Part 14~Occlumency

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Harry held onto Riddle as they popped into existence. "Grimald? Why am I not surprised?"

Riddle sighed as he walked forward. Riddle was weirdly refreshed after his talk with Harry. Learning about the other world was strange but made this whole situation much more interesting. Knocking on the door, Riddle glimmered at Ms Weasley who opened the door. "Good evening Ms Weasley. I hope Arthur is well."

"Yes. He is recovering. We just got back from St Mungos." Ms Weasley waved Riddle and Harry to enter.

Harry couldn't help but admire the more lived-in feel about Grimuald place. It hadn't changed much but the feel was different. Harry looked around with a curious expression. "Hey, where is Elijah?"

"Oh, he went up to his room."

"Thank you. You don't mind, do you?" Harry stepped back as Riddle nodded. Harry ran up the stairs, easily finding the room he stayed in over the summer. "Elijah?" Harry knocked on the door as he pushed it open.

"Get out!"

Harry jumped a little as he looked around the room. Elijah had a case, sat on his bed and an angry expression on his face. Yep, definitely Snape's son. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Harry, I'm dangerous. You can't be around me."

"Did you forget I saw Ar- Ms Weasley getting attacked as well?"

Elijah froze, looking at Harry with a clouded expression. "...You actually saw that?"

"Yeah. I talked to Riddle and we thought it would be good for us to compare our visions. It might help you calm down a bit." Harry snuck across the room, jumping on Elijah's bed.

"I'm not doing that."

"Then I'll go first. This isn't the first time I've needed to talk over a nightmarish vision. At least this time someone didn't die." Harry smirked as he sat down. Harry wasn't sure why, but it was surprisingly easy to talk to Elijah. Maybe because Harry knew Elijah understood. Even if Elijah didn't know why yet. "It was pretty freaky, right? Especially flying. It was weird having wings. And those claws. Talons? I think Moine would call them talons." Harry tapped his chin as he thought over the anatomy of a phoenix.

Elijah watched Harry in a mix of fear and confusion. "How... How are you taking this so well? Aren't you freaked out?! He could be possessing us!"

Harry hummed as he sat up. "Can you remember everything you've done this year? There aren't any blank spots in your memory?"

"No. I don't think so."

"Then you're fine." Harry could feel Elijah's confused expression as Harry sighed. "I had a friend who was possessed by a dark wizard. We used to talk over the event. I don't know what's going on with you right now, but possession's not one of them. And you're not dangerous." Harry gave a smile to Elijah as he admitted defeat.

"Okay. Thanks, Harry."

"Don't mention it."

"...So... You're a parselmouth?"

Harry's eyes widened as he burst out laughing. "That's the bit you're gonna focus on?! Geeze, you're worse than Malfoy. Next thing you'll say is that I'm the heir of Slytherin!"

"Wait, Draco said that to you."

Harry shook his head as he jumped up. "See you, Eli."

Harry hummed to himself as he wandered into the kitchen. He spotted a refrigerator as he raised his eyebrow. "Muggle technology? Who knew." Harry pulled open the fridge as he looked through the selves.

"Elijah- oh, um. Hello there."

Harry turned around, looking the man up and down. He had the Black family hair but he looked wildly different from Sirius. "You must be Regulus. Headmaster Riddle told me about you. I'm Harry. Harry Potter." Harry offered out his hand as Regulus paled.


Raising his eyebrow, Harry gave a questioning look to Regulus. "Yes? Is something wrong?"

"N-no. It's just... I thought James died during the war. Just like... Just like Sirius did."

Harry shot up at the mention of his father and of Sirius. It only now occurred to him that no one seemed to know who James was. No one had mentioned James or Lily or Sirius. What had happened to them? Not the time. "Yeah. Uncle James did die during the war. Dad told me about him occasional." Harry wasn't sure who he was claiming his dad was right now but that wasn't the point.

"Oh! Of course. I didn't know James had a brother."

"He didn't. My dad was his cousin."

Regulus nodded, understanding crossing his face. "Sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to such a conclusion."

"That's fine. Was there something you were looking for? I think Elijah is still in his room."

Regulus's eyes shifted as he gasped. "Yes! I was looking for Kreacher! You haven't seen him around by any chance? Grumpy house-elf with a bad attitude. I haven't seen him for days now."

"No. I haven't seen any house-elf around."

"Oh well. Maybe he's crawled up into the air ducts and died... mustn't get my hopes up though."

Harry smiled at the familiar attitude. Maybe Regulus wasn't that different from Sirius as Harry assumed at first glance.

Slamming open the door, Snape stormed in. "Regulus, have you seen Elijah? I need to talk to him."

Regulus shook his head as Harry rolled his eyes. "He's still in his room." Snape raised his eyebrow at Harry who waved as he pulled out a sandwich.  "Well, I've got what I came for. Goodbye." Harry waved behind him as he walked into the temporary room he had been given.

Snape shook his head as he bid goodbye to his friend and made his way into Elijah's room. "Eli?"

Elijah hummed as he looked up, jumping when he spotted his father. "Oh, dad. You're back. Where have you been?"

Snape's eyes softened as he sat beside Elijah. "I apologise for not being here. Riddle wanted my help with something. We believe it's time to teach you Occlumency."

"Occlumency? What's that?"

"Occlumency is an ancient form of magic that allows you to defend your mind from external intrusion."

Elijah gave his father an unimpressed expression. "Say it again but out of teacher mode."

"I don't think I have a non-teacher mode."

"...Okay, true."

"You'll learn every Monday. We'll treat it like extra potion work to avoid suspicion. Come at 6."

Elijah nodded as Snape stood up. "Wait dad," Elijah reached out, biting his lip. "You don't have to worry about me. I can see it in your eyes but I'm fine."

"That's not what the Weasleys told me."

"I know. But I talked it over with Harry and I feel a lot better now."

"Is that so. I'm glad you feel better, my little bat." Snape ruffled his son's hair, placing a loving kiss onto Elijah's forehead as Elijah tried to pull away.

"Dad! I'm not five!"

"You'll always be five to me."

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