walked into the rain, Neville shivering from the lack of a coat as Elijah pulled his coat around the both of them. They swiftly walked into the Three Broomsticks, thankful for the lower number of people inside.

Elijah suddenly froze up as he spotted Harry, Draco and Rita Skeeter. What were those three doing together?!

"Eli?" Neville squeaked as Elijah made his way across the space to their table and pulled up a chair.

"What's this all about?" Elijah's obvious distrust was completely on display as Neille dragged over his own chair.

"That's what Little Mister Perfect was about to tell us," Rita said while pointing at Draco who sat up higher, showing that he wasn't afraid.

"Right, well, I figured that with all of the negative press out about Elijah, he should have a chance to defend himself. All of the details. What happened last summer. The truth about Regulus Black and Morning Star, not to mention the names of all the Death Eaters still on the loose." Draco let a smirk come to his face as Rita leaned across the table.

"The prophet will never publish that. Goes against the public mood."

Draco raised his eyebrow as he sat even taller- if that was possible. "Well, it doesn't matter. We've found a publisher for the article."


As if on cue, Luna skipped over to the table. "My father. He's the editor of The Quibbler."

Rita burst out laughing. "The Quibbler? You think people will take Elijah Snape seriously if he's published in the Quibbler? It's nothing but a conspiracy theory, cock-and-bull story tabloid!"

Harry looked up at that, seemingly offended. "Hey! Just because you don't understand the stories doesn't mean they're not true!" Luna placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, calming him down instantly.

"Some won't believe Elijah, that's true. But every person we do convince is one more ally," Draco answered as Rita shrugged and pulled out her quill from her bag. "So, Eli. Ready to tell the public the truth?"

Elijah groaned slightly, slumping against Neville's side. "I guess so."

Draco sat back, sipping at his tea. "Fire away, Rita."

Harry walked away, leaving Elijah, Neville, Draco and Hermione behind.

"Harry," Luna called out, causing him to scream.

"Will people stop sneaking up on me today?! Is there something you want Luna?"

Luna giggled to herself as she walked beside Harry. "I would like to know about your world, Harry."

Harry flinched, his eyes widening. "World? I have no idea what you are talking about Luna."

Luna stepped in front of Harry, reaching out and lifting up his hair. She pulled away as she swung her hand behind her back. "I know it! You're from a different universe."

Stumbling around for an appropriate response, Harry pushed past Luna. "I still don't know what you're talking about."


"I'm serious Luna, I don't know what you're talking about."

Luna huffed as she glared at Harry. "Harry! Don't lie to me! I know you come from a different universe and I know you were the boy who lived there. Now tell me about your world." Luna put her hands on her hips, clearly not budging from her position.

Harry sighed, leaning against the stone wall. "Did Riddle tell you? Or Professor Snape?"

"Neither. I knew from the Banbiks."

Harry tilted his head in confusion before his eyes widened and he slapped his forehead. "Of course, how could I forget. Banbiks only moved inside the wizarding world after the uprising of dark magic. Here it's the opposite, right?"

Luna nodded as Harry groaned. "Well, that's embarrassing. I can't believe I forgot that."

"So, can you tell me about your world?" Luna leant against the wall, next to Harry as he nodded.

"Where to start..."

"The beginning is good for me."

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