Part 22~Traitor

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Harry dreaded breakfast. As he sat down, he waited for the announcement.

Umbridge stood up from the staff table, holding a parchment. "'By order of the Ministry of Magic: Dolores Jane Umbridge will replace Tom Riddle as Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'"

Several gasps of horror echoed around the students as Umbridge smirked at them, looking over them all smugly. "My first act as your new Headmistress is to form an Inquisitorial Squad, lead by Tarra White. They will report directly to me about the goings-on in the halls of this school."

Tarra sat up proudly as Harry glared at her before going back to glare at Umbridge.

"Furthermore, our good caretaker, Mr Filch has requested we reinstate the 'old punishments.' I have decided that there is no reason we shouldn't." Filch stood at the back of the hall, grinning like a kid at Christmas as Harry sighed. And so starts the year from hell.

Walking through the library, Harry searched for the book. Riddle's note was surprisingly unhelpful in the fact that Harry could barely read the headmaster's writing but he thinks he knows what he's looking for.


Harry tried to ignore Tarra, continuing his search when Crabbe and Goyle grabbed him.

"Don't ignore me! You didn't listen to my warning!"

"Well, no offence but you also told me to get close to them. How was I supposed to know which order was correct?" Harry smirked as Goyle punched him, causing him to groan. At least it wasn't a curse.

"You were meant to give me information! But you seem to have gone rogue, now haven't you. You are no longer welcome in the Gryffindor dorms."

"Oh, what a shame." Harry gasped as Crabbe punched him and Tarra gripped his hair, pulling him up to glare in his eyes.

"You're lucky I'm letting you go. If I see you in the dorms, I won't be so kind." Tarra clicked her fingers as Crabbe and Goyle dropped Harry and followed her out.

Harry rubbed his stomach as he pulled himself up from the ground, his eyes catching an over-decorated gold written book. Pulling it from the shelf, Harry cheered. He had the book!

Stumbling up, Harry sat in the corner, flicking open the pages.


Taking a deep breath, Harry looked up. Who was distracting him this time? "Oh, Seamus? Can I help you?"

"I brought you this." Seamus placed Harry's bags on the ground, shuffling nervously as Harry shot up. Harry checked the bags. There wasn't anything missing that wasn't missing beforehand.

"Wow, thanks, Seamus." Harry closed his bags, bringing his book back up to read. Seamus was still standing in front of him making him self conscious. "Is there something else you wanted?"

Seamus sat down, his eyes darkened. "Do you believe Elijah?"

Letting out a laugh. "Of course I do. Do you not?"

"I don't know but I know what my family believes..."

Harry's eyes widened. If all the Slytherins back home had death eater parents, it made sense that the Gryffindor here had the death eaters parents. Or at least the equivalents. He really had to ask Snape about that. "Are your parents forcing you to join the Light Lord?"

Seamus nodded, his head lowered.

"Well, don't worry about them. I'm sure we can protect you. The others will keep you safe."

"Are you sure?"

Harry wanted to say yes but the only way he could promise that truthfully, was if he stayed. "I'm sure Elijah will do his best."

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