Part 20~Stop Butting In

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Elijah sighed as he sat at the Slytherin table, picking at his food. Spring had come but the morning had started a little too early for his taste. Catching Elijah off guard, an owl dropped a letter next to his plate before flying off.

Draco wasted no time, stealing the letter and opening it. He pulled out a copy of the Quibbler. Elijah smiled at the front page.

Elijah let out a surprised yelp as a dozen more owls dropped letters on him. He covered his head as the letters rained around him. "What on earth?"

Draco chuckled lowly as he helped save his friend, removing the letters from Elijah's shoulders. "Fan mail, obviously. Responses to the article."

"Which article is that, dear?" The duo turned, seeing Umbridge standing above them.

"I have just published an article telling the real story about what happened last June," Elijah claimed proudly.

Umbridge instantly turned an ugly shade of purple as her rage grew. "Where is this article?" Draco showed off the article as Umbridge darkened. "Right, I will confiscate this. Anyone found in possession of this magazine will be expelled." Umbridge stalked off as Harry gaped.

"Now hang on a second. Expelling anyone with the Quibbler is taking away students rights." Harry had his own copy of the Quibbler in hand like usual but Umbridge snatched it out his hand, repetition her announcement. "But there was an article on the snapback Lionhart fish..." Harry slumped on the table in disappointment as Draco beamed in triumph.

Elijah looked at Draco with a confused expression. "What?"

"She’s done it to herself. Banning the article will only make people want to read it more!"

Harry glared at Draco, muttering under his breath. "That's nice for you, you didn't care about the other articles."

Elijah stood in front of the R.A. again. "We've been doing so well, I thought we'd work on some defensive blocking spells tonight."

Spells flew around the air. Elijah ducked under the occasionally ricochet spell, pacing through his students. He smiled at his students as they fought against each other.

Harry found this easy but he wasn't about to brag with the amount of tension Elijah clearly had about him. Fred and George were also weird and Neville was missing which caused Elijah to be even more tense

Elijah stepped aside, about to help one of the students when a crack snapped at the side. Dobby appeared in the middle of the students, looking around frantically. "Mr Draco Malfoy!"

Draco turned to the small house elf. "What is it, Dobby?" The house-elf had gone quiet, clamping his hands over his mouth.

"She-" Dobby stopped, terrified and shaking.

Draco genuinely looked worried, trying to soothe his house-elf. Well, that was weird. "Who, Dobby?"

Dobby shook his head as Elijah's knelt beside him. "Is it Umbridge?" Dobby nodded as Elijah shot up, horrified.

Dobby forced his arm down as he took a deep breath. Draco was still trying to soothe his as Dobby looked around him. "She knows, Elijah Snape. She's coming!"

Elijah spun around, opening the door with a wave of his wand. "Get out of here! Now!"

Rushing, the student charged out the door. Elijah ushered them all out safely before he exited himself.

He pelted up a hallway, making his way back to the safety of the common room. Gasping, he was thrown to the side as a spell hit his back. Tarra jumped out from behind a statue as she spun the wand in her hand. "Got you, Snape. Over here, Professor! I've got one- ouch!"

Tarra was flung back as a spell hit her eyes. Elijah felt someone grabbing him and grabbing him away. Harry covered Elijah's mouth, shushing him.

They could hear Umbridge arriving and ordering for Tarra to find them again. Elijah blinked up at Harry in mild confusion. "Why did you do that?"

"Because she attacked you. And because I don't like her. We shouldn't move until we know they're not there." Harry sat back, leaning against the wall. "Hey, why have you been following me?"

Elijah shot up, gasping. "I haven't been following you."

"Alright. I don't care, nothing I'm not used to but I was interested to know what you thought was going on. You're either the guy who overheard me talking to Riddle or the one Tarra fed information to. I'm just interested to know which one you are." Harry waved off the event like it was normal, making Elijah feel bad.


"And the answer is?"

"I overheard you and Headmaster Riddle."

"Ah. So the better of two evils. Though, I'm glad you overheard him."

"You are?"

"Well, it's better than you thinking the only reason I hang out with you guys is to get information for the Light Lord. At least with Riddle then you know I'm on your side if a little questionable." Harry sat back with a relieved sigh, hitting his head against the stone.

"So... you are a spy? George was right?"

Harry shot up at that, "the twins know? Guess that explains their weird attitude during training. And I'm not a spy per se." Harry narrowed his eyes, thinking over the answer. He needed to keep Elijah in the dark. "It's more that my family used to be big supporters of the Light Lord during the war. We think he's going to try using me to do something but I don't know what."

Elijah's eyes widened as he gasped. He was about to say something when he left something poking into the back of his neck.

"Move, and I'll send you into the wall." Tarra motioned for Elijah and Harry to walk out as Umbridge hurried over.

"It's him. Well done, Tarra. Come on Snape, Potter. We're going to see the Headmaster!" Umbridge turned to Tarra. "Search everywhere for the others, Tarra. Round them all up. Check everywhere, bathrooms, the library, empty classrooms. We must find them!"

Tarra nodded, rushing off around the hallway as Umbridge pushed Elijah forward. Harry just hoped this would be quick.

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