Part 26~Department of Mysteries

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Harry was in shock as he looked up at the giant. This was not what he was expecting.

"Haggar!" Grawp looked around the space, spotting Elijah and Neville. "Nevy! Where Haggar?"

The centaur raised their bows, pointing at the giant as Neville screamed. "Grawp, help us!"

Grawp roared at the command, beating his chest. "Grawp save Nevy!" Grawp reached out for them but the centaurs let their arrows fly. Grawp roared in agony as the arrows peppered him across the face and chest. He started stomping on the ground, almost like he was trying to squash the scattering centaurs. "Grawp want Haggar!"

Harry wasted no time, grabbing Neville and Elijah, dragging them away from the fight. He could hear Grawp in the distance as he reached the edge of the forest. Harry stopped, trying to catch his breath. "Please tell me you knew the giant was there."

Neville nodded as Harry let out a sigh of relief.

"You two, are crazy. But... good plan Neville."

Neville beamed at the praise. "I thought it worked out rather nicely."

Elijah looked between them. They couldn't be serious! "And what exactly do we do now?!"

"That's just what we were wondering." Spinning, the three came face to face with Ron, Ginny, Luna and Draco, all of who appeared from around Hagrid's hut. "So, how do we get to the Ministry?" Ron tossed Harry, Neville and Elijah their wands.

"I should imagine we fly," Harry announced as he put away his wand.

"We've got no brooms," Elijah snapped slightly as Luna stepped forward.

"There are other ways to fly." She nodded in the direction of the forest, making Harry smile. "I mean, they can fly and they're very good at finding places you need to go."

Slowly, four horse-like creatures walked out, watching them. Harry's eyes widened in wonder as he stood up. "What are those?"

Ron shared a confused look with the rest. "What are what?" He looked directly at the horses but he couldn't see them.

"There's nothing there, Harry." Hermione shook her head, hoping that Harry hadn't finally lost it.

"Yes, there is. Can't you see them?" Elijah stood up, confusion on his face as the others shook their heads.

"Well, I can see them," Draco claimed while folding his hands over his chest.

Luna chuckled a little. "They're Thestrals. You can't see them unless you've seen someone die."

Elijah turned back to the group, his eyes landing on Neville who was quiet and looking at the floor. He gently reached out, taking Neville's hand as Neville finally looked up. "I can see them too."

Elijah smiled as he spun around with a hurried expression. "All right, then. Get on one, and we'll be off."

Ron gaped in shock. "And what about those of us who can't see them?"

Luna walked over as she spoke. "I'll show you."

Harry had to resist cheering. Whether it was flying on a broom or a hippogriff or a Thestral, he loved flying. He flew with Ginny, while Luna paired up with Hermione, Elijah was with Neville and Draco was with Ron. They thought it would be best to have at least one person who could see on each Thestral leading to their pairings.

The Thestrals dived as Hermione shrieked in surprise. Hermione will never be good at flying, whether it was in this world or the next.

Soaring through London was such a thrill but of course, it had to end as they landed in front of the telephone booth. Shakingly, Ron jumped off the Thestral, stumbling a little. "Never again..."

Harry chuckled as he easily climbed off and helped Ginny down. "What now, Elijah?"

Elijah took confident steps towards the telephone booth, opening the door and stepping inside. Due to the group size, they had to go in two groups- Harry offering to lead the second.

The lift ground to a halt as the doors swung open. Harry stepped out, Luna, Ginny and Hermione joining him as they reunited with the others. The receptionist area was annoyingly impressive with a golden fountain. At least the place was completely deserted and deathly silent.

Fanning out, they drew their wands. Harry knew exactly where he was going but he knew Elijah didn't. Snape had already confirmed that Elijah didn't have a trial. While Umbridge may have sent the Dementors, Snape was the one to perform the charm.

Harry grabbed Luna, shushing her as he led her to the lift. Leaving the others behind, Harry walked to the Department of Mysteries. The department was abandoned just like the rest of the building. "Where is everyone?"

"The Ministry closed a half-hour ago. I expect they all went home."

Harry nodded at Luna's theory, walking through. "I suppose if Morning Star is really here, that's how he got in unnoticed."

It was easy to find the door from his dreams, pulling it open. They made their way down the long hallway, reaching the door at the end of the hall. Twisting the handle, the door swung open.

"Stay close." Harry stepped into the next room. The room was circles, filled with identical doors all the way around. Blue-flamed candles illuminated the space. As Luna entered, the door sang shut with an echoing bang.

"Now where?"

Harry honestly had no idea. It wasn't like he had dreamt this. "Let's just try a few until we find the right one." Harry opened the first door, stepping inside as Luna followed. The room was like an upside-down ziggurat, huge steps lead to the bad of the pit. On the lowest level rest a dark, grey veil which fluttered as if there was a breeze. Soft whispers filled the room. "Well, that's not creepy. Who's there?"

He clambered down to the veil, staring hard at it. The whispers grew stronger as if reacting to Harry.

"Sirius?" Harry didn't understand. Was that Sirius? "You hear that right?"

Luna nodded. "It's coming from the Veil." Together, they look at the veil. This didn't make sense. Harry stepped closer, caution clear in his movements. "Harry?" Harry didn't respond, walking closer. "There are people in there!"

Harry reached out towards the veil when Luna grabbed him. She tried to pull him away but his eyes were still locked on the veil. The whispers had grown louder, turning into harsh moans.

"Harry! We're here for Snape, remember?"

As if breaking the spell, Luna's words finally reached him. He blinked and dropped his hand. "Snape... yeah."

Luna carefully led him away from the veil. The moans returning to whispers that muttered angrily from their prey escaping.

Once they returned to the room of doors, Luna marked the door they had gone through. Harry tried the next door but it was locked. Not even an Alohomora could budge it.

Walking through the next door, they found themselves inside a clock room. Every and any surface was covered in clocks. "Maybe it would have been wise to take Elijah after all." Harry spotted a door at the back, slowly opening it.

The room was gigantic, over fifty feet high and incredibly long. Rows and rows of shelves decorated every space, full of dozens of dusty golden orbs. Once again, blue-flamed candles illuminated the space.

"Well, this is where Arthur was so I guess that's a start." Drawing out their wands, Harry led the way through the aisle. They peered down each row, turning down one and walking to the end. The end opened into another wide aisle that was empty. Harry knelt down, brushing against the ground. "This is where Arthur was."

"Harry, look." Luna pointed up at one of the orbs. It had Elijah's name on the label. Well, more exactly, it had 'S.P.T to T.M.R: The Light Lord and (?) Elijah Snape.'

Harry reached out in confusion. "What's his name doing here?"

"Don't touch it, Harry!" Luna's warning didn't reach him in time. Harry's screams echoed throughout the Ministry, reaching Elijah who looked around in panic.


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