Part 11~Wake Up

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Elijah yelled at the top of his lungs, his eyes closed tightly. Elijah snapped his jaw out, snarling madly like a wild animal. His body shook as a seizure took over his body. Screaming with a mix of rage and horror, Elijah shook the bed with his thrashing.

Draco was awake in a second, looking over as he rushed to Elijah's bed.

"Elijah! What's happening to him!" Draco tried to wrestle with Elijah as he let out another scream. His eyes snapped open but they weren't the green eyes Elijah usually had. His eyes were pure white, no pupil insight. He tried to bite Draco yet again but he didn't get close. "Get Sev! Go!" Draco watched as Blaise jumped up and ran out the door.

Harry gasped as he rolled out of bed, clinging to his forehead. This was different from any time before. Every time before, he could tell it was Voldemort. He could tell someone was in danger and he had learnt to recognise the signs. This was different. It didn't feel like Voldemort and it wasn't like he- or anyone he knew was in danger- it was more like an echo. Maybe someone in his world was in danger.

"Harry? What are you doing?" Seamus leaned over his bed to look at Harry. "Your bleeding!"

Feeling his forehead, Harry brought down his blood-covered fingertips. Okay, that was new. In all the years Harry had to deal with his scar hurting, it had never actually bled.

"Stay there," Seamus ordered, jumping up as Harry pushed himself off the floor.

Harry felt his vision blurring as an image forced its way in.

"Harry!" Seamus ran over as Harry fell.

"Arthur... Arthur's in danger... Find Arthur..." Harry couldn't stay awake any longer as his heavy eyes fluttered close.


"Elijah! Elijah!" Draco shook Elijah as the colour returned to his eyes.

Draco backed off as Elijah blinked, a confused look on his face. Draco let out a relieved sigh as he brushed Elijah's hair to the side. Draco's joy was short-lived as Elijah let out a shriek of burning agony. He clutched at his scar, his eyes crossed as he became unable to focus. Elijah started to writhe in pain- falling off the bed before Draco could stop him as Snape charged in.

"Elijah!" Snape ran to Elijah, trying to grab his son but the second his fingers came into contact with Elijah's skin, he yelped as if the touch burnt. Snape backed off even though he didn't want to.

Elijah rocked to the side, vomiting up his dinner. Jumping up, Snape pulled out his wand but he didn't know what to do. Snape had watched his son grow up and he had many attacks caused by Morning Star's moments but this was a thousand times worse than anything Snape had seen before. He hated that he couldn't help Elijah.

Almost as suddenly as it started, it stopped. Elijah slumped forward, his eyes fluttering shut.

"Wake up Eli! Come on, wake up, please..." Snape was not a caring person, it didn't take the most perceptive person in the world to work that out but after what he just watched his son go through, Snape was barely holding it together.

Elijah's eyes finally fluttered back open as Snape helped him sit up. He looked around himself frantically. "Mr Weasley is being attacked," Elijah shouted as he tried to force himself up.

Snape held onto his son, making sure Elijah didn't fall over again. "You dreamed this, Eli?"

"No, I saw it happen! I... I was there..." Elijah ran his hand through his hair, a tired and panicked expression in his eyes.

"Are you sure, Elijah?"

"Yes! We've got to do something or he will die!"

"We're going to see the Headmaster," Snape announced, hoping it will help Elijah calm down. "Draco, I want you to wake up the twins and bring them to me." Draco nodded as he ran out of the room. "It'll be okay, Eli."

"Harry! Come on mate, wake up!"

Harry felt a stinging in his cheek as his eyes snapped open. Seamus stood to his right, both Grabbe and Goyle awake and staring at him. Harry rubbed his cheek, hissing slightly. "Did you have to slap me?"

"You weren't waking up," Seamus shrugged, pushing Harry into a sitting position. "What happened?" Seamus pulled open a small medi-kit that Harry couldn't help but raise his eyebrow up at.

"I don't know," Harry muttered, running his hand through his hair. He let out a hiss from the pain that throbbed out.

"Careful, I haven't treated it yet." Seamus pulled back Harry's hair as Harry tried to comb through his thoughts. "What the fuck?!" Seamus jumped back with wide eyes. Harry looked up at him in confusion.

"Is something wrong?" Harry tried to force down the growing fear in his stomach as Seamus looked at him with a mix of confusion and betrayal.

"Your... Your cut! It's... It's a lightning bolt!"

Harry's eyes widened as it occurred to him that he wasn't the boy-who-lived here. He shouldn't have the scar. Reaching up to cover the scar, he tried to find any excuse he could come up with. It was moments like this when Harry questioned why the hat ever thought he would be a good Slytherin. Looking into the other's eyes, he didn't know what else to do.

Snape opened the door, leading Elijah, George and Fred inside Dumbledore's office. He stopped in shock as he spotted Harry, McGonagall, Blaise and Riddle. Well, this was a party.

"It's okay, can you tell me what happened," Riddle soothed but Harry said nothing.

He hunched over himself, blood still dripping down. Harry lifted his head as the others walked in, his eyes widening at the sight of Elijah. "He's going to die," Harry announced shocking everyone. "He's going to die if you don't do anything."

Fred and George paled at Harry's warning.

Riddle looked at Harry, a worried look on his face. "Who's going to die?"

"Arthur... Arthur is going to die." Harry locked eyes with Riddle, the blood making him even scarier. "That's what you wanted to say, wasn't it, Elijah?"

Elijah stumbled forward. "How do you know that?"

Harry shook his head, leaning back. "If I knew the answer to that I would be one step closer to getting home. And if I was you, I wouldn't focus on me in this situation, Mt Weasley is the one dying alone in the ministry of Magic."

Riddle looked at Snape who nodded. He turned, whispering to one of the portraits as Harry watched. As the man in the portrait disappeared, Riddle turned back to the crowd, motioning for everyone to sit. "Once this is over, I'm going to need an explanation from both of you."

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