Part 25~Weapon

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"You think you could simply walk into my office without me knowing about it? Foolish boy!"

Elijah gasped as he looked around. Tarra leant against the windowsill while Ginny, Luna, Hermione, Ron and Draco were all under guard by the Inquisitorial squad, their wands piled on the floor.

Harry stepped back, hiding in the darkness of the corner as Umbridge called Elijah's wand out of his pocket. "Who were you trying to contact?"

Elijah took a deep breath, steeling his nerves for what was about to happen. "It's none of your business."

"Tarra, would you fetch Professor Snape, please?" Tarra nodded, leaving with a smirk as Umbridge smiled sickenly at Elijah. "Very well, Snape. I have been patient enough with you."

Tarra swung the door open, with a huff. "He's not there."

"What do you mean, 'he's not there?'"

"I mean that he's not in the potions lap or his office."

Umbridge growled, enraged as she drew her wand. "We've played nicely, Snape. You leave me no choice!" She stepped closer, a menacing aura surrounding her. "You could have saved me a lot of trouble if those Dementors I sent to your house had finished you off!"

Elijah's eyes widened. "You sent the Dementors?" Harry blinked in surprise. That's definitely something he was going to have to remember.

"Of course I did! Someone had to act!" Umbridge pointed her wand at Elijah's chest as she spoke the curse. "Crucio!"

Elijah screamed as the curse brought agony through his veins. Neville jumped up, going to attack Umbridge when someone grabbed him and pulled him away.

"Stop!" Harry jumped out, forcing Umbridge to break the spell. He needed to think. "If you don't leave him alone, I burn the book."

Umbridge let out a high pitched laugh. "And why would I care about some silly old book?"

Harry knew this was a long shot but may as well try! "This isn't just some silly old book! These are the instructions Riddle gave to me before he left this castle. This is his master plan! And if you don't stop it now, it will all go up in smoke!"

Umbridge narrowed her eyes. "Master plan? Why would he entrust the master plan to a foolish boy he only met this year?"

"Eh, guess you can say... Parselmouths stick together." Harry shrugged his shoulders as he winked teasingly. "So, should I burn it or nah?"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh, really? I have this book memorised. I know exactly what I need to do! This book is just paper to me. I can burn it without a second thought." Of course, that was all a lie but if you say something with enough confidence then people usually believe it. Tipping the book to the flames, Harry hoped she would buy it.

"Wait!" Umbridge lowered her wand as Harry smiled. "Crusio!" Harry let out a scream, unable to dodge the spell. The book fell from his hands as Umbridge took it. She flicked through the pages, confusion on her face. "What is this?! This makes no sense!"

Harry looked up, a sombre expression on his face. "That is my way home. That is our way of stopping Morning Star. That is worth more than you will ever be."

Growling, Umbridge dropped the book, turning to face Harry. "You'll regret lying to me."

"I'm not lying... You just don't see what's going on. When the lion is forced to play the snake, the perspective will change and the worlds will be saved. Trelawney told me that years ago... but only do I now do I know the meaning of it."


Harry chuckled. "Too late, Umbridge. I won't tell you now."

Umbridge darkened, raising her wand as Harry flinched back.

"No! Please stop!" Umbridge didn't say anything as she turned to Neville. He thought against the member holding him back as Draco shouted for him to shut up. "We have to tell her, Drake..."

"I would rather die," Draco shouted back dramatically.

"Shut up, Malfoy! Now talk, you silly girl! Who were you talking to?" Umbridge smiled pleasantly as Elijah slowly pushed himself up, whispering a small no.

"We were trying to find Professor Riddle. We had to tell him..."

"Tell him?"

"That it's ready. The weapon."

Harry and Elijah shared a look of confusion as Umridge smiled, her eyes shining with eagerness. "You, Mr Snape and Mr Potter will take me to it."

Harry stumbled through the forest, confusion written on his face as he tried to not fall over. He was forced to leave the book behind but he wasn't happy. That book was his way home. He may have lied about most of the information but it still was his way home.

Elijah stuck close to Neville, their fingers intertwined as they moved through the forest with a wand pointed at their backs.

"Much further, is it?" Umbridge was clearly struggling, her high heels digging into the mud and her bright clothing becoming coated.

"Oh, yes. It's very well hidden." Neville wandered forward. The silence was almost unbearable.

Yelping, Neville barely dodged the arrow that landed in the ground next to him. The group stopped as stampeding came closer. Centaurs burst from the underbrush, surrounding them.

Magorian glared down at the wizards. "What are you doing in our forest?"

"Your forest? This forest belongs to the Ministry of Magic!" Umbridge clearly didn't have any self-preservation as the centaurs moved closer. "Stay back you beasts!"

Together, the centaurs howled in rage. They nocked and drew their bows, pointing them at Umbridge's head.

"You cannot attack me! Any attack on a wizard by a held-breed-" Umbridge didn't finish as Elijah stepped up.

"Don't call them that!"

Magorian roared in anger. "You dare to insult me?"

Umbridge lifted her wand, pointing her wand at him even though her hands shook. "Come no closer!"

Magorian reared up onto his hind-legs, beating his chest in a display of anger.

"Incarcerous!" Ropes flew through Umbridge's wand as they wrapped around Magorian. The Centaurs charged at Umbridge as Harry grabbed Neville and Elijah, pulling them behind a tree. They could hear Umbridge screaming as the centaurs surrounded her. "Ingrates! Animals! Filthy half-bloods!"


Covering Neville and Elijah's head, Harry looked for the source of the blast that reminded him too much of a gunshot to be ignored. He let out a scream as a Centaur grabbed him.

The other Centaur grabbed Elijah and Neville pulling them out. "What of these three?"

"Those two have been here with Hagrid," the second centaur said in displeasure. "They have heard the warnings and disobeyed. They must suffer the consequences!"

Harry's eyes widened as he thought on his feet. "Wait! It's my fault! That lady, she was keeping us as captives. I knew you were out here and I hoped you would help. I am truly sorry for coming onto your land without permission." Harry bowed his head as the Centaur lowered him to the ground.

"You're not from around here. There is something different about you."

"I hear that a lot. No, I come from far away. Please great Centaur, my friend's dad is in danger. If we do not hurry, it could be too late."

The Centaur turned back to Neville and Elijah, his eyes narrowing. "No. I will not let people who ignore our warnings go. They will suffer!"

The Centaur drew his bow when a crashing came from behind them. Trees were ripped from the ground like twigs, being tossed aside from the giant.

"What is that?!" Harry reared away as Grawp roared and the centaurs stopped dead in their tracks.

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