Part 17~Going back to Hogwarts

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Screeching, the train pulled away from the station as Elijah walked down the corridor. "I'm telling you, something is wrong with Harry." Elijah threw his hands in the air as Fred and George shook their heads.

"Oh, come on, Eli. So what if Harry has a slight connection with the Light Lord so do you?" Fred pulled open the door as he spoke, motioning for the others to enter. Once the door was closed, he pulled up a silencing charm.

"Riddle didn't just say that Harry had a connection, he said that Harry was a part of Morning Star's plan. It makes no sense. If Riddle knows that Harry is dangerous, why is he letting Harry walk around?!"

George hummed slightly as he tapped his chin. "Maybe he's playing a role similar to what McGonagal did in the first war?"

"Be a spy? That doesn't seem right. No offence to Harry but he's not the most subtle person." Fred looked at his twin as he made his point.

Elijah groaned as he sat back, crossing his arms over his chest. "I still don't like it."

"Just remember, you were the first to accept Harry even after he was put in Gryffindor. Because Harry has stuck beside you and us, he isn't liked in his own house. If you accuse him of doing something he hasn't done, it could force him to the Light Lord's side. Just be careful of how you approach this."

Elijah knew Fred was right. That didn't mean he had to like it. He was a Slytherin. He'll figure out what Harry is doing without Harry ever working it out!

Harry sighed as he looked out the window. He was not in a good mood. Elijah has been avoiding him and he didn't know why. He had yet another nightmare last night and he was sure Snape kept giving him weird glances.

Jumping, Harry spun to look at the person knocking on the door. Oh, great.

"Hello again. It's been a while." Tarra strolled in with a smirk on her face as she sat opposite Harry. "I see you've ignored my advice."

Harry glanced at Tarra with a disappointed expression.

"But that's not the point. I'm here to pass on a message. The Light Lord says everything is moving into place and to expect an update soon."

Harry shot up at Tarra's announcement. "What kind of update?"

"Oh, don't play dumb Harry. The Light Lord appreciates everything you've done for him and wishes you to keep gaining the snake's trust. Soon the Light Lord will update you on our latest target." Tarra stood up as she walked out, locking eyes with the figure in the corner as she left.

Harry groaned as he leaned back. Well, that was weird and unhelpful.

Elijah sighed as he walked into the dungeons. His dad was waiting behind his desk with a pensive at his side. "Come on, Elijah. Let's get this started."

Elijah crept across the classroom, sitting in the chair. He slightly wished they weren't in a classroom. It kind of made the whole thing feel like a lecture. Well, it was a lecture but that was hardly the point.

"As you are well aware, I will be teaching you Occlumency. The headmaster feels you should learn this form of magic to defend yourself against the Light Lord, who is skilled at Legilimency."

"Of course dad. You taught me this when I was five. But, I thought eye contact is normally required for Legilimency to work."

"It is but in your case, it is somewhat different. Your scar has forged a connection between you and the Dark Lord.  When your mind is most relaxed, such as when you are sleeping, you receive the Light Lord's thoughts and feelings. The headmaster believes that it is inadvisable for this to continue."

Elijah hummed. "Very well, let's get started."

Snape stood up, pulling out his wand. He placed his wand against his head and drew out a glowing string of memory and dropped it into the pensive. "Draw your wand now, Eli. I want you to use any spell you can think of to try and repel me."

Elijah nodded as he closed his eyes and aimed his wand. "I'm ready."


Elijah gasped as the spell hit him causing him to stagger backwards. Memories flashed through his mind. Images of him, Snape and Lily when he was younger. Images of meeting Draco for the first time and the very first time he met Neville. Elijah couldn't stop Snape from finding the one memory Elijah did not want him to find.

Elijah rubbed his eyes as he made his way along the corridor. Ever since returning to school, he had made no progress with Harry. He knew there was something up with Harry, he just didn't know what yet. And he's about to walk into someone.

Skidding to a stop, Elijah halted as he blushed.

"Oh, Eli! Are you okay? You look tired." Neville brushed strands of Elijah's hair away as he looked into the jade eyes.

"I'm fine."

"You sure? You look like you're about to fall over."

"Yeah, I think so." Elijah chuckled as he stumbled slightly. "Anyway, I've been meaning to talk to you."

Neville's eyes widened as he started shifting on his foot. "What?! Is everything alright?"

"Oh, no. I mean yes, everything is fine. Everything is fine..." Elijah looked around panicked as he lowered his head. "It's just... our next Hogsmead trip, it falls on February the 14th."


"And well..."

"Oh my gosh, you're so bad at this." Both boys screamed as Draco rounded the corner and hit Elijah around the back of his head. "What this idiot is trying to say, is that he wants you to go to Hogsmead with him on Valentine's day. You're welcome." Draco gave a mocking bow as he left the blushing Elijah and Neville behind.

"Sorry... He doesn't know what he is talking about." Elijah glanced around as he stumbled away.

"So you don't want to go?"

If it was possible, Elijah's blush grew as he hid his face. "Well, if you want to go..."

"I would love that!"

Elijah shot up, his eyes sparkling. "Wait, really?"


"Oh, that's amazing! I'll see you soon then." Elijah hugged Neville before charging down the corridor.

"Told you he would say yes," Draco claimed as he spotted Elijah.

"Oh, shut up." Elijah pushed Draco away who kept smirking at him.

"I. Told. You."

Elijah stumbled back as Snape lowered his wand. "What was that?"

Glancing away, Elijah backed away from his dad. "An agreement of platonically meeting this cute boy... fuck." Elijah regretted all his life decisions as he turned around. "Well, I'll just go drown in the lake."

"Elijah, why did it have to be that boy! He's awful at potions!"

"Well, night dad!"



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